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You will start the game to the left of the cave. It will be the only ruin whose entrance is open besides the Baluba Shrine which is further north. Enter the cave as soon as you begin.

As the first ruin, Gize Cave is fairly simple. Not only will you be able to collect the ring, one of the sacred treasures need to access the secret Aura Star rooms, it is this very ring that is needed to access the ruin's secret room. Since you may be just learning how to play the game when you enter this cave, take some time to learn how to use the platform missiles to kill enemies. Better yet, learn the locations of the Demon Seals, and use them to make the escape ladders appear much quicker. Since you can't hold more than one at a time until you collect two pieces of the Aura Star, use up your old one whenever you find a new one.

Room 1[edit]

The first two rooms contain little of interest. The very first room's treasure chest contains an extra life, so make sure you collect a key and grab that before you leave.

Room 2[edit]

Collect this room's Demon Seal after using up the one you collected from the previous room.

Room 3[edit]

Don't miss the Magic Key contained in the treasure chest. You'll need this to escape the ruins from room 6. Make sure you store one extra key before moving on to room 4.

Room 4[edit]

This room is the first room that you will encounter with no enemies to defeat. Instead, this is a fire room, where you must avoid touching anything with the color of flames. Such objects will bar your path through the room unless you spawn weapons on platforms that are alongside these objects and destroy them with the weapons. You will need to do this to clear a path to the treasure chest closest to the ladder. This chest contains the sacred treasure of the ring. Getting out will be another challenge. You will need to land on the ledge to the right of the lava (approach it from the right), and jump up to hit the platform above you so that you can clear the object blocking your escape. The jump is easy to make with a little practice.

Room 5[edit]

In room 5, you must make your way to the yellow "!" on the map and jump three times to make a ladder appear in the lower right corner. It will not appear if you do not possess the ring.

Secret Room[edit]

Below the ladder, you will find the secret room which hides a piece of the Aura Star. A demon patrols the floor, belching a pair of fireballs every now and then. He is easy to jump over and generally avoid, but don't take his presence lightly. Collect the piece and return to the ladder to escape.

Room 6[edit]

Defeat ten enemies in room 5 to make the entrance to room 6 appear. If you possess the Magic Key, and kill ten enemies in room 6, the ruin exit will appear at the top of the screen. Beware of enemies that are still appearing from the generators as you approach the exit.