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Password to Round 51:

Rounds 51-55[edit]

Round 51[edit]

  1. Push the upper Emerald Frame sideways, then push the other one down by one tile.
  2. Walk right through the one-way and push the next Emerald Frame down by one tile.
  3. Walk right through the next one-way, push the Emerald Frame and get the Pink Frame.
  4. Walk down through another one-way and walk around the next one grabbing one Pink Frame in the process. Get the two Pink Frames at the bottom.
  5. Push the bottom Emerald Frame up, then turn left and push the next one left and down in front of Medusa. Get a Pink Frame in the process.
  6. Go to the bottom-right Emerald Frame and push it all the way to the right. Walk around the wall clockwise and push the same Emerald Frame down, then right above the Medusa. Get another Pink Frame.
  7. Take a different clockwise tour and get the last Pink Frame, then leave.

Round 52[edit]

This stage is rather linear.

  1. Firs, move spiraling counterclockwise. Take the only direction you can, pushing two Emerald Frames in the meanwhile. Two Emerald Frames are near the blue door: push the upper one against the upper Medusa and the other one against the Skull. Push the fifth Emerald Frame left against the first Medusa.
  2. Grab four Pink Frames. Backtrack to Snakey, turn it into an egg and push it so that you can get the last Pink Frame. Leave from the exit door.

Round 53[edit]

  1. Shrink the cage of the left Alma by pushing down the leftmost Emerald Frame. Push the other frame up by one tile. Do exactly the same on the other side.
  2. Release the Alma on the right by pushing down the Emerald Frame. Run to the top: when Alma is on the same horizontal row as Lolo, it will roll up. When Alma hits the left wall and walk down, push the right Emerald Frame by half tile, thus trapping the enemy.
  3. Push the two Emerald Frames under the heart so that each of them blocks the top two Skulls on each side. Push a third Emerald Frame so to block completely the four Skulls on the left.
  4. Remember that Skulls are slow in this game. Set Lolo under the Pink Frame. Start, grab it and race to the exit door.

Round 54[edit]

Apparently, this stage is identical from all four sides. Find the differences, and you will find the solution. Do not worry if some directions look generic: in those spots the only possible action will be that one.

  1. One arrow points away from the center: it is on the right. Enter there, get two Pink Frames and two Magic Shots, then leave.
  2. One Emerald Frame is out of the pattern: it is near the lower-left corner. Shoot away the Skull to its left, enter through the southern one-way (and push the Emerald Frame up just two tiles, no more), get two Pink Frames and push the Emerald Frame to the left.
  3. Now, you can push upwards an Emerald Frame to the left. Then, grab two Pink Frames. All you can do now is push one Emerald Frame to the right. Shoot away the Snakey, then quickly move one Emerald Frame left, a second one up and a third one all the way left.
  4. Two Pink Frames left: grab the one on the right only, for it holds two Magic Shots. Shoot away the left Snakey, push the Emerald Frame to its right by one tile to the right, then push a second one up, a third one down and a fourth one to the left.
  5. Grab the last Pink Frame and wait for all the Skulls to move past the one-way arrow on the right. When they do, push the Emerald Frame near that one-way from the bottom up and run to the exit.

Round 55[edit]

  1. At start, the only way is up. Push the Emerald Frames two tiles to the left, so you can walk between them and the Skulls.
  2. Get a Pink Frame and push right the Emerald Frame near it. Walk around the wall and push that Emerald Frame all the way down and against Medusa. There is only one way you can push the other three Emerald Frames around Medusa, but leave room enough under the one-way arrow.
  3. Get the Pink Frame to the right. Push the lower Emerald Frame to the left, then take a tour and push it down so to block the three Skulls at the bottom. Push the upper Emerald Frame just to the left.
  4. Walk through the one-way, grab all the hearts and leave pushing the Emerald Frame to the right, so that it encages five Skulls. Run to the exit before the last Skulls get Lolo.

Bonus round 11[edit]

This bonus round is identical to the first one, but you should be more experienced. Therefore, it should be feasible.

Rounds 56-60[edit]

Round 56[edit]

  1. First of all, you must trap Alma in the upper-left corner. Walk left then up to the blue door: Alma should follow you staying on the other side of the Emerald Frames. When Alma is in the upper half, push an Emerald Frame right and trap it. Move two Emerald Frames and make Alma's cage as small as possible.
  2. Now, let's neutralize the Skulls. Push the righmost Emerald Frame just down, above the rightmost Skull. Push the leftmost Emerald Frame up two tiles, walk around it then push it down until it blocks the passage between the Skulls and the blue door.
  3. Walk through the one-way arrow and get to the left of the lower-left Emerald Frame. Push it inwards, and the Skulls cage is complete. Get the last Pink Frames and leave from the door.

Round 57[edit]

  1. First, take all the Pink Frames except one at the top.
  2. There are too many Emerald Frames. Move the top one out of the way, e.g. in a corner or somewhere along the external walls. Get rid of the central Emerald Frame in a similar way.
  3. Of the remaining six Emerald Frames, push the external ones up and against the two Gols on the sides.
  4. Push the bottom two sideways outwards, and down one tile: one of them will seal away the Skulls after they start moving. Push one of the upper Emerald Frames to the center and down, at a crossroads: it will prevent Skulls from biting you, and it can still be moved sideways. Push the last Emerald Frame up and out of the way.
  5. Get the last Pink Frame and let the Skull approach. Walk down and push downwards one Emerald Frame by one tile and a half, so that it blocks the Skulls and one Gol. Move the Emerald Frame to the left so to block another Gol. Move the central Emerald Frame sideways and go to the exit.

Round 58[edit]

A very straightforward room: get a Pink Frame, shoot away the Snakey that is further away from the exit, move all possible Emerald Frames to the sides and grab another Pink Frame. Repeat to the end.

Round 59[edit]

  1. First, push the Emerald Frame to the right.
  2. Go all the way down, then all the way right. Get one Pink Frame with two Magic Shots, shoot away Snakey and push the Emerald Frame all the way up.
  3. Get the Pink Frame in the lower-right corner. Go all the way up, then left, then get the last three Pink Frames. Use the arrow power and go to the exit.

Round 60[edit]

  1. Get the only Pink Frame you can at the beginning. Shoot away Snakey and push the nearby Emerald Frame on its location. Once Snakey is destroyed, push the frame all the way up.
  2. Walk around the walls to the left, ignore three Emerald Frames and push the fourth one up. Walk around the wall and push it all the way in front of Medusa. Walk around another wall and get the Pink Frame.
  3. Push the Emerald Frame near the Skulls up to the fork, so to block them.
  4. Now let's move the Emerald Frame pair: push the right one down by one tile, then push the other one all the way down, so that the Emerald Frames are between the last Pink Frames and the Almas. Gradually push the frames rightwards, beyond the exit door. Get the last Pink Frames and leave

Bonus round 12[edit]

Bonus stage identical to the second one.

As usual, if you shoot all the enemies you can learn a part of the Special Password.