Final Fantasy V/Barrier Tower

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Gill's cave[edit]

Renamed: Ghido's Cave (GBA)

Now that you have the dragon you can travel nearly anywhere in this world. As before, you cannot go over mountains and there are a couple of valleys you cannot reach.

Before continuing, you may notice a cave near Val Castle. The random monsters there are fairly easy, but you should cast Float (coming soon) to avoid their Earthquake attack. If you go deeper into the cave you will start finding GP lying on the ground. This is where an optional boss called Gilgame will attack if you keep going. Gilgame is very tough, especially if your level is under 30, so you probably should not try taking it on now.

Fly north, over Kelb, then east through a valley until you reach the ocean. You should now see at least a corner of Gill's island to the northeast. Land there and enter the cave. But you immediately have to leave again because X-Death casts a spell that causes the whole island is sink into the ocean. Your dragon manages to pull you out of the water, but now it is not clear where you should go next. Check the world map to find a point of interest marked to the west. In fact, this is the only point of interest that you can reach and have not already visited.

Surgate Castle[edit]

For more details on shops, see Surgate Castle's shops.

This is actually an optional area, but strongly recommended.

Fly west from where Gill's island was, land near the castle and enter. Press the switch next to the door; the guards challenge you but back off when they recognize Galuf. One of the guards leads you to King Zeza's throne room, but Zeza is absent because he is leading an attack on X-Death's castle. The guard invites you to take whatever you need, and since you need whatever you can find it is time to start exploring the castle.

Treasure in Surgate Castle
Found Container Location
Speed Song (spell) Book King's Chamber.
5000 GP Chest Storage room below and east of library.
Float (spell) Chest Small room below and west of library.

From the King's Hall, go down the stair in the southeast corner to B1. This is a barracks/dining area and there is useful gossip to be had from the guards there. Continue down the stair in the southwest corner to B2. This has an inn where you can rest for 60 GP and shops. There are new weapons here. Go back to King's Hall and up the stairs in the southwest corner to reach the King's Chamber. Check the red book there to get Speed Song.

Go back to the King's Hall again and this time go up the stairs in the northwest corner. This takes you to the roof; follow it east and go north over a bridge to a doorway which takes you to the 3rd Floor. Go down the stairs from there to the Surgate Library. The scholars here say something about a very old book, part of which is missing.

Continue down the stair to an area filled with bookshelves. Talk to the old woman there and she asks you to help her put books away. There are three on the tables and all the shelves are marked with letters. Put each book in the correct shelf according to the first letter of the title. Then talk to the old woman again and she leaves, leaving a secret door open behind her. Follow and talk to her again; she mentions a spell that allows you to levitate. Go downstairs from there to a storage room; grab the treasure in the corner and exit south.

You are now in the courtyard. Go west under the bridge and up the stairs into another section of the library. Now go down some stairs to a small room next to the room with the bookshelves. Check the chest here for the Float spell. Backtrack to the King's Hall and exit the castle.

Zeza's Fleet[edit]

Renamed: Xesta's Fleet (GBA)

The guards in the castle mention King Zeza is attacking X-Death's castle by sea. Go fly over to X-Death's island and search around until you find the fleet in a bay to the east. If it has been a while since your last save then land on the nearest land and do so. Now land on the largest ship.

Zeza and Galuf are old friends and Galuf introduces the rest of you. Go below decks two levels and enter the room on the right to rest. You are woken up by a commotion on deck. Go up to investigate and talk to Zeza; monsters board the ship and you must fight them off.

You now have to fight four set battles with Gobblegygooks. Check on of the monsters running around on deck to start a battle; they are all very easy. (Actually there is only one you have to fight, but they are so easy it seems like a waste not to.) Now heal and go to the tip of the bow to fight the last one.

Gilgamesh (3rd encounter), Enkidoh
Boss level: 31 (Gilgamesh), 29 (Enkidoh), Recommended party level: 27
HP: 8888 (Gilgamesh), 4000 (Enkidoh), Weaknesses: None, Nullifies: None, Absorbs: None
Gold: 0, ABP: 0, Drops: Gold Shield

Renamed Enkindu in the GBA version.

Preparation: There are probably a lot of ways to set up a party to win this battle, but one which allows for an easy win is to have a Summoner with Titan and Golem, a Blue Mage with Doom Claw, a generic healer and a generic fighter. You can get Doom Claw if you do not have it already from the trees on X-Death's island, and you can still go back to Valley of Dragons to get Golem if you still don't have that. This is first of three battles for collecting Genji Armor, which is a useful but optional set of armor. If you want to go after this, then make sure you have a Thief in your party and equip the Thief's Glove.

Tactics: Gilgamesh starts out alone, but when his health is down to about two-thirds his friend Enkindoh arrives and casts the Blue Magic spell White Wind which will probably restore him to full health. Enkindoh can cause problems in two ways; first he casts White Wind every so often which will undo most of the progress you've made, and second he casts Red Feast. Start the battle by casting Golem to absorb all of Gilgamesh's physical attacks. If you really insist on not using Golem then cast Slow on Gilgamesh and Protes on your party for almost the same benefit. Now use Titan on Gilgamesh. When Enkindoh appears have your Blue Mage cast Doom Claw on him. This may not succeed the first time so keep trying, then when you see it work have the next character attack and it should knock him out of the fight. If you do not have Doom Claw then you can probably get by without it; you just need a bit of luck and to deal enough damage to defeat him before he casts White Wind. Keep your characters high on health because Enkindoh uses a wind based attack which will take a large percentage of HP from your entire party. When Enkindoh is gone, resume casting Titan which will hurt Gilgamesh. If you happen to have a Time Mage then cast Comet since it does almost as much damage as Titan. Don't forget to Steal from Gilgamesh if you are after the Genji armor; he may not have it in which case reset and try again.

When the battle is over, Gilgamesh tries to pull Galuf overboard. Galuf manages to catch one of the spars on the ship though and is saved by your dragon.

Go below decks and go to the left side to talk to Zeza. Help him open the box there which is really a hidden door to a submarine. Talk to him again inside and he takes you to an underwater tunnel under one of the towers on X-Death's island. Go below to rest if you want, then exit.

Barrier Tower[edit]

One-time Visit
This is an one-time visit, make sure you've collected all the bestiary and treasure chests.

Talk to Zeza at the landing he blows open an entrance into the tower. The plan is for him to take care of the power below while you destroy the antenna at the top. Go up the stairs in the southwest corner of the first room; do not go downstairs or Zeza will get annoyed and send you back.

Treasure in Barrier Tower
Found Container Location
Blood Sword Chest Northwest area, approach from north. Defeat Red Dragon.
9000 GP Chest Northwest area, approach from south.
18000 GP Chest 6th floor, southwest.
HairOrnament Chest 10th floor, west section. Defeat Red Dragon.

The 2nd Floor starts with a small room with a save point, which is a good idea to use since you probably have not saved since the battle with Gilgamesh. Continue north to a passage and follow the stairs up to an area with two treasure chests. The one on the right is safe but do not open the one on the left without some preparation. There is a Red Dragon inside which can be defeated if you have Golem and Requiem, but will be tough without them. Exit south to the 3rd Floor.

From now on the dungeon alternates between outside areas for odd floors and inside areas for even floors. You take the stairs on the west side for floors 3 and 7 and on the east side for floor 5. For the even numbered floors you just cross the room, so navigation is pretty simple from here to near the top. The monsters are somewhat different outside than inside. Floor 4 outside make sure to fight a monster called "Reflect knight". They drop "Reflect ring". If you charm them, and they reflect you. You can get the ring drop faster then waiting for it to drop normally.

As you're leaving the 7th Floor, Zeza calls through the Whisper Grass. He's running into a monster or two himself but they aren't causing any problems for him.

When you reach the 9th floor there are stairways on either side. The one to the east leads to a save point and the way forward, while the one to the west leads to another chest with a Red Dragon. Continue up to the next floor; you can go east or west here. There is a final set of stairs to reach the top of the tower. When you reach it you notify Zeza and he turns off the power so you can destroy the antenna. But it's guarded by a powerful monster.

Boss level: 41, Recommended party level: 28
HP: 19997, Weaknesses: None, Nullifies: None, Absorbs: None
Gold: 0, ABP: 12, Drops: Dark Matter

Preparation: This is going to be a tough battle so setup is tricky here. Much will depend on which jobs you've developed, which Blue spells you've collected, etc. First, this monster's attacks are strong enough that healing is pretty much a waste of time, you are going to Raise or use Phoenix Down on casualties but that is about it. The monster's one weakness is its vulnerability to Sleep, so you will need a Black or Red Mage to cast it. A Sorcerer or a character with Half Moon as a backup will be helpful. You will also need the ability to deal damage without waking it up. Titan works well for this, but you will want to do damage without using MP as well since you can easily run out. The !Earth ability is useful here as well as the Samurai Sslap ability. Since Atomos occasionally casts slow, having a character with Haste may help. Have a few Phoenix Downs in your inventory and an Ether or two won't hurt either.

Tactics: The trap you can fall into here is immediately reviving characters that are KOed. Atomos fires a constant barrage of Comet spells at you, one or two per move. These will kill your weaker characters in one blow and the stronger ones in two. So keeping all your characters alive is going to be a full time job and will just burn Phoenix Downs. But once any of your characters are dead Atomos gets so engrossed in pulling them toward its mouth, that it forgets about Comet and will only occasionally cast a nonlethal gravity or status spell on you. So if you have two characters KOed then revive one of them, but don't try to revive everyone for the moment. Do not let it go too long though or your character will be pulled into another dimension and won't be seen again until the battle is over; Raise and Phoenix Down will be useless at this point. Worse, Atomos is no longer occupied with your dead character and will resume its Comet barrage. Instead of trying to keep everyone alive, your first priority is to disable the monster with Sleep. When you've succeeded with that, start using spells or Sslap to do damage, and revive your K.O.'d character. You may have gotten a few status ailment by now; if you have Haste then cast it on any characters with Slow, but the other ailments can be ignored.

With Atomos gone, the tower blows up and you start to celebrate, but Zeza is having problems in the power room and perishes while the party makes their escape.

The tower no longer works and the barrier around X-Death's castle disappears. Wait around outside the submarine and Galuf rejoins the party.

You now have control of the submarine. Press A Button to surface or dive. On the surface the sub works like an ordinary ship and you can land. When you are under water the world map is in negative, showing the places you can reach underwater; you cannot save while the submarine is submerged.