Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Trials and Tribulations/Episode 5: Bridge to the Turnabout/Part 4-1: Trial: Difference between revisions

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{{Header Nav|game=Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Trials and Tribulations}}
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==Day Three: Court Mode==
===Before the Trial===
===Before the Trial===

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At this point, Iris has no point of hiding her true identity any longer and will reveal her true name... Dahlia Hawthorne, permanently retired. It has been a long time...
At this point, Iris has no point of hiding her true identity any longer and will reveal her true name... Dahlia Hawthorne, permanently retired. It has been a long time...

==Court Mode: Part Two==
{{Footer Nav|game=Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Trials and Tribulations|prevpage=Bridge to the Turnabout/Part 3-2: Investigation|prevname=Part 3-2: Investigation|here=Part 4-1: Trial|nextpage=Bridge to the Turnabout/Part 4-2: Trial|nextname=Part 4-2: Trial}}
Still on trial, Dahlia will testify about her role at the time of the crime.
===Dahlia's Testimony: The Plan===
{{Phoenix Wright Testimony
|subtitle=The Plan
|testimony=#...The whole plan began with my death.
#A stupid plan hatched by Morgan Fey to install her own daughter as the next Master.
#But for it to work... Maya Fey would first have to die.
#The idea was for me to kill Maya and then have the blame pinned on Iris.
#The plan went wrong... but it seems to have succeeded anyway.}}
To kill Maya!?
====The Plan: Cross-Examination====
'''Press''' on all of the statements:
'''1'''st: It turns out Morgan and Dahlia met at the prison when the latter was taken in. Since Dahlia was on death row, Morgan discussed the plan to Dahlia, as she knew that without her, Iris, and Maya, Pearl would be the only child to take the Master's position.
'''2'''nd: Dahlia blames her mothers dreams that Pearl was born in the first place.
'''3'''rd: Pearl would not agree with that. Dahlia will say that Morgan didn't care about Pearl at all, in fact, it was the Master's position she dreamed about all along.
'''4'''th: The reason Dahlia pinned the blame on Iris is because, what else, they look absolutely identical. Why would she? Dahlia describes Iris as a backstabber.
'''5'''th You will learn that Dahlia thought Morgan's plan to kill Maya to put Pearl to the Master's postion was stupid and pointless. If so, then why did she follow it anyways? Dahlia says it was for her own purposes.
After pressing all statements, a new one will be added.
*Do you understand why I would kill Maya Fey now? What my goal was?
Those who remember the first and forth episodes in this game will understand why. '''Present Mia Fey's Profile'''. 5 years ago, Dahlia was sentenced to death, thanks to Mia. Dahlia hated her since and wanted revenge. However, since Mia died, she thought it would be impossible to take revenge to the dead directly, so her next plan, to kill someone Mia loves dear. In this case, her sister, Maya. That is why Dahlia took Morgan's plan to kill Maya, to get revenge against Mia!
Dahlia will say that she materialized at 9:30PM and went to the Inner Temple, carrying a staff with her, so it must mean Misty was channeling her. She finds Maya in the front of the lantern. She has no clear memory of what happened, but Dahlia knows is that she was stabbed. Thinking it was Maya, she took the blood from her wrote her name before passing out.
When she came to, she was stuck in he Sacred Cavern, where she was stuck, thanks to the lock. She doesn't know if she killed Maya or not and swore not to back into hell until it is confirmed.
She tried to get out but the lock was in the way. She tried to unlock it, but someone came in, probably Pearl? Two days later, she finally managed to open the lock, but police are everywhere, so she put the lock back in.
Just then, an earthquake, she spotted Iris all alone and thought they could switch places. When she heard everything, she thought she did kill Maya and is being channeled by Misty. Dahlia doesn't think she killed Maya directly, but she suspects she committed suicide by jumping into Eagle River, upon learning that she killed her own mother. Does that mean Maya really is dead!?
And just when "Yes" is the most likely answer, Godot's phone rings. They told him they finally managed to unlock the locks and open the cavern. So, who did they find!? Iris... and no one else.
===Maya is... dead?===
Before you start mourning, Godot asks you a question, did Maya really threw herself into the river with guilt? Godot doesn't think she did, in fact, it's impossible. When asked to prove his claim, '''Present''' either the '''Hazakura Temple Map''', or the '''Dusky Bridge Photo'''. Since the bridge was gone, Maya could only have jumped off the Inner Temple side. And if she did, she could have landed in the rock shelf below, so if she did die by throwing herself in the rock bed, you would have seen her body in this picture.
Dahlia will now ask a question. Where is Maya now? You know she wasn't at the Inner Temple after the bridge collapsed and you have just learned that she wasn't on the rock shelf. This leaves one last possibility. When ask where Maya is now, say that she is '''in this very courtroom'''. How is this possible? Someone could be channeling Dahlia right now?. When asked who, '''Present Maya Fey's Profile'''. Pearl could be so, but she couldn't channel her, so she thinks someone else channeled her first.
Even if Maya is dead, someone else other than Pearl doesn't have spiritual powers.
So you came into a conclusion. After Maya was attacked, she tried to run off, but the bridge was burning. She wondered where somewhere else would be a good place to hide. Maya eventually learned that the best place, was inside her attacker. She must have locked herself in the cavern in the training room and went to channel Dahlia, since without Maya, Dahlia would never find her as long as she is taking over her body.
Maya isn't quite a genius, so what gave her the idea to do something so savvy? That is when Mia comes in, channeled by Pearl. She says she gave Maya the idea. Mia reveals to Dahlia that Maya passed out around the same time as her. When Maya came to, she knew she needed help, so she wrote a letter and channeled Mia for advice. After reading, Mia knew that Dahlia mustn't wonder free, so she tells Maya to lock herself in the cavern and channel Dahlia before Pearl does, because not doing so would be bad news for everyone.
Now watch as you and Mia emotionally destroy Dahlia's pride and taunting her for being eternally inferior. As a result, Dahlia will leave Maya's body and will leave to hell where she will live in despair for all eternity.
Now you finally know that Maya is all right. She passes out.
===Now that SHE is taken care off...===
The real Iris returns and Godot reminds you about "Miss Evil Spirit's" testimony. She says that she was going to kill Maya, but was stabbed in the back when she tried. So one question remains, who killed Misty Fey? Godot likes to call in Maya Fey to the stand as she was the one who witnessed the murder of her own mother.
Godot challenges you to figure everything out... without any help from Mia whatsoever. The Judge calls a recess.
Iris will tell you more about her history with Dahlia. She helped Dahlia with her plan 11 years ago, because she felt sorry for her. Her parents never cared about her, so Dahlia wanted revenge. At the last minute however, she ran away from her. This resulted in the case 6 years ago. Two people were suspicious, Mia and Diego Armando (thought you forget about him). One day, Dahlia poisoned Diego, and tried to hide the poison by giving it to you. She never got it back, which also resulted into a case where she lost in.
You ask Iris one more question, did Iris really took the body to the temple? Iris says she has, because she did everything someone on her phone says. She went to the bridge, but it was burning, so she caught the body and took it to the temple and cleaned the blood off the blade. Iris refuses to tell you who the caller was and leaves for questioning.
Mia will come and tell you that Maya is physically fine, but is emotionally scarred to the fact her mother just died. Mia will tell you Maya will be fine and is strong enough to testify. She will leave you to find the truth alone.
Since the caller was still at the Inner Temple after the crime, you will have to find who the caller is and find out if he/she killed Misty... all by yourself!
==The Final Battle! (Court Mode: Part Three)==
The Judge will announce the results for the test of the dagger. The blood on it was not the Misty's, but they didn't have time to search whose blood. The '''Dagger''' will be updated.
Maya is called up, not looking happy with her bloodline to say the least. Godot encourages her to testify what she saw.
===Maya's Testimony: At the Inner Temple===
{{Phoenix Wright Testimony
|subtitle=At the Inner Temple
|testimony=#I was passing through the garden on the way to a spare prep room when it happened.
#Suddenly, someone struck me over the head...
#I stumbled... and ended up against the stone lantern.
#I think I screamed, "Help me!"
#Then something warm splashed over me...
#That's when... I lost consciousness.}}
====At the Inner Temple: Cross-Examination====
'''Press''' on the '''4'''th statement. Maya will say it was her last hope. When given the choice ask about '''"My last hope"'''. Maya will inadvertently say that there was someone else behind her attacker. She then says she meant to keep that a secret. A new statement will be added anyways.
*I could see a man behind my attacker by the light of the stone lantern.
'''Present''' the '''Stone Lantern''' in that statement. The lights were off, so there was no way she could see the person behind her attacker, let alone recognizing him as a man. Maya doesn't want you to go on, but you have to to find the truth. When asked who this person was, '''Present Godot's Profile'''. You have the court turn off the lights in the courtroom. They do so and what do you know? Godot's recognizable visor is brighten. It looks like Maya saw Godot.
Godot has The Judge ask Maya if she saw Godot's glowing visor. Maya denies it and says she could tell that he is a man for different reasons. Maya will testify again.
===Maya's Testimony: The Killer===
{{Phoenix Wright Testimony
|subtitle=The Killer
|testimony=#...When I came to, I was just lying there on the Training Hall floor.
#By the time I got back to the garden, the place had totally changed...
#The torches were lit... And the body was gone.
#And all of the snow around the stone lantern had been carefully cleaned up, too.
#Since the person did all that work alone, I just assumed it was a man...}}
====The Killer: Cross-Examination====
First of all, '''Press''' on the '''3'''rd statement. You will bring up a question. Why did the killer lit up the torches? Why did he put so much effort to move the body?
'''Press''' on the '''4'''th statement. The snow was removed in an unnatural rectangular shape. The killer probably tried to remove the snow to cover up the blood. But why so many?
Now, '''Press''' on the '''2'''nd statement. You ask Maya why the killer would tamper with the scene (She won't answer until you press the above statements). Maya will guess that it was to protect her. If Bikini saw the blood, she would have thought that Maya did it since she was the only one there. A new statement is added.
*I think it was for my sake that the killer cleaned up the evidence of what had happened.
'''Present''' the '''Stone Lantern''' on that statement. The killer removed the blood-splattered snow and removed the body, but he forgot to do one thing, wipe off the bloody-writing that said "Maya" on it. How could he have done that mistake if he was protecting her? You are asked for an explanation, say that '''The killer didn't notice it'''. Anyone can have noticed the writing, except people with certain conditions. When asked who would miss it, '''Present Godot's Profile'''.
You remind the court about the events recently. Godot presented the stone lantern and didn't notice the red blood. You then recall the Trés Bien poisoning case when Godot presented the apron and didn't notice the ketchup. Godot will admit that he could not see red in his visor.
If that is ture, then Godot has to be the killer. You will explain about the shoveled snow. If the killer wanted to removed the bloody snow, why didn't he just shovel the bloody area rather than the whole yard? The killer could not have seen the blood, not because the lanterns were not lit, as you have proven they were.
Just then, Maya interrupts. Just why is she defending Godot? She requests for another testimony this time about Pearl.
===Maya's Testimony: After the Incident===
{{Phoenix Wright Testimony
|subtitle=After the Incident
|testimony=#Pearly was also stuck on the Inner Temple side that night!
#The next morning, she looked around, but couldn't find anyone.
#The next day, when the bridge was finally fixed, she was in the spare prep room.
#That's when Mr. Godot arrived at the Inner Temple for the first time!
#He found Pearly first, and cheered her right up!}}
====After the Incident: Cross-Examination====
'''Press''' on the '''5'''th statement. You will hear from Godot that he was investigating. Ask about '''Godot's investigation'''. Just what did he find at the Inner Temple? Godot will say he found a poster with Misty Fey in it "clad in her stunning Japanese garb surrounded by the hue andaroma of Western tastes."
There it is, the weak spot! '''Present''' the '''Hanging Scroll''' on the '''4'''th statement. If he had seen the scroll with Misty Fey on it, then the way he described it, he had seen it before the murder occurred, it was covered in gravy afterwords. So Godot was there way before the murder happened.
So why was Godot at the Inner Temple? Could it be that he knew of the plan all along? If so, how? When given the chance, '''Present''' the '''Burnt Letter'''. Morgan planned the murder a year ago, but when Pearl already found it, the seal was broken, as if someone already opened it. How could Godot have seen it when the letter was hidden? Probably because one of his visits at the Detention Center. At one point, Morgan told her about the letter. Godot had probably knew about the letter because he was eavesdropping!
Godot will ask you one more question, why would he go through the trouble to read a letter after eavesdropping, go to the Inner Temple to wait for the crime to occur. And sacrifice someone just to protect someone he doesn't know. Godot has no reason to save Maya from danger if he doesn't know her. But, you should already know that he protected her for a different reason. When asked to present evidence for a reason, '''Present Mia Fey's Profile'''.
Godot had worked alongside Mia as a defense attorney. And his name, Diego Armando, obviously!
===Godot's Tragedy===
Godot will now tell you a story of his tragedy. It started after the case with Fawles. Six months after the case, which Mia failed to unmask Dahlia, Dahlia wanted to talk with Diego. Diego went to the courthouse and was poisoned by her. He went into the coma for five years before finally waking up. By then, he had lost everything. Mia was dead and Dahlia was sentenced to death. Godot blamed you for not protecting her, because you could have done so while he was away.
Diego, now Godot, was very distraught that he wasn't able to protect Mia, but that fateful day made him made up for it. He overheard Morgan's plan, giving hope to Godot. He could protect Mia's only sister to make up for things, but to do that, he needed help. He contacted Misty, who agreed to help as Maya's life was in danger. He also contacted Iris, who helped with the murder.
Elise (Misty) had Pearl read with her so she wouldn't go to the Inner Temple to channel Dahlia. However, Pearl went to the temple anyways due to her concern with Maya. This lead Misty with no choice. She would channel Dahlia before Pearl and Godot would come out of hiding to save Maya, yet sacrificing her mother's life.
Godot (Diego) is done with his confession and asks you to do the rest. You have proven his motive, but now you have to prove to the court that Godot (Diego) killed Misty. You will now hear the last testimony of the game, much to Maya's reluctance.
===Maya's Testimony: The Time of the Murder===
{{Phoenix Wright Testimony
|subtitle=The Time of the Murder
|testimony=#...Just before it happened, I think I saw some red lights. Three of them.
#I thought I'd ask for help, but... just then I was splattered with blood!
#She wasn't dead though... And she struck back at the enemy behind her.
#Suddenly, the red lights went out and the whole area was dark.
#...Just at that moment, there was a horrible scream!
#Right after that... Dahlia collapsed and I lost consciousness.}}
====The Time of the Murder: Cross-Examination====
'''Press''' on the '''5'''th statement. Maya says that she heard a scream as soon as the lights went out. She thinks Dahlia used the sword from Misty's staff and wounded the killer, who stole the sword back and delivered the final blow. When asked if you agree, say '''There is a contradiction'''. Maya just said in her testimony that blood was splattered all over her clothes before she heard the scream, probably because the sword was already inside Dahlia, so she could have used something else to wound the killer. When asked what, '''Present''' the '''Dagger'''.
When the killer was wounded, the dagger would have left a wound. After being talked back with your theories, you are given one chance, and one chance only to spot where the wound is. '''Present Godot's Profile'''. It is quite obvious isn't it. The wound is hiding under Godot's mask!
Now watch the following scenes that reveal twists explained below. Until then...
Sister Iris is found Not Guilty!
==What REALLY Happened==
It all began with the rivalry between Morgan Fey and Misty Fey with the battle for the Master's spot of the Kurain Channeling Technique. One day, Morgan has married a man, who was a jeweler and had two twin daughters, Dahlia Hawthorne and Iris. The man married Morgan because he wanted power. Morgan was sure to have the Master's position because she is older than Misty, and it is the tradition that the older sister is more powerful in spiritual terms. Against all odds however, Misty won the Master's position, leaving Morgan part of the branch family, forever serving the Master.
Eventually, Misty became involved in the DL-6 Incident, where she used her powers to identify a murder. However, it ended in disaster when the man was found innocent. Misty became humiliated and was labeled as a fraud. She left the village in despair and took the talisman with her. She began a new life as a children's illustration book author, Elise Deauxnim.
Morgan abandoned her husband and two daughters, so they left the village. Morgan's ex-husband later married another woman. Dahlia convinced him to throw out Iris (a backstabber), because she knew he didn't like children, and the new wife already had one daughter, Valerie Hawthorne. Iris went to live in Hazakura Temple, where she was raised by Sister Bikini, the head nun of the temple.
Dahlia grew up and hated the family. She soon started to have revenge with her father, so she had her step-sister and her boyfriend (Terry Fawles) to steal one of the diamonds worth $2,000,000 by faking a kidnapping. Iris was in by this, but she never showed up. On Dusky Bridge, Dahlia took the diamond and jumped into the river. She lost the diamond was eventually saved by Iris, who nursed her back to health. Dahlia was very mad at Iris for betraying her. Fawles was blamed for this "murder" and was sent to prison with a death sentence. Dahlia changed her name into Melissa Foster and started a new life.
Two years later, Morgan was remarried gave birth to Pearl Fey. The second man left the village and Morgan behind shortly. Pearl was spiritually strong and Morgan began to dream the day Pearl would get the Master's position. But to do that, all of the main family members would have to die.
Years later, Mia Fey, one of Misty's daughters, left the village to get a job as a defense attorney. She wanted to know what happened to her mother and stop the tradition to fight over the Master's position. As she was mentored, Mia began a relationship with Diego Armando, a senior attorney. They grew to love each other and became couples.
The lovebirds eventually became involved in a case, where Terry was charged for murder with Dahlia the real one and Miles Edgeworth the opponent. Mia exposed Dahlia's true identity and was going to win, but in the end, the trial ended in disaster with Terry committing suicide and Dahlia set free. It left an emotional scar to Mia, Armando, and Edgeworth. Mia and Armando refused to get off Dahlia's back and started perusing her.
Eventually Armando and Dahlia had a talk in the courthouse where the incident took place in six months earlier. Dahlia slipped a poison in Armando's coffee. Armando took the drink and collapsed, seemingly dead. Dahlia then looked for someone to hide the poison. She found college student Phoenix Wright, she gave the necklace containing the poison to Phoenix, who thought of it as a love symbol. Dahlia contacted her sister again and told her to get the vial back from him. Iris tried every time she was close to Phoenix, but couldn't bring herself to do so. In fact, she actually began to fall in love with Phoenix. She began dating him and every time, couldn't get the vial back.
Dahlia grew impatient with Iris and eventually had enough. She decided to take matters into her own hands. She plotted to kill Phoenix, but had to kill her former boyfriend, Doug Swallow first. Phoenix was arrested for murder with Dahlia the witness. This created a new case, where Mia returned to get revenge for Dahlia. This time, Dahlia was convicted and was sentenced to death. Phoenix was grateful and decided to become a defense attorney.
A few years later, Phoenix became a lawyer under law firm of Mia. Mia died as a murder victim soon afterwords.
One year later, Morgan tried to get Maya convicted of murder, to get Pearl the position, but failed and, after writing a letter to Pearl to get the masters position, was sent to prison, where she was reunited with Dahlia. Morgan plotted with Dahlia to kill Maya. Dahlia agreed to help, but for personal reasons, to take revenge on Mia, who was already dead by then.
Meanwhile, Diego didn't actually die from the poisoning, but was in a coma. Five years after the poisoning, Diego finally woke up from his coma. However, he was blind and hair turned white. He came to hear tragic news, Mia Fey was dead. He eventually came to learn that Phoenix could have saved her. He became to hate Phoenix for letting his loved one die. He quit becoming a lawyer and started becoming a prosecutor, with a visor that can make him see everything but red. He changed his name into Godot and battled Phoenix in the Mask☆DeMasque and Trés Bien cases losing in each one.
Now, this is where things really get started. One day, Morgan called Pearl to the Detention Center, now with more envy for the Master's position than ever. She tells Pearl about the letter and sends her home, unaware that Godot was spying on them.
Godot makes it to Kurain Village and manages to find the letter before Pearl. The contents say that Pearl must channel Dahlia after 10:00PM at spiritual dojo, Hazakura Temple, so Dahlia could find and kill Maya Fey, Mia's sister and Misty's daughter. And since she and Iris looked very identical, Iris would be framed for the murder and would be sent to prison. Pearl should afterwords burn the letter. What really caught Godot's eye is the part to kill Maya. Seeing this as an opportunity to save Maya's life, just to make up for Mia's, Godot leaves the letter for Pearl to read. Though Pearl didn't quite understand it, she decides to follow the instructions anyways, as it was her mother's "last wish".
Godot decided to contact two women, Iris and Misty. He manages to contact Misty using his job as a prosecutor. He tells her about the plan Morgan had intended. This forces Misty to come out of hiding after 17 years and travels to the Hazakura Temple as her alter ego, Elise Deauxnim. Iris prepares by going to the Hazakura Temple and gives Godot her cell phone number.
The day finally comes, Misty arrives with a katana in her staff and Godot waits secretly in the Inner Temple, where Maya would be training, just in case Pearl makes it here.
Iris was going to participate, but stayed in her room that night, due to a threat letter to come to Dusky Bridge or else her secret would be revealed. Iris thought her secret of deceiving Phoenix would be revealed to Phoenix himself. (Phoenix was at the temple at the time) The threat letter was actually a love letter made by Elise's assistant, Laurice Deauxnim (Larry Butz) who is threatening to reveal her "love" to Bikini.
After dinner, Maya goes with Bikini to the Inner Temple to begin her training. Pearl follows behind with a pot of gravy to check on Maya (she was worried about her for being left in the cold). After 10:00PM, Misty couldn't find Pearl and feared that the plan was about to come through. Seeing nothing else that could stop Pearl, she channels Dahlia before she could.
Without realizing who summoned her, but presuming it was Pearl, Dahlia goes to the storage room with her staff and picks up a knife (she doesn't know a sword was hidden in the staff) and leaves the temple with the weapon in hand. Dahlia crosses the bridge and runs into Bikini. Bikini mistook her for Iris (they both look alike) and tells her to look after Maya while she takes a hot bath (she had a bad back). Dahlia finds Maya in front of the stone lantern at the garden and took action. She hits Maya in the head with the staff and tosses it aside and pulls out the dagger to finish her off.
That's when Godot came in. He pulls out the sword from Misty's staff and stabs Dahlia in the back, blinded by rage and losing all concern of the person channeling her. Dahlia turns and knocks off Godot's mask and wounding his face with the dagger. Dahlia writes Maya's name on the stone lantern with Misty's blood before finally collapsing. The channeling was cut off and Misty dies, as Maya collapses, not before recognizing Godot, barely.
Finally coming back to his senses, Godot realizes what he just did, so he doctored the scene. He puts his visor back on and calls Iris, to meet him at the bridge. While it was still snowing, Iris takes the snowmobile to Dusky Bridge. He takes the unconscious Maya to the Training Hall and carries Misty's impaled body to the bridge. Unfortunately, lightning struck the bridge, setting it on fire.
Godot comes up with plan B, seeing no other way to dispose of the body (thanks to the rock bank that would prevent him from doing so), he takes one of the bridge's severed cables and ties it around Misty's body with her staff still impaled. He then swings it over to the other side of the bank. The body dropped 10ft to the ground, bruising it and knocking off the crystal on the staff. Iris takes Misty's body to the Hazakura Temple, again with the snowmobile (it stopped snowing when she did, leaving one clear track), and removes the sword from the body at the courtyard and cleans the blood off. Bikini saw Iris removed it and fainted with a chilling scream. Iris then takes the Shichishito from the Ami Fey statue and impales the wound with it. She goes to her room, where she was arrested.
Meanwhile, Godot alters the scene. He lights up the lantern and shovels all of the snow he can to get rid of the blood, (He couldn't see red) and hides the dagger on the pine tree. He hides to wait for the police without noticing the written blood.
Meanwhile, Maya comes to inside the temple. Stuck at the Inner Temple since the bridge was out and not finding anything at the garden, she writes a letter and summons Mia for help. Mia doesn't have all of the details, but she somehow knew it was Dahlia that attacked her sister. (Mia probably read Morgan's instructions to Pearl, since Pearl dozed off and was also stuck at the other side of the bridge and had the letter with her) She tells Maya to lock herself in the training hall doors and summon Dahlia before anyone else, as setting her free would be bad. Maya then locks herself with one of the trick locks and summons Dahlia, trapping her inside the temple.
Dahlia, again, hasn't realized who summoned her.  She assumed it was Pearl, who actually couldn't summon her, and spilled gravy all over the wall, thanks her misunderstandings Elise (Misty) gave her.  She waited, as Godot waited elsewhere, for the police to arrive, to arrest Iris. Dahlia thought she finally had revenge on everyone she hated, she was wrong.
==Bridge to the Turnabout: Epilogue==
As you watch the ending do 2 last things:
*'''Present Pearl Fey's Profile'''
*Yell, '''"Objection!"''' to the Mic.
Well, this is it, the end of the game, and sadly, the end of the Phoenix Wright saga. However, it is not the end of the [[Ace Attorney]] series overall. In the next game of the series, a new hero will step up on the defense's chair, so if you want the next game for a new story and features to the DS exclusive sequel, go right ahead and buy it, however, if you are expecting to see all of the characters you know and love to return, (Edgeworth, Gumshoe, von Karma, the Feys, etc.) maybe you should pass for now. Trust us, you'll regret it if you don't. If you are ever in need of assistance, come to [[StrategyWiki|us]] and you'll finish it faster than you can say "Objection!"
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