WWF War Zone/Bret Hart

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Bret "The Hitman" Hart.

Ring introductions[edit]

  • "Bret Hart is the 5-time WWF Champion, and the leader of the Hart Foundation."
  • "He's done it all in the WWF."
  • "This isn't about popularity, he's the king of the hill."
  • "Bret Hart is one of the most technically sound wrestlers in this sport."
  • "Without a doubt he is one of the best in the game."
  • "Once a hero in the WWF, now Bret Hart is despised."
  • "The leader of wrestling's First Family, Bret 'The Hitman' Hart."


  • Regular Outfit: Black two-strap singlet w/ pink trim.
  • Alternate Outfit (L2 button): Pink two-strap singlet w/ white trim.


  • Taunt Pose 1: "Come get some" gesture.
  • Taunt Pose 2: Looks at opponent and shrugs.
  • Taunt Phrase 1: "You think you can beat ME?"
  • Taunt Phrase 2: "You're about to be excellently executed."


  • "You're about to get a lesson from the Excellence of Execution."
  • "Pink and black attack is back."

Signature moves[edit]

Opponent standing:
(Standing) Body Slam - L,D,TU
(Standing) Clothesline - L,U,K
(Standing) +Crucifix - L,L,K
(Standing) Fireman's Carry - D,D,K
(Standing) Drop Toe Hold - D,D,P
(Standing) Hiptoss - U,U,K
(Standing) Kneebreaker - L,R,TU
(Standing) Leg Drag - L,D,K
(Standing) Overhead Belly to Belly Suplex - L,L,P
(Standing) Samoan Drop - L,U,P
(Standing) +Small Package - D,D,TU
(Standing) Spinebuster - U,D,TU
(Standing) Vertical Suplex - U,D,P
(Tie Up) Hiptoss - K
(Tie Up) *Top Wristlock - P
(Tie Up) Atomic Drop - TU
(Tie Up) Neck Breaker - L,K
(Tie Up) Inverted Atomic Drop - L,P
(Tie Up) Northern Lights Suplex - L,TU
(Tie Up) Samoan Drop - L,R,K
(Tie Up) Piledriver - L,U,P
(Tie Up) Side Back Breaker - L,L,TU
(Behind) *Cross Face Chicken Wing - P/K/TU
(Behind) Russian Leg Sweep - L,L,K
(Behind) Atomic Drop - L,L,P
(Behind) German Suplex - L,L,U,TU
(Running) +Crucifix - P+TU
(Running) Dropkick - K
(Running) Hart Attack - P
(Running) Spinning Neck Breaker - TU
(Vs. Run) Dropkick - K
(Vs. Run) Clothesline - P
(Vs. Run) Drop Toe Hold - TU
(Vs. Run) Powerslam - U,TU

Opponent on ground:
(Standing) Driving Elbow - D,P
(Standing) Fist Drop - P
(Standing) Knee Drop - D,K
(Standing) Leg Drop - K (at side)
(Running) Fist Drop - P/K
(Running) Splash - TU

Opponent on ground, Holds:
(Feet) Elbow Drop to Leg - L,L,K
(Feet) *Half Crab - L,R,K
(Feet) Headbutt to Groin - U,D,K
(Feet) **@Sharpshooter - L,L,U,K+BL
(Head) *Leg Lock Chokehold - L,L,P
(Head) *Rear Chin Lock - L,R,P
(Head) *Short Arm Scissors - U,D,P
(Head) **Painkiller - L,U,D,P

Opponent stunned in corner:
(Front) Forearm Smashes - K or TU
(Front) Turnbuckle Punches - P
(Front) Monkey Flip - L,L,K
(Front) Swinging DDT - L,L,P
(Front) Belly to Belly Suplex - L,L,TU
(Front) Top Rope Superplex - L,R,L,K
(Running) Clothesline - P/K/TU

Player on turnbuckle:
(Opp. on Ground) Knee Drop - P/K/TU
(Opp. on Ground) Driving Elbow - K+BL
(Opp. on Ground) Elbow Drop - P+TU
(Opp. on Ground) Kamikaze Headbutt - L,R,P+K
(Opp. Standing) Dropkick - P/K/TU
(Opp. Standing) Bionic Elbow - K+BL
(Opp. Standing) +Sunset Flip - P+TU
(Opp. Standing) Body Press - U,L,BL,TU