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File:Aliens versus Predator 2 Marine controls.png
  1. Your current health. When it drops to 0, you die. The limit is 100.
  2. Your current armor. The limit is 100.
  3. The battery is only visible when it's not full. Using shoulder lamp and night vision mode spends you battery, while not using any illumination slowly restores it.
  4. You will see motion on your radar of all the enemies, allies, insects and some environment. Pay attention to dots. Sometimes it might be confusing, but the sooner you know how the radar works, the better. You see only half a circle of the area in front of you, so don't forget to turn around from time to time.
  5. The number of flares to illuminate your surroundings. The limit is 20.
  6. The left column represents the number of magazines, the right column represents the number of bullets currently loaded. If only one number is presented, all ammo is always loaded. Each row shows one bullet type.

Moves and Tools[edit]

Next vision mode[edit]

Switches between normal mode and night vision. When in night vision, you will see everything green and your motion tracker will be hidden. However, you will see just white screen in lit areas and when firing weapons. One more bad thing about night vision is that it consumes your battery really fast.

Shoulder lamp[edit]

A flashlight is a good tool in dark areas. The beam lights the space slightly below your crosshair making it difficult to fire at distant targets in the dark. Consumes your battery at a low rate.


Fires a small flare at a short distance. The flare doesn’t deal any damage, but it burns for some time and lights the area.

Hacking device[edit]

You will need this device when the game says you to use it. If your crosshair turns into a yellow icon, take out hacking device and use it (hold fire) until something happens (door opens, mission objective changes).

Welding torch[edit]

Works just like hacking device, but you will need it when you will see a blue icon.



Your last chance weapon.

  • Fire: You make two fast swings.
  • Flt-Fire: –

M4A4 Pistol[edit]

An awful weapon most of the times. Good in situations when you need to hit something harmless with firearms and do not want to use more powerful weapons. Regular bullets deals small damage. AP bullets deal slightly more damage but don't ignore enemies' armor.

  • Fire: Makes a single shot.
  • Alt-Fire: Switches between bullet types.


Perfect for close quarter combat, but slow rate of fire and a magazine of only 6 bullets can make each miss result in a loss of valuable time. AP bullets deal a nice amount of damage and don't lose their efficiency at long ranges (hard to find) while regular bullets fire a bunch of pellets and are useless at long distances (common ammo).

  • Fire: Makes a single shot.
  • Alt-Fire: Switches between bullet types.

M41A Pulse rifle[edit]

Useful in most situations. Large magazine can hold up to 99 bullets, so you can fire quite a long time without reloading. Alt-fire makes a shot from under-barrel grenade launcher which allows you to deal with a group of enemies without switching weapons.

  • Fire: Fires a burst.
  • Alt-Fire: Fires a grenade.

M-92 Grenade launcher[edit]

Not hard to guess, it fires grenades.

    • Timed: A grenade will explode in a few seconds or when it hits an enemy.
    • Proximity: A grenade will lie on the ground. It will explode when an enemy appears nearby or after about a minute.
    • Electro: A grenade is the worst in dealing damage but its purpose is in stunning enemies. Useful against groups of strong foes that can't be dealt with quick.
    • Spider: A grenade works like a proximity one but it will run to an enemy as soon as one appears nearby.
  • Fire: Fires a grenade.
  • Alt-Fire: Cycles between grenade types.

M240 Flamethrower[edit]

Judging by its name, this weapon spreads a deadly cone of fire in front of you. Short range but great damage and you don't need to aim. High fuel consumption.

  • Fire: Fires flame.
  • Alt-Fire: –

M56 Smartgun[edit]

A nice gun with great firepower and rate of fire. When firing in default mode, the gun aims at enemies automatically. Sadly, poor accuracy results only in a waste of bullets at long ranges. Smartgun doesnt require reloading meaning you don't have to waste time when fighting huge group of foes.

  • Fire: Fires a burst.
  • Alt-Fire: Switches between auto-aim mode and manual mode.

M-6B Rocket launcher[edit]

Fires a rocket at the target. If you do not want to miss, aim at the ground in front of the target. The regular rocket flies in a straight line and explodes on impact. If you switch to self-guided rockets, you need to aim at the enemy for a few seconds until your crosshair becomes red. Firing will launch a missile that chases your target, but still it can hit a wall or other obstacle. If you don't take time to aim, self-guided missiles will act just like regular ones.

  • Fire: Fires a rocket.
  • Alt-Fire: Switches between regular rockets and self-guided ones.

M-90 Minigun[edit]

One of the most powerful weapons. It fires a burst wasting a lot of ammo per second but also dealing great damage. Doesn't need reloading. This is one of a few weapons that can pierce through praetorians' armor.

  • Fire: Fires a burst as long as you hold the trigger. Needs some time to start shooting.
  • Alt-Fire: Starts spinning barrels reducing time to start shooting.

WY-102 Sniper rifle[edit]

It's a really powerful and accurate weapon which also hits through armor. The bad thing is its rate of fire. In the campaign you will find it a few seconds before the end of the whole scenario, so most likely you won't be using it at all.

  • Fire: Fires a single bullet.
  • Alt-Fire: Use the scope. Hold button for a greater scope.