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Map 1[edit]

Finally you can try on a exosuit. The bad news is that it cannot be repaired, so all damage you take is permanent. Also you cannot pick up ammo for your weapons, so don't waste bullets. Now for the weapons you have:

  • Left art, primary: Flamethrower.
  • Left arm, secondary: Impulse gun.
  • Right arm, primary: Machinegun.
  • Right arm, secondary: Missile launcher.

All weapons but the impulse gun copy the same weapons you've tried before except they don't need reloading. Impulse gun is your last chance weapon which wastes your energy. The energy regenerates over time while you stand still. If your energy is low, your walking speed drops dramatically.

The only way here is down a hole with green and pink walls. Falling down drains your health, so choose your step carefully. You can destroy sea anemones but they are harmless. Once you reach a floor, walk down the tunnel. Flying insects are harmless, so don't mind them. Pretty soon you will be attacked by aliens.

Note: You don't have motion tracker, so the only way to predict aliens' appearance now is combat music.

At the end you will come to an elevator but it's not working. Look for a lever on a machine nearby and pull it. Head inside the elevator and use the panel there. It will take you down. Brace yourself, for a hard part comes.

Note: Save some ammo for a machinegun. It's the only weapon that can kill a praetorian and you will encounter a few of such.

Once you step outside the elevator, two aliens will attack you. The elevator itself is broken, so the only way is forward. After you leave the short tunnel, you will appear in a huge hall with a nondescript column in the middle. Two synthets on the left are fighting aliens. Don't be fooled, they are enemies and have really dangerous weapons. However, you don't have to kill them. Just run away from them and leave them to aliens. Synthets won't survive anyway, but at least they will kill some aliens before that.

As for the level, you will see three ways you need to visit. The road ahead is not available for now, so head either left or right. It's recommended you go right first, leaving synthets and some aliens to each other.

Both left and right tunnels lead to huge halls with tall structures. When you will walk down each tunnel and upon entering each hall you will be attacked by swarms of aliens, so stay alert. In each hall you need to destroy a few thin lines holding the structure. As soon as you destroy all the lines, the ring up above will start spinning and the column will explode meaning that your job is done here. Now to the second corridor and repeat the process. Despite this part might be hard, there are no special tricks here, just your skill and planning.

Note that huge double doors are now open. Go in and fight a few waves of aliens. Pretty soon you will see a vertical cylindrical net or something. Step inside and the floor will collapse. That's it for this level.

Map 2[edit]

Your exosuit is beyond repair and you don't have useful weapons now. You have your flashlight and a motion tracker, but night vision is also gone.

Follow the only way you can. Despite you're in alien nest, there are no enemies nearby. Enter the hall with space jockey and prepare for a fight.

Boss fight: Alien Queen

The boss is huge but slow both for an alien and for a creature her size. At first don't even fight back, just run around picking up weapons, ammo and armor vest. You can visit dead ends for more goodies, but most likely it will result in receiving damage from the queen. Other marines here are your allies, so try not to kill them. Despite her size and nasty look, the boss is vulnerable to all weapons, not just armor-piercing. When you deal enough damage to the queen, she will stop and cry out loud summoning more aliens. This will happen 3 times during the fight.

Once the boss is finished, a few explosions will open the way outside, but also a few fore aliens will appear. You cannot kill all the aliens now, so run through the tunnel and try not to miss smartgun bullets. You will see backs of your brothers in arms fleeing from the alien den. Follow them until you come to a cliff with a sniper rifle and some ammo.

A few aliens will appear. Deal with them. The best weapon here is a smartgun since you've picked up a lot of ammo for it. When you're done, two praetorians will appear. You can try to kill them using sniper rifle, but better don't waste your time and flee to the ship. Watch the last cut scene.