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Shorty Leg[edit]


None may know the name Jeremiah Johnson Tecker, but all fear Shorty Leg, born in Cork. He was 14 years old when he freed himself from the Shark's manacles, turned two cannons loaded with grapeshot at the captain's cabin, and fired. The recoil whipped off one of his legs. In 1717, he was found and brought aboard the Jolly Roger by One Eyed Jack after drifting for two weeks on a makeshift raft.

Using a steel cooking pot and the sun's rays, he had taken the salt from the sea water , thus having water to drink. He knocked the fish on the head with his peg-leg. Thereafter, it became his weapon of choice. Taken on as ship's surgeon.

Detective's Notebook[edit]

Carnby, if you read this, it means I am dead. The Saunders child was kidnapped by One Eyed Jack, despite what the newspaper claimed. That man is a monster, obsessed with gambling and death. Hell's Kitchen is full of secret passages. I am sure that for one of them, the solution is in the cards. Remember our poker games. I can also tell you that the gang makes whisky in the cellar and transports it by boat at high tide, from a cave in the cliff.

Carnby, you must rid the world of that filth and save the girl, if you can. It is time for the slave to become stronger than the master ![1]

Music Man's Pact[edit]

By this pact signed by me, Sean O'Leary, called Music Man, and Elisabeth Jarret, arm of the evil powers, I'm granted immortality. This pact is renewable every 100 years. In return I swear fidelity and obedience to my masters. Should this document be destroyed in my presence or if I come to die, the galleon will shelter me for 2 days.

Signed off the coast of Haiti on the 25th of December in the year of 1724.[2]

Life and Times of the Freebooters[edit]


"My iron fist will lead you till it freezes in Hell !" Cheers rang out at this promise. Hanging by the foot from a spar, the one-armed man begged for mercy. One Eyed Jack looked up at him with his good eye and said, "May the sun cure your flesh and tan your stinking hide, you poxy cur !" Black Hat stood ready. The shark's fin glided close by. "No, not that..." yelped the one-armed sea-dog. Black Hat threw his hat and it cut the rope. The one-armed man did not swim long.

"Hurrah for the cap'n !" roared the shipmates. "Caramba, that seems a little harsh," muttered Luis. The new cook, T. Bone, glared... "Maybe you want a swim too, eh ?" he growled. "No señor, I beg you... I say nothing..." "Then shut your gob and do as you're told ! Three knocks if you want to enter the cap'n cabin... And forget One-Arm. His cooking was only fit for swine !"

Music Man[edit]


"My music is a requiem". Sean O'Leary from Dublin dreamed of becoming a harpsichordist, but was hounded from the country after throwing three guests through a window for having suggested that his Vivaldi was perhaps slightly fast. He joined the 3rd Highlanders and lost a hand at the siege of Gibraltar. He deserted and studied the accordion under Sancho Fernandez, the mad armourer. Hiding out in the Leeward Islands, he did many lowly jobs.

He was almost lynched during the red night and sought refuge with One Eyed Jack. He became one of his lieutenants after the Cao Bang massacre. Oct 1712. Musician.

T. Bone[edit]


From Inisfree, Tom Flaherty is better known as T. Bone. He ran off after setting fire to Donovan's Inn, and sailed the China seas. At Yen T'ai, he joined up with two sushi experts fascinated by gold, the "Cookies". They were accused of raiding Madam Jojo's gambling house. Following a spectacular escape from the jail in Macao, these three men were taken on by Jack. By force of sneakiness, T. Bone got One-Arm out of his way and took his place as the Jolly Roger's cook.

T. Bone is a master of the blowpipe, and likes to leave his two mates to carve the meat. Joined 24 March. Cook.

Billiards Manual[edit]

By the Honourable Senator Grandt

As soon as I could, between two sessions, I would practise my skills with the two-bands. I managed some splendid shots... But I was far from attaining my dream of potting three balls at the same time... The legendary shot. I leave that to the expert players of "Mandarin", the game of Chinese billiards, at which I have never been more than a bumbler. I have enough trouble shooting two consecutive doubles, as I did during a very long game with Elisha Commstock...

Yet I did see a ruffian by the name of De Witt accomplish what I had thought impossible: the fellow actually managed two triples before my eyes ! From then on, I practised feverishly, even renouncing alcohol and wine which poisons the spirit's sentries. 7 days later, the powdered rascal took $300 from me ! I was so furious that I later refused to preside over the defense commission ! With my gold in his pocket, he sneered at me: "Senator, you would need many lives to beat me !"

I intended to challenge him to another match but De Witt disappeared completely. I was sickened. So downhearted was I that I gave up the game for three years, turning instead to casino gambling... My experiences in that field are described in my last book: "The Jackpot I nearly won".

The Flying Dutchman[edit]


Son of a baron and born of a chambermaid, Frederick De Witt was brought up strictly. At the death of his tutor, he was free to study the alchemical art. Clever with his fingers, he spent much time at the gaming table, ruining Redmond Barry at the game of piquet. An adventure with the Countess of O...forced him to join the navy. He soon deserted his ship/ His skill with cards gained him a reputation in Barbados, where he met One Eyed Jack.

Their one and only game resulted in the massacre of Terra Nova. A friendship was born ! De Witt served Jack as both spy and poisoner, and served well. The princess Isabelita Negroni called him "the brightest star of my nights". Joined in 1715 as pharmacist.

Mister Eye may have another name. Who knows ? Born at Nouamghar and transported to Haiti, his life was chaos until he met Elisabeth Jarret. Initiated into voodoo, he became the hounsi for the new priestess after losing his senses for 14 days and nights. His remarkable eyesight earned him the post of look-out, following the attack of 25 December. Accompanied by his mates, the Look boys, he likes to dance for the crew on calm days.

In fighting, his way with a harpoon is fearful to behold. The pillage of San Cristobal and the sacking of the governor's palace were examples of his thirst for killing... Who can have forgotten how he harpooned the rector Joaro de la Cruz from 30 feet. Joined as look-out on December, 1724

"Ask me to name a man among men and I'll say Black Hat". A bright lad, Alister Fein began his life of crime at the age of 8. To free his father, he placed a toy bear stuffed with dynamite at the gates of Killarney jail. 9 men died. Soft-hearted to a fault, he kept captain Dickson's black hat and stiched blades into its rim.

He then stowed away and ended up in Trinidad, where he took an interest in firearms and became an expert man hunter. One Eyed Jack was sure to learn of such a man. Black Hat: Marksman.

Bubble Blade is the youngest of a family of armourers of Toledo. Trained from birth to handle a sword, he became a duellist of note. At the Prado, he gutted the young viceroy. His famous escape from Santa Sangre is still spoken of in awe. One Eyed Jack recruited him in Mexico, persuading him to say farewell to his 6 magnificent companions in arms. Tales of his famous secret stroke, "the Royal Pardon", soon spread far and wide.

His two-hour fight with Lieutenant Briggs will go down in the history of freebooting. Bubble Blade: 2nd lieutenant.

Chess and Magik[edit]

If the white queen seeks the throne, the king must empower her. May the amulet laid in the centre of the sign open the doorway to space. That is the key to the royal gambit.
Translator's note: This Gaelic poem might have helped Crowley to defeat Tartakover, the man who fed the devil in the box with gold.[3]

Xmas Acme Ltd[edit]

Dear Mr Jack ! Sorry. Stop. We have no more red balls for tree. Stop. Hope you got case of Champagne. Again sorry. Stop. Hector Coward
Xmas Acme Ltd

I Overcame Voodoo[edit]

An unpublished chapter of "Manuscript found in a bottle"

In the heart of the storm, the Malay suddenly emerged from the cabin, waving a chicken leg. The possessed one would have given his soul for chalk. Captain Pregzt's orders rang out about the howling of the tempest: "Do as he says !" A monstrous wave had taken Jovano, the cabin boy. Another terrifying wall of water loomed to starboard, demanding its due. The Malay grabbed the chalk as if it were a diamond-studded crown. Upon the deck, he drew a strange pattern.

"Papa Legba," screamed the demented savage, waving his chicken leg. The effect was prodigious ! The wave stopped where it was, twixt Heaven and Hell. He then searched inside the leather pouch that he had hanging round his neck, and took out a piece of mirror. He placed it in the centre of the altar that stood beneath the mizzen mast, and on which he had drawn a "veve". Drawing from his red belt the strange staff which he always carried, the Malay shook it at the wave and chanted.

The giant wave sank gently into the ocean. "Voodoo, Voodoo," yelled our saviour, as Jovano's body struck the vessel's hull. "I can bring him back !" The Malay looked over at Pregzt who answered, "No, the fool could not even read !"

Parchment Entitled "Immortality"[edit]

Extracts from The Books of Marvels.
Imprimatur MVCCLXXXIII Anno domini

Now we must consider the immortals, and distinguish between those who knows bliss and those who are damned. Pacts with the demon do not guarantee everlasting life in this world. For the lowly henchmen of Satan (or any other name you may give him), mere invocation or combat is enough.

But remember this: there is a time of remission after the first death which rips away earthly appearances, and the second death, which is true and final death, and which leads the damned soul to Hell. The time we call the "Latent Period" is when the cursed one is sent to the time of his damnation and becomes vulnerable once more.

A weapon forged during the pact is enough to send them back to the void. For wizards, it is not so easy. The pact must be eradicated by destruction and conjuring... Whatever the price. That is what the virtuous must pay to remove the curse of an eternal life devoted to sin.

A Powder Plot[edit]

Relating the Mutiny which was declared in 1769 on board H.M.S Dark Horse

Danny Boy, being small of size, was able to pass alongside the salting tub. Clutching a poker, he slipped into the powder room, where Captain Jenkins, his officers and what crew-men remained loyal to King and Country were all gathered. Jenkins was rallying his men with a spirited rendition of "Rule Britannia". Danny stuck the fuse in the keg of powder during the first verse. He let out the string.

No sooner had he lit the end of the fuse with a piece of incandescent metal, when the ship was buffeted by a large wave. A poorly stowed barrel slid from its mooring and blocked the way out. The fuse burned on. The men still sang, except for the trouble-maker, who stood petrified in terror. "Never, never, never shall be slaves" still echoed in the air, when the Dark Horse blew up.

Several of the survivors claimed that Danny Boy had tried to extinguish the fuse by sitting on it. If only provisions of sand had been made ready for such emergencies... From that time on, the stower's name was cursed by all freebooters. And so ended in flame and death the tragic tale of a fine three-master now resting 80 feet under the waves of the balmy Indian Ocean.

  1. The document is splitted in two halves. If you try reading each part without reconstituting the document, you will have half the document missing, making it incomprehensible.
  2. You can tear this document to defeat Music Man.
  3. Same thing as the Detective's Notebook.