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If you don't have a jetpack, you should have gotten one at Ulence Flats. When the guy offers to buy the hovercraft, take his second offer.

You are at the Deltaur. Wear jetpack and exit ship . Once near the door, do not wander; go to the door, open door , and enter [1]. Wait until a robot comes through and enter the open door. You are now in a room with a trunk. Do not go right. There are two ways to handle this:

  • To do this, you need the Xenon Army Knife. First, you need to dispose of the jetpack in a strange way: Open trunk , put jetpack in trunk , close trunk . Then stand on the right of the trunk and push trunk . Climb trunk , pry vent , and enter vent [2]. Go up one screen (or down three), and to the end of the hallway. Kick vent and open vent . Go right and you will fall into the laundry room [1].
  • Simply open trunk and enter trunk [3]. You will be transported to the laundry room. Then exit trunk . Plus if you have the Xenon Army Knife, you can get the 3 points in the above option by entering close trunk , climb trunk , pry vent , and enter vent , and exiting the vent. Since it is likely a glitch, these 3 points do not count towards full points.

You are now in the laundry room. Do not wait here too long or else a Sarien will come and shoot you. At the laundry machine, open door and enter laundry . A Sarien will come in and turn on the laundry, and you will magically gain an outfit [5]. Exit laundry . You can now explore the Deltaur safely.

Wandering the ship[edit]

Talking to Sariens is optional if you don't care about full points, but if you see a Sarien, talk man [1] and keep talking until he asks you if you have King's Quest II. Say yes [5]. If you want, kiss man [1].

Before doing anything, look clothes . You will discover an ID. Head out the laundry room and go up the elevator (the left one since the right one doesn't work now). To the right is a guard near the Star Generator. You can't do anything here, so head all the way left, up the elevator, and all the way to the right where the armory is.

There are gas grenades on the counter, but you can't get them while the droid is watching. To get them, show the droid your ID (show id ), then take bomb quickly before he comes back [1]. Go up to the droid and get your pulseray [3]. Do not leave without it, because you need it, and you die anyway if you try to leave without your pulseray.

Point underflow glitch
Before losing your helmet, keep going back and forth shooting Sariens. You lose 5 points each, but if you have less than 5 points, it will wrap around to 255. With careful usage of this glitch as well as the "kick body" method for losing points in Arcada, you can end up with 255/202 points!

Go back to the left. It turns out you can't shoot the guard on the ground even if you go to ground floor, because you lose your helmet in the process. Stand directly over him and drop bomb to take him out [5]. If you want, you can go right and get another gas grenade (show id , take bomb ) [1]. Do not show ID more than twice. Left of the Star Generator room on the upper floor, you may meet a Sarien. You can drop your second grenade on him if you wish. If you don't mind losing 5 points, you can shoot him as well. Head left and lose your helmet.

Setting the self-destruct sequence[edit]

File:Sq1 no helmet.png
Lost your helmet?

Fight back.

  • Save often.
  • If you suspect a Sarien may attack, start mashing  F6 . Be careful, as a Sarien may pop up when you are in the middle of the screen.
  • If you see a floating robot, run away.
  • Do not enter the bottom floor of the Star Generator without using the gas grenade on the guard. If you don't have a grenade and the guard is still around, you can't win the game.
  • Do not re-enter the armory.

You get 3 points for shooting a Sarien the first time [3].

Head down the elevator and right to the bottom floor of the Star Generator. Search man for a remote control [3] and press button to disable the force field [3]. Go up to the panel, look panel , use  F6  to input the self-destruct sequence that you read from the cartridge [10]. In case you forgot or didn't bother, it is 6858.

Go left and into the elevator. Be prepared to shoot a Sarien if he comes so you must exit the elevator quickly and face right. Use the right elevator to access the launch bay [1]. Go to the ship, enter ship , and press launch to complete the game [3].