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Clocks: 15
Golden Carrots: 37
Acme Boxes: 10

For this game, Witch Hazel is voiced by June Foray (1917-2017), who voiced some of the supporting characters for the original Looney Tunes cartoons:

Ooh, a rabbit! Heh-heh-heh-heh-heh-heh-heh-heh-heh!
Hey, er...what's cooking, Zsa-Zsa?
"Zsa-Zsa"?! Heh-heh-heh-heh-heh-heh-heh!
Rabbit stew! Heh-heh-heh-heh-heh-heh-heh!
Ra...Gee, ouch!!!

King's Fields and Forgotten Woods[edit]

Get ten of these objects to receive a Clock symbol.

Once Merlin has disappeared, you'll have to ignore what he has just said because you shall not be able to smash all ten Acme Boxes right now; instead, you shall have to make Bugs kick a lever to lower a drawbridge, direct him over it to a sign on another platform and press R1 button (Windows:  R ) to read it (the text "FORGOTTEN WOODS...BEWARE OF THE WITCHES!" will appear, at the bottom of the screen). You will then have to jump into a rabbit hole to Forgotten Woods - and before Bugs reemerges there, Daffy (wearing his Robin Hood outfit from the 1958 short Robin Hood Daffy) will steal a Golden Carrot and scramble up a tree. Once Bugs has jumped out of another rabbit hole, you shall have to direct him over to the tree that Daffy climbed up and kick it; Daffy shall slide down it, say "Hey!" and run around randomly as another Golden Carrot falls out of it. Once you have collected it, you will have to kick Daffy to make him shout "Hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo!" and run around randomly again as he drops that Golden Carrot he stole (but if he hits Bugs, not only will he injure him, but he will also force him to drop a maximum of four Golden Carrots if you did not come here first) - and you will then have to kick the other two trees to make two more Golden Carrots fall out of them, collect them, direct Bugs to a third rabbit hole (Daffy cannot follow him to it!), and press R1 button (Windows:  R ) to read that sign on its left (the text "SORCERER'S TOWER. WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!! AREN'T YOU AFRAID OF WITCHES?" will appear at the bottom of the screen). Once you've jumped into it to warp to another area of the Woods, you will have to direct Bugs towards an Australian-style orange road sign with a cauldron on it, and press R1 button (Windows:  R ) to read it (the text "WITCH AT WORK!" shall appear at the bottom of the screen); once you have done so, you shall have to jump into a fifth rabbit hole to warp to a third area of the Woods, collect a Clock and jump back into that sixth rabbit hole to warp back to that second area. You'll then have to direct Bugs towards a fifth Golden Carrot - and once you have done so you shall have to direct him across a waterfall to another platform and R1 button (Windows:  R ) to read the modern United States mailbox in front of the tower (the text "MERLIN MUNROE" will appear, at the bottom of the screen). You will then have to direct Bugs up two steps into the tower.

Once Bugs has reappeared in the tower, you'll have to direct him towards two green chests and kick them to open them; the first one contains another Clock, while the second one contains four Normal Carrots. Once you've collected them, you will have to jump onto a mattress to collect a sixth Golden Carrot - and once you have done it, you will have to press R1 button (Windows:  R ) to talk to Merlin (who will say: Sorry, I can't help now. Witch Hazel has stolen my Magic Cookbook. Bring it back, I'll be glad to help you!). You'll then have to retrace your steps back to that first platform (where Witch Hazel shall now be standing, by the previously unattended cauldron); once she has seen Bugs, she shall say "Oh, broomsticks!" and start chasing him in an attempt to flatten him with her broomstick (if she hits him she shall shout "Zsa-Zsa?!" again, but if she runs under a revolving shadow, an anvil will fall onto her head and temporarily knock her out causing her to drop the Magic Cookbook). When Bugs jumps on Hazel while her head is stuck under the anvil, she'll shout "Ooh!" and drop a seventh Golden Carrot - and once you have collected it and the (flying) Magic Cookbook, you will have to retrace your steps back to the tower and press R1 button (Windows:  R ) to talk to Merlin again. This time, he will say: Marvellous! You've brought back my Magic Cookbook! Now, let me see what I can do for you...I can teach you a magical trick if you like!, to which Bugs will reply Great!; Merlin will then say: All right! Listen carefully, Rabbit...Say "Olley-Olley-Oxen-Free" over this symbol and you'll be able to jump to a higher level. as a spring symbol appears above his head. You will then have to retrace your steps back to that fourth rabbit hole, jump back into it to return to the first area, retrace your steps back to that second rabbit hole (again, while avoiding Daffy) and push R1 button (Windows:  R ) to read the sign to its left (the text "YE ROYAL CASTLE. BEWARE OF THE KING!" will appear at the bottom of the screen) - and once you've done it, you will have to jump back into it back to King's Fields.

Once Bugs has jumped back out of the first rabbit hole in King's Fields, you shall have to jump on a Knight and kick him out; once you have done so he shall leave an eighth Golden Carrot behind. Once you've collected it, you shall have to run back over the drawbridge to that first platform, jump onto the first, second, and third steps of a third platform in turn, and jump on a stake (which is tying a trio of barrels down) three times - and once you have done so all three barrels will roll away into three pools of water. Also, if Bugs collects any of the eight Normal Carrots on this step, the smaller portcullis of the castle will slide up and release another Knight; once you have jumped on him and kicked him out, he will regenerate back inside the castle. The reason for this shall get explained if you press R1 button (Windows:  R ) to read the "KING'S CARROTS" sign - the text "KING'S CARROTS. DO NOT TOUCH ANY ROYAL VEGGIES!!! THE KING." will appear at the bottom of the screen. By jumping onto two of the barrels, you can direct them around the pools they have landed in to collect three more Golden Carrots (two of them can also be collected by dropping, or jumping, into the pools, but it is an instant K.O.); you will then have to retrace your steps back up to the second step of the platform, direct Bugs towards the sign on it and press R1 button (Windows:  R ) to read it (the text "ROYAL DUNGEON. VISITING HOURS: 8 A.M. TO 5 P.M.!" will appear at the bottom of the screen. You'll now have to direct Bugs into the Royal Dungeon - and once he's reappeared inside it, you shall have to direct him towards two more green chests and kick them to open them (they both contain four more Normal Carrots). Once you've collected them all, you'll have to wake up a Hangman (who'll say "Halt in the name of the King!"), have him chase Bugs until he becomes tired (make sure he is close to the fence), then kick him to make him shout "Ouch!", temporarily knock him out, and cause him to drop a twelfth Golden Carrot; once you've collected it, you will have to jump on the Hangman's belly to bounce over the fence before he comes to. You will then have to kick two more green chests to open them (the fifth one contains a key, while the sixth one contains a third Clock!) - and once you have collected them you will have to pick up a small box, carry it over to the fence and put it down. You will now have to pick up another small box, jump onto the first one, and put it down on top of it; once you have done so, you will have to jump onto the second small box and back over the fence. You'll then have to put the key in the lock to the right of the exit to unlock a fourth Clock, a thirteenth Golden Carrot and a switch - and once you have collected both of the items, you'll have to kick the switch to open a pair of double gates that have a fourteenth Golden Carrot behind them to the right of the dungeon entrance outside. You will then have to leave the dungeon, drop down onto a wooden platform, jump onto the third barrel and direct Bugs towards the fourteenth Golden Carrot; once you have collected it, you shall have to retrace your steps back up to the third step of the third platform, wake up another Hangman, have him chase Bugs until he becomes tired and kick him to temporarily knock him out and cause him to drop a fifteenth Golden Carrot. Once you have collected it, you will have to jump into a seventh rabbit hole and direct Bugs towards the eighth one under the large portcullis to Royal Square (before the Hangman comes to, because Bugs will pop out of the ground when the Hangman hits it with his hammer).

Royal Square[edit]

Once Bugs has reappeared inside the castle, you shall have to direct him down a staircase to pass a Checkpoint; once you have done so, you will have to pick up three small black balls and put them down on three weight-sensitive switches to unlock a sixteenth Golden Carrot. Once you have collected it you'll have to direct Bugs towards another staircase in the top-left corner of the room, then go through the doorway to the Spiral Tower - and once Bugs has reappeared inside the Spiral Tower you will have to jump on a hexagonal button to raise a cage at the top of a wooden staircase up off a fifth Clock (but it is on a one-minute timer, so you will have to direct Bugs up to the top of the staircase while jumping over the eight gaps in it, without either falling off or being burned by a fireball spat at him by one of the five Dragons). Once you've collected the fifth Clock (if the timer runs out, the cage won't lower itself again until Bugs has moved away from it), you will have to jump towards a seventeenth Golden Carrot to collect it (if you miss it, you shall have to run back up to the top of the staircase and try again), and fall back down to the ground; once you have done it, you will have to retrace your steps back to the Royal Square proper, direct Bugs towards a third and final staircase in the top-right corner of the room and go through the doorway to Ramparts.


Once Bugs has jumped out of a hole you'll have to jump on a second hexagonal button to raise a grille over a lava pit; once you've run over it to another platform (while watching out for two Brooms, which can only be knocked out temporarily), you will have to jump onto a third platform (while watching out for four more Brooms), you shall come to Hazel again. Once she has seen Bugs, she will say "Heh-heh-heh-heh-heh-heh-heh!" and cast a spell at him - and once you have jumped onto a third hexagonal button to lower a drawbridge, she shall say "Ooh!" as it lands on her head. You shall now have to run over the drawbridge to a fourth platform (while watching out for four more Brooms) until you come to a tower with a flag on it; a two-note fanfare will now be heard, but this tower will not have any significance until you have learned the Magical Fan spell in The Carrot-Henge Mystery and revisited this level.

You shall then have to direct Bugs up a ramp (while watching out for cannonballs, which are being fired by a cannon mounted on the wall at the top of it, and two more Dragons who are breathing flames at him!); once you have made it to the top, you will have to jump on a fourth hexagonal button to lower another drawbridge. You shall then have to run over the second drawbridge into a tower (while watching out for two more Brooms) and jump onto a fifth hexagonal button to lower a third drawbridge - and, once you have done this, you shall have to run over that third drawbridge onto a fifth platform (while watching out for six more Dragons, who are breathing flames at Bugs, and more cannonballs which are getting fired by another cannon mounted on the tower at the end of this area). You shall then have to jump onto a seventh platform, to collect an eighteenth Golden Carrot (but if a cannonball rolls over Bugs in mid-air, it shall force him down the pit and back to the start); once you have done so, you shall have to run through the doorway to the lava pits.

Lava Pits[edit]

Once Bugs has reappeared inside the lava pits, you'll have to make him jump onto a second platform as you come to a third Knight; once you've jumped on him and kicked him out, he will leave a nineteenth Golden Carrot behind. Once you have collected it, you will have to jump onto five moving platforms in turn (the first and third ones are horizontally-moving, but the second, fourth and fifth ones are vertically-moving) to collect three more Golden Carrots - and once you have done so, you shall have to jump onto three more (horizontally-moving) platforms and a third solid platform in turn. You will then have to jump up to the second step of the third platform to collect a sixth Clock; once you have done so, you will have to jump onto two more platforms in turn as you come to a fourth Knight. Once you've jumped on him and kicked him out he shall leave a twenty-third Golden Carrot behind - and once you have collected it you shall have to jump onto a sixth platform, a ninth (horizontally-moving) platform and a seventh solid platform in turn. You will then have to jump up to the second step of the seventh platform to collect a seventh Clock; once you have done this you shall have to retrace your steps back to the first platform, and jump onto two more (horizontally-moving) platforms and an eighth solid platform in turn. You shall now have to jump up to the second step of the eighth platform to collect an eighth Clock - and once you've done so, you will have to retrace your steps back to that sixth platform and jump up to its second step. You will now have to jump onto an eleventh (horizontally-moving) platform and a ninth solid platform in turn as you come to a fifth Knight - and once you have jumped on him and kicked him out, he will leave a twenty-fourth Golden Carrot behind. Once you have collected it, you will have to jump onto a twelfth (horizontally-moving) platform and a tenth solid platform in turn; once you have done so you shall have to jump onto a sixth hexagonal button to lower a fourth drawbridge. You'll then have to run over the fourth drawbridge onto an eleventh platform (as the song changes) and you come to two stronger Hangmen - and once they have woken up their energy bar shall appear in the bottom-left corner of the screen. Have both of them chase you until one (or both) of them becomes tired, then kick him (or them); once you have kicked one of them three times to knock him out, he will drop another key (which you can collect by bouncing on his belly). Once the remaining one is down to one hit he will become angry and constantly hammer the ground while chasing Bugs - and once he has become tired and you have kicked him to knock him out he will drop a third key (which you can again collect by bouncing on his belly). You will now have to put both keys in the locks on either side of a gate to make it raise and unlock a ninth Clock; once you've collected it, you will have to jump into a ninth rabbit hole to exit the level (for now, because you will again have to come back to it).

Once Bugs has jumped back out of this level's hole, Merlin will appear to him and say: Good...but you left some stuff behind you!, before showing him that (because he now has 106 Golden Carrots and 40 Clocks) he has now opened up When Sam Met Bunny and The Planet X File; he shall then say Let me save your position.. Regardless of your answer "YES" or "NO", you shall have to drop back down to the ground, and run up to the transparent Golden Carrot on the pedestal (because by this point, you shall probably have collected 99 Golden Carrots again, and it will become solid). Once you have collected it (and reset the value of Normal Carrots again), you shall have to activate the Time Machine, move it right to select The Pirate Years, and press Start button (Windows:  Enter ) to enter it - and you must now direct Bugs towards that now-open hole of When Sam Met Bunny and jump into it. This level involves catching the cannonballs that Sam fires, and firing them back at the flashing parts of his galleon to damage (and eventually sink) it.

Revisited (with Super Jump and Magical Tune abilities)[edit]

When you are forced to revisit this level, after claiming Planet X in the name of the Earth, you will immediately have to jump up onto the third step of the third platform (collecting the King's Carrots, jumping on the second Knight and kicking him out again if you wish), have the second Hangman chase you until he becomes tired, kick him to knock him out, jump into the rabbit hole, and direct Bugs towards the second one under the larger portcullis to Royal Square before the Hangman comes to; once you have done so you will have to direct Bugs towards the musical note symbol and press R1 button (Windows:  R ) to make him whistle the opening bars of Believe Me, If All Those Endearing Young Charms to Beaky Buzzard (who is sleeping upon the signpost) and wake him up. Once you have done so Beaky will pick Bugs up by his ears and fly him up to a previously unreachable platform (collecting five more Golden Carrots in the process) - and once he's dropped him off, you shall have to direct him through one of two doorways to collect a tenth Clock, then press R1 button (Windows:  R ) to use the Super Jump Ability (as he has landed upon a spring symbol). Once you have done so, Bugs will say Olley-Olley-Oxen-Free! and get propelled back up to the platform; you must then direct him through the other doorway to collect an eleventh Clock, and press R1 button (Windows:  R ) to use that Super Jump Ability again (as he's landed on another spring symbol). Once Bugs has got propelled back up to the platform, you'll have to jump onto four weight-sensitive platforms to collect a thirtieth Golden Carrot in turn - and once you have done so, you will have to retrace your steps back to the solid platform (if Bugs falls to the ground, you can either have Beaky take him back up to it, or go up one of the staircases in the bottom-left and bottom-right corners of the room to one of the spring symbols as the gates in front of them shall have opened after he dropped down to collect the tenth and eleventh Clocks). You will then have to press R1 button (Windows:  R ) to read a sign (the text of "HIS ROYAL MAJESTY'S GARDEN. GARDENERS ONLY!" will appear at the bottom of the screen); in the PlayStation version you will have to kick a lever to raise a portcullis in front of the doorway before going through it (but in the Windows version, the lever and portcullis will not be present, so Bugs can go directly through the doorway).

Once Bugs has reappeared in Royal Apple Tree Gardens, you'll have to drop down to the ground off the right side of a staircase to collect a thirty-first Golden Carrot; once you have done this you shall have to run over to a fourth Hangman to wake him up, have him chase Bugs until he becomes tired (make sure he is close to the gate), then kick him to temporarily knock him out (and cause him to drop a thirty-second Golden Carrot). Once you have collected the Golden Carrot, you will have to jump on the Hangman's belly, to bounce over the gate before he comes to - and once you have done so, you'll have to direct Bugs towards a green chest in the top-left corner of the garden and kick it to make a twelfth Clock emerge from it. Once you have collected it, you'll have to direct Bugs towards one of the five apple trees and kick it to make an apple fall out of it (if you kicked the rustling one, it will cause Daffy to fall out of it as well, but he cannot steal Golden Carrots in this area!) - and once you have kicked three apples out of the trees, you will have to pick each of them up, carry them over to a half-clamshell, and put them down on it in turn to turn off the fountain (and cause a trio of pillars to rise out of the ground). You will then have to jump onto each of the pillars and the platform they lead up to in turn to collect a thirteenth Clock (if Daffy steals an apple from the half-clamshell you will either have to kick him to make him drop it and put it back, or kick another tree to make another apple drop out of it and put it on the half-clamshell); once you've done it, you will have to jump into the fountain hole, and direct Bugs to collect a thirty-third Golden Carrot behind a gate. You'll then have to direct Bugs back to the fountain hole, jump out of it (if Daffy has stolen another apple from that half-clamshell, he'll get propelled out of it automatically when he reaches it), direct him over to the springboard with an anvil on one end, and jump on the other end to propel the anvil into the air for a split-second - and once it's landed, it shall propel Bugs into the air to collect three more Golden Carrots. You'll then have to: press Start button (Windows:  Esc ) to pause the game, select "EXIT LEVEL", and when prompted "DO YOU REALLY WANT TO EXIT THIS LEVEL?", answer "YES"; once Bugs has jumped back out of this level's hole again, Merlin shall appear and say Good...but you left some stuff behind you! (again) before showing him that (because he now has 196 Golden Carrots and 75 Clocks) he's now opened The Carrot-Henge Mystery. He'll then say Let me save your position. - and regardless of your answer "YES" or "NO", you will most likely have collected 99 Normal Carrots for a fourth time by this point, so you will have to drop back down to the ground, activate the Time Machine, select either The Pirate Years (if you did not leech the carrots for a third time in Follow the Red Pirate Road), The 1930s (if you did leech them for a third time), or Dimension X, then press Start button (Windows:  Enter ) to enter it, then run up to the transparent Golden Carrot on the rock, 1930 United States mailbox, or pedestal to make it become solid and collect it (yet again resetting the value of Normal Carrots). Once you've done so, you'll have to return to The Medieval Period, direct Bugs towards the now-opened hole of The Carrot-Henge Mystery (whose portcullis will, for a second time, raise when it is approached), and jump into it.

Revisited (with Super Jump, Magical Tune and Magical Fan & Password abilities)[edit]

Once you have learned the Magical Fan and Magical Password abilities in The Carrot-Henge Mystery, you can finally listen to what Merlin tells Bugs at the start of it; you will have seen most of the Acme Boxes for this level already (there is one in King's Fields, another behind the fence in Royal Dungeon, two more in both the second, and the third, areas of Forgotten Woods, a fifth at the top of Spiral Tower, a sixth on the previously unreachable platform in Royal Square and a seventh one upon the left side of the staircase in Royal Apple Tree Gardens). However, once you reach the tower in Ramparts, you will have to direct Bugs over to the fan symbol and press R1 button (Windows:  R ) to use the Magical Fan ability - and Bugs will then say Hocus-Pocus! as a fan, which is on a twenty-second timer, appears. You shall now have to jump onto the fan to be propelled up to the top of the tower before the timer runs out and it disappears again; once you've done so you will have to kick an eighth Acme Box to smash it, collect a thirty-seventh Golden Carrot, and press R1 button (Windows:  R ) to collect a flag as the two-note fanfare from the first visit is heard. You will then have to retrace your steps back to the tower which had no significance to you on the first visit - and once you have done so, its drawbridge will lower to reveal a fourteenth Clock. Once you have collected this Clock, you will have to proceed to Lava Pits, find the two remaining Acme Boxes and kick them to smash them; once you have kicked the tenth one a fifteenth Clock will emerge from it. Once you have collected it, you will have to press Start button (Windows:  Esc ) to pause the game, select "EXIT LEVEL", and when prompted "DO YOU REALLY WANT TO EXIT THIS LEVEL?", answer "YES" - and once Bugs has jumped back out of this level's hole for the third and final time, Merlin will appear to say: Great. Just perfect. You have completed this level. Let me save your position.. Regardless of your answer "YES" or "NO", you shall then have to activate the Time Machine, move it left to select The Stone Age, and press Start button (Windows:  Esc ) to enter it yet again; once you have done so, you will have to direct Bugs over to the now-open hole of Magic Hare Blower, the final level of the Stone Age, to enter it. The name of this level is also a reference to the 1954 short Captain Hareblower, and the level itself is the only one to feature an Acme Box that is alive.