Bugs Bunny: Lost in Time/Magic Hare Blower

From StrategyWiki, the video game walkthrough and strategy guide wiki
Clocks: 14
Golden Carrots: 31
Acme Boxes: 7

Dinosaur Mountain[edit]

Get seven of these objects to receive a Clock symbol.

Once Merlin has disappeared, you shall have to collect a Golden Carrot, and drop down to the second step of the platform; you shall then have to direct Bugs over to a rock, jump onto it and the third step of the platform in turn, and direct Bugs over to a fan symbol. Once you have pressed R1 button (Windows:  R ) to activate the Magical Fan ability, Bugs will say Hocus-Pocus! as a fan (which is on a twenty-second timer) appears in front of him - and once you have jumped onto the fan to be propelled up to a Clock, you will have to drop down onto a weighted platform, collect another Golden Carrot and kick an Acme Box to smash it. You will then have to retrace your steps back down to the second step of the platform, push the rock back until it is underneath a third Golden Carrot and jump onto it to collect it; once you have done so, you shall have to drop back off the rock again, continue pushing it back until it is under another Clock and jump onto it again to collect it. You shall now have to drop back off it again (if you wish, you can direct Bugs over to the sign and press R1 button or  R  to read it, but because this is an expanded nocturnal version of Wabbit on the Run, it will display the same text as the first sign of that level) - and regardless of whether you chose to read the sign or not, you'll have to jump onto the Brontosaurus's head and another platform in turn, as you come to two Lobsters. Once you have jumped on both of them and kicked them out (unlike the ones in Follow the Red Pirate Road, they will not regenerate), you shall have to jump up to each of the next four steps of the platform in turn, as a Caveman rolls boulders down them (and retreats once Bugs has reached the fifth one); once you have done it, you will have to jump into a rabbit hole to make Bugs automatically tunnel under the rock to his right and jump out of another rabbit hole. You shall then have to direct Bugs over to a fourth Golden Carrot and a third Clock - and once you have done so, you'll have to jump onto another Brontosaurus's head (when it is lowered), wait for him to raise it and jump onto the first and second steps of a third platform in turn, to collect a fifth Golden Carrot. You will then have to direct Bugs over to another fan symbol and press R1 button (Windows:  R ) to activate the Magical Fan ability again; Bugs will then say Hocus-Pocus! again, as another fan (which is again on a twenty-second timer) appears in front of him. Once you've jumped onto the third, weighted step of the platform to collect a sixth Golden Carrot, you'll have to jump onto the fan to be propelled up to fourth Clock - and once you've done so, you will have to drop back down onto the first step of the platform, jump back onto that second Brontosaurus's head (this time, when it is raised), and jump up to the first step of a fourth platform, as you come to a third Lobster. Once you have jumped on him and kicked him out, you will have to collect a seventh Golden Carrot; once you have done so, you shall have to jump onto a trampoline to collect an eighth Golden Carrot. You will now have to jump onto the second step of the third platform, pass a Checkpoint and run over a bridge as you come to a fourth Lobster - and once you have jumped on him and kicked him out, you shall have to drop off the first step of a fourth platform onto another trampoline to collect a ninth Golden Carrot. You then have to drop down to the second step of the platform, and roll through the hole in a rock; once Bugs has come out on the other side, he will have to kick another Acme Box to smash it and drop down to the third step of the platform to collect a fifth Clock. You will then have to jump back up to the fourth and second steps of the platform in turn as you come to a second Caveman - and once you've jumped on him and kicked him out, he shall leave a tenth Golden Carrot behind. Once you have collected it, you will have to direct Bugs over to a log, kick it over and jump onto it to collect an eleventh Golden Carrot; once you have done so, you shall have to jump up to the fifth step of the platform to collect a twelfth Golden Carrot (while watching out for a falling anvil, but as with Wabbit on the Run you can again wait until it has landed and jump onto it to collect it).

You shall now have to drop back down to the second step of the platform, jump onto a third Brontosaurus's head (when it is lowered), wait until he raises it, and jump onto four tree trunks in turn; once you have done so, you will have to jump onto a fourth Brontosaurus's head (when it is raised) and the first step of a sixth platform in turn to pass another Checkpoint. You'll now have to drop down to the second step of the platform to collect a thirteenth Golden Carrot - and once you've done so, you'll have to drop down to the third step of this platform, as you come to two more Cavemen. Once you have jumped on both of them and kicked them out, you will have to direct Bugs towards a sixth Clock; once you have collected it, you will have to pick up a rock, carry it over to the fourth step of the platform, put it down, and jump onto it and the fourth step of the platform in turn (it's also possible to get up to there with a jump onto the fire unless you only have half a carrot of energy remaining, as Bugs will shout Yeouch!!! as he is propelled into the air). You will then have to direct Bugs over to a third fan symbol and push R1 button (Windows:  R ) to use the Magical Fan ability once again - and Bugs will now say Hocus-Pocus! once again as a third fan (which is once again on a twenty-second timer) appears in front of him. Once you have jumped up onto the fan to be propelled up to a wooden platform (which must be softly landed on by using the Ears action), you will have to sneak over it onto a seventh solid platform to collect four more Golden Carrots, then kick a third Acme Box to smash it, and jump up to collect a seventh Clock; once you have done so, you will have to kick another log over and jump onto it to collect an eighteenth Golden Carrot. You'll then have to retrace your steps back down to the fourth step of the sixth platform, jump onto two more Brontosauruses' heads (when they're lowered) in turn, wait for the fifth one to raise his, and jump up to an eighth platform to collect a nineteenth Golden Carrot - and once you have done so, you will have to push another rock to the left, and jump onto it to collect a twentieth Golden Carrot. You will then have to jump off it to collect an eighth Clock; once you have done so, you will have to run through the doorway to proceed to this level's version of Pterodactyl Cliff (which is longer than that of Wabbit on the Run, and features more snoozing pterodactyls to get past as well!).

Pterodactyl Cliff[edit]

Once Bugs has come out of the other side of the rock, you will have to make him jump onto a sixth Brontosaurus's head (when it is raised) and jump up to collect a twenty-first Golden Carrot; once you've done so, you'll have to jump onto another platform and direct Bugs towards a twenty-second Golden Carrot. Once you've collected it, you shall come to a fifth Caveman - and once you have jumped on him, and kicked him out, he will leave a twenty-third Golden Carrot behind. Once you have collected it, you will have to direct Bugs towards a twenty-fourth Golden Carrot and a ninth Clock; once you have collected them you'll have to retrace your steps back to where you'd first jumped onto the platform, run up a ramp and jump onto the second step of the platform. If you wish, you can now push R1 button (Windows:  R ) to read the sign but it will again display the same text as the second sign of Wabbit on the Run - and you will then have to jump up to each of the next three steps of the platform in turn and sneak past the sleeping Pterodactyl to collect a tenth Clock (he'll not be woken up by Bugs saying Great!). You shall now have to sneak back towards the glowing left-pointing sign, drop down onto the sixth step of the platform, then kick a fourth Acme Box in order to smash it; once you have done so, you will have to direct Bugs towards a fourth fan symbol and press R1 button (Windows:  R ) to use the Magical Fan ability yet again. Bugs will then say Hocus-Pocus! yet again as a fourth fan (which is, yet again, on a twenty-second timer) appears in front of him - and once you've jumped onto the fan to be carried over to the first step of a third platform, you shall have to pass a Checkpoint. You will then have to jump up to each of the next three steps of the platform in turn (the Acme Box on this platform is alive, and will jump away from Bugs when he tries to kick it so you'll have to jump into a third rabbit hole and tunnel towards it to "kill" it) - and once you have done so, you'll have to jump back out of the hole and onto a weighted platform in turn to collect a twenty-fifth Golden Carrot. You will now have to drop down onto a fourth solid platform as you come to a sixth Caveman; once you've jumped on him and kicked him out you'll have to direct Bugs over to a fifth fan symbol and press R1 button (Windows:  R ) to use the Magical Fan ability for a fifth time. Bugs shall then say Hocus-Pocus! for a fifth time as three more fans (which are on a thirty-second timer) appear in front of him - and once you have jumped onto the fifth one it will propel you into a sixth Acme Box from the underside. You will then have to jump up onto the sixth one to be propelled into a seventh Acme Box from the underside (and collect the eleventh Clock that emerges from it); once you do so, you have to jump onto the seventh one to get carried over to another weight-sensitive platform.

Once you have dropped down onto the second weight-sensitive platform and collected a twenty-sixth Golden Carrot, you will have to drop down to the first step of a fifth solid platform; once you do so, you'll have to jump up to each of its next two steps in turn as a seventh Caveman rolls more boulders down them (and retreats once Bugs has reached the third one) to collect a twenty-seventh Golden Carrot and twelfth Clock. You shall now have to roll through the hole in that rock the seventh Caveman was standing on - and once you have come out on the other side, you will have to collect a twenty-eighth Golden Carrot. You then have to jump up to each of the platform's next two steps in turn as an eighth Caveman rolls more boulders down them (and again retreats once Bugs has reached the fifth one) to collect a twenty-ninth Golden Carrot and thirteenth Clock; once you have done so you will have to roll through the hole in that rock the eighth Caveman was standing on. Once you've come out the other side you'll come to a ninth Caveman - and once you've jumped on him and kicked him out, you will have to collect a thirtieth Golden Carrot, direct Bugs over to a sixth fan symbol and press R1 button (Windows:  R ) to use the Magical Fan ability for a sixth time. Bugs shall then say Hocus-Pocus! for a sixth time, as an eighth fan (which is, for a fifth time, on a twenty-second timer) appears in front of him, and you shall have to jump onto it to be propelled up to the sixth step of the platform (it is again also possible to get up to there by a jump onto the fire if you have more than half a carrot of energy remaining); you will now have to push a log toward the seventh step of the platform, push another (taller) log to the left, and push a third (even taller) log toward the seventh step. Once you have jumped onto each of the logs and the platform's seventh step in turn you'll have to collect a thirty-first Golden Carrot, then sneak towards a fourteenth Clock (so as not to wake up another sleeping Pterodactyl) - and once you have collected it (the Pterodactyl again won't get woken up by Bugs saying Great!), you will have to sneak back to a fourth rabbit hole (again, so as not to wake up the Pterodactyl) and jump into it to end the level (and the era).

Once Bugs has jumped back out of this level's hole, Merlin will appear to say: Great. Just perfect. You have completed this level., before showing him that (because he now has 249 Golden Carrots and 99 Clocks) he has now opened up The Carrot Factory; he will now say Let me save your position.. Regardless of your answer, "YES" or "NO", you will then have to activate the Time Machine, move it right twice to select The Pirate Years, and press Start button (Windows:  Enter ) to enter it for the last time - and you'll then have to direct Bugs back through the mouth of the skull rock to the hole of Follow the Red Pirate Road, and jump into it again (because, after learning the Magical Password ability in The Carrot-Henge Mystery, you can finish it off).