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Control Action
Neutral dpad Move cursor
Circle button Close window/cancel
Cross button Advance text/confirm
Square button Skip text
Triangle button Open menu
L1 button Quick save
R1 button Quick load
Start button Automatically advance text
Select button Force skip
Neutral lstick See history, move camera during CGs
Neutral rstick Zoom in/out of CGs


The protagonist. A young girl with poison flowing through her veins that causes imminent death with a single touch. She was whisked away by Arsène escaping arrest by the Royal Guards after being deemed a monster and a threat to public safety. As her memory only goes back two years, she is desperate to find her father, who may hold the key to what came before.

As she is a representation of the player, Cardia's name can be changed before the game begins (with a limit of 5 characters). However, if left as the default, other characters will pronounce her name throughout the story, whereas they say nothing otherwise.