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File:KotORII Map Dock Module.png
Map of Dock Module 126

Entertainment Module 081[edit]

The shuttle to Dock Module 126 takes you to the dock lounge at the bottom end of the module, where the door to the transit shuttle bay is in the bottom wall, which can be taken back to Entertainment 081.

Dock Lounge[edit]

Down the ramp to the left side of the dock lounge, there's a male traveler standing by the screen on the bottom wall:

I hear the refugee problem on Nar Shaddaa is getting out of hand. I met someone who managed to escape - he didn't even want to talk about it. Most people don't stay on Telos long unless they work here. No one wants to get bogged down in the troubles.

Down the ramp to the right side of the dock lounge, there are two Duros at the top end:

I'm surprised there are so many people traveling. With things being as dangerous as they are, I thought everyone would stay home. Have you ever been to Nar Shaddaa? Be careful if you ever do - there's a thousand ways you could be parted from your credits.

If you agreed to deliver the replacement Restoration Droid to Chodo Habat in Residential 082 West's Ithorian compound, then as you approach the doorway at the top end of the dock lounge, an Exchange lieutenant and another Czerka officer approach:

Exchange Lieutenant: So you're Habat's errand boy, hm?
1. I'm helping the Ithorians, yes.
Exchange Lieutenant: So I heard. You should consider Czerka's offer. If you return the droid to Executive Lorso, she'll pay you far better than the Ithorians.
1. It has nothing to do with money. 2. How much better?
Exchange Lieutenant: The planet, then? You don't really think those Ithorians could do better than Czerka, do you?
1. Actually, I do. 3. No, and if there's nothing else, I'll be going now.
Exchange Lieutenant: You're a fool then.
2. At least they're not as dirty as Czerka.
Exchange Lieutenant: Spare me, please. No one likes the corporations. They think they take advantage of the defenseless, destroy the environment, underpay their workers - the great cause of evil in the galaxy. But they get the job done.


2. What's it to you? Exchange Lieutenant: Czerka has an offer for you.
3. No, you must have me confused for someone else.
Exchange Lieutenant: Is that so? That's unfortunate - I was supposed to instruct someone of your description that Czerka would be willing to pay handsomely to have a certain droid delivered to them.
1. I... might be interested in hearing about that. 2. You must be mistaken.
Exchange Lieutenant: I suppose if you could perform this service, Czerka would be happy to pay you for it. A droid is being delivered to the Ithorian docking bay. Czerka would like it. If you bring it to Czerka, you will be rewarded. Exchange Lieutenant: That's unfortunate. I'll have to keep looking then.


4. No, and if there's nothing else, step aside.
Exchange Lieutenant: No need to be like that. We just wanted to talk.
1. I'm not interested in talking to anyone from Czerka. 2. What is it?
Exchange Lieutenant: Have it your way, spacer.
1. What's Czerka's offer?
Exchange Lieutenant: Jana Lorso is prepared to pay you the sum of 250 credits for returning the Ithorian's droid to Czerka. Did Habat offer you anything other than some empty promises?
2. I'll think about it. 3. I'm not interested.
Exchange Lieutenant: You do that. You can speak with Lorso at the Czerka offices in Residential Module 081 if you'd like to hear more. Exchange Lieutenant: I can tell you're too thick-headed to see through the lies you've told yourself, but if you have any doubt, talk to Jana Lorso at the Czerka offices in Residential 081.
Exchange Lieutenant: Let's go.

If you work for the Ithorians then once B-4D4 has accessed the Czerka Mainframe and delivered the data to Chodo Habat, he and the droid T1-N1 are on the top left side of the dock lounge:

B-4D4: Oh! Ah, greetings, you surprised me. B-4D4: Greetings, again.
3. I'll be going now.


2. I'm going to take you in for a memory wipe. You shouldn't be wandering freely.
B-4D4: But surely you will not. After all, I am in this predicament because of your actions.
3. True enough. I'll go.


1. What are you doing here? 2. You're right. But what are you doing here?
B-4D4: My companion and I are awaiting a ship.
1. A ship? To where?
B-4D4: Nar Shaddaa, I believe. It was the easiest destination for us to book passage to.
2. What, you're going to stow away?
B-4D4: Yes, if you insist on putting it that way. I would prefer to leave Citadel legally, though that option is currently unavailable to me.
1. Too bad. Let's go. 3. You're coming with me to the TSF station.
B-4D4: Oh, no, I am afraid I cannot accompany you. I could not abandon my companion here.
T1-N1: Bwoot! Wooo! B-4D4: Yes, I know.
1. He's coming, too.
B-4D4: I am so terribly sorry. I am afraid that he might resist. I would not upset him. "Someone" has installed an array of illegal and highly lethal weapon components into his small frame.
T1-N1: Brank!
B-4D4: What? You are small! All utility droids are small. This "short man's complex" of yours makes no sense.
T1-N1: Brank brank bronk.
1. One way or another, you're coming with me.
T1-N1: Brank! B-4D4: Oh dear, you have angered him!
T1-N1: Bwoop bweep bwip, brank?!
1. What do you mean, "What am I looking at?" T1-N1: Bwoop bweep. Bwoo!
1. Hey, it's not my fault they built you no taller than a refresher bowl. 2. Never mind.
T1-N1: Brank!

Information Terminal[edit]

Through the doorway at the top end of the dock lounge is the middle of the corridor linking to the three docking bays. The Bay II airlock is directly opposite the dock lounge, with an information terminal to its right that can be used to transit to another module once you've used the information terminal there:

Information Terminal: - DOCK MODULE 126 -
Please enter command.
Information Terminal: - DOCK MODULE 126 -
Please enter command.
2. Log out. 1. Transit to another module. Information Terminal: YOU ARE CURRENTLY LOCATED IN:
4. Return to main menu.
1. Entertainment Module 081. 2. Residential Module 082 West. Ithorian Compound
Terminal: DESTINATION CONFIRMED. 3. Residential Module 082 East. Czerka Corporation, Bumani Exchange Corp.

A female and male traveler wander the corridor, as does a protocol droid:

Protocol Droid: Greetings, madame. Protocol Droid: Greetings, sir.
Protocol Droid: My primary function is to provide information about Citadel Station, Telos and a variety of other topics.
Protocol Droid: Please feel free to direct any of your inquiries to me, and I will do my best to answer your questions.
1. I'd like to know about Citadel Station.
Protocol Droid: Citadel Station is devoted entirely to restoring the destroyed surface of Telos. It is under the control of the Telosian Council. The restoration project itself is funded by the Republic.
1. Tell me about the Station's layout.
Protocol Droid: Citadel Station is divided into many modules, each serving a specific purpose. You are currently in Dock Module 126, which connects by shuttle to Entertainment Module 081. From there, another shuttle will connect you to the nearest residential module, 082.
2. I'd like to ask you about something else.
2. I'd like to know about Telos.
Protocol Droid: The surface of Telos was destroyed via orbital bombardment during the Jedi Civil War. It is now largely uninhabited, save for a few research stations run by workers and scientists who have clearance to be on the surface.
1. Why is surface access restricted?
Protocol Droid: For a variety of reasons. Safety is the government's number one concern. Also there is a great concern towards the prevention of environmental contamination, the security of ruined military facilities, and other, lesser issues.
3. I'll be going now.
Seems like mercenaries are popping up everywhere now that the war's over. I wish the Republic would bring them in line. Maybe it's time I headed coreward. Things out here on the Rim are getting too dangerous.

Docking Bay 2[edit]

The Bay II airlock is in the top wall opposite the doorway from the dock lounge:

Citadel Station's heavy airlock doors are usually opened via a nearby terminal.

Aside from the Information Terminal to its right, there's an Ithorian behind a desk to its left:

Ithorian: Greetings.
1. What's in this bay?
Ithorian: One of the orbital freighters that we are using for the Restoration Project. Normally it is used to transport flora and fauna brought from Onderon and other worlds to the Restoration Zones we have established on the planet's surface.
1. "Normally?" What's it being used for now?
Ithorian: Nothing, really. Our restoration efforts have been brought to a standstill.
1. Why is that?
Ithorian: There are planet restoration contract disputes with Czerka that must be resolved before we can resume our work. I know little more than that. Chodo Habat, our leader, could tell you more.
2. I'll be going now.

If you work for the Ithorians then once Chodo Habat allows you to use an orbital shuttle:

1. Chodo Habat sent me. I'm to take an orbital shuttle to RZ-0031 on Telos.
Ithorian: Yes, he sent word ahead. Please, enter. The shuttle has been prepared and is ready for departure.

You can now enter the Bay II airlock as you did when delivering the replacement Restoration Droid, but this time when you approach the back of the orbital shuttle at the top end of the bay:

Orbital Shuttle: This orbital shuttle is used to transport cargo and passengers between Citadel Station and Telos' surface.
1. Take the freighter to Restoration Zone 0031. 2. Step away from the shuttle.

Restoration Droid[edit]

If you've agreed to deliver the replacement Restoration Droid to Chodo Habat in Residential 082 West's Ithorian compound, the Ithorian can open the Bay II airlock:

1. Chodo Habat sent me to help deliver the replacement restoration droid.
Ithorian: Yes, he sent word ahead of you. Please, enter. They're waiting for you inside.

Otherwise, once you've agreed to help 'procure' the replacement Restoration Droid for Jana Lorso in Residential 082 East's Czerka offices instead:

1. [Lie] Chodo Habat sent me to help deliver the replacement restoration droid. 2. I need to get into the bay.
Ithorian: That is strange, Chodo did not send word about you. You will have to excuse me, but during these times, I must be certain. Ithorian: I'm sorry, but given the current situation here on Citadel Station, I cannot allow anyone access to the docking bay without proper authorization.
3. Never mind. 2. Um... never mind. I'll be going now.


2. [Persuade/Lie] Chodo sent me to pick up some supplies from the hangar bay.
Ithorian: [Failure] That is strange, Chodo did not send word about you. You will have to excuse me, but during these times, I must be certain.
1. Here are my credentials.
Ithorian: Ah, yes. I'm sorry for the inconvenience. Please, enter. They're waiting for you inside.

The Bay II airlock is now open at its bottom end, but closed in its top left corner:

Citadel Station's heavy airlock doors are usually opened via a nearby terminal.

There's an airlock terminal below it, to the left:

Airlock Terminal: AIRLOCK 2 TERMINAL 2. Log out.
1. Open Bay 2 door. 1. Open access hallway door.
Airlock Terminal: AIRLOCK 2 TERMINAL

Sealing access hallway door.

Opening Bay 2 door.
Airlock Terminal: AIRLOCK 2 TERMINAL

Sealing Bay 2 door.

Opening access hallway door.

There's another airlock terminal inside the bay, above to the right. There's a ramp at the bottom end of the bay, to your left as you enter, leading up to Bay Control, which can only be bashed open:

Security Bay Control Lock DC 100 (80) Bash Resist 5 Vitality 20

Ithorian bay control is by the windows overlooking the bay on the top right side of the control room:

Ithorian Bay Control: You shouldn't be here, I must devote my full attention to the operation of the docking bay.
1. I'll be going now.

There's a door to storage in the left side of the bay, with a security locker in the bottom left corner which is currently empty:

Security Security Locker Lock DC 21 (1) Bash Resist 5 Vitality 15

There's a shuttle at the top end of the bay. As you approach the TSF officer, Ithorian and Ithorian standing below it:

TSF Officer: I'm glad you're here. I'm the only man the TSF could spare and frankly, I've got a bad feeling about this.
Ithorian: Yes, we are all pleased to see you. Chodo Habat had said that another would arrive to help us. We-
Ithorian Droid: Excuse me, Master, but it seems we have some additional visitors.
Ithorian: Who are you? How did you get in here?

Five thugs have entered behind you:

Thugs (main character level 9)
Set 2
Level 6
Class Soldier
Alignment 40 (dark)
Awareness 3
Strength 8 -1
Dexterity 8 -1
Constitution 8 -1
Intelligence 8 -1
Wisdom 8 -1
Charisma 8 -1
Vitality 39
Force -
Defense 15
Fortitude 9
Reflex 7
Will 7
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Attack 8 -
Piercing 1-5-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats Force powers

Short Sword

Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons Power Attack4


Thugs (main character level 9)
Set 2
Level 6
Class Soldier
Alignment 40 (dark)
Awareness 3
Strength 8 -1
Dexterity 8 -1
Constitution 8 -1
Intelligence 8 -1
Wisdom 8 -1
Charisma 8 -1
Vitality 39
Force -
Defense 15
Fortitude 9
Reflex 7
Will 7
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack 8 -
Energy 1-4-
Threat 19-20,x2-
Attack 8 -
Piercing 1-5-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats Force powers

Hold Out Blaster + Short Sword

Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Pistol Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons Power Blast4


Thug (main character level 9)
Set 2
Level 7
Class Soldier
Alignment 40 (dark)
Awareness 3
Strength 8 -1
Dexterity 8 -1
Constitution 8 -1
Intelligence 8 -1
Wisdom 8 -1
Charisma 8 -1
Vitality 38
Force -
Defense 15
Fortitude 10
Reflex 7
Will 7
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack 9 -
Energy 1-4-
Threat 19-20,x2-
Attack 9 -
Piercing 1-5-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats Force powers

Hold Out Blaster + Short Sword

Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Pistol Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons Power Blast4


The TSF officer can be targeted, damaged and killed, but the Ithorian and droid cannot. If you disengage from combat, return in Stealth mode and speak to either of them:

Please, don't let them harm the droid! Ithorian Droid: Oh, dear. Save me, please!
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 200 Killed Thug (5) (level 9)
Item(s) Received Thug
Journal Entry Added Replacement Restoration Droid
You defeated a band of mysterious attackers who attempted to destroy the Ithorian Restoration Project management droid. All that remains is to escort the droid back to your client.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 500 Defeated attackers

Suspicious Goods[edit]

Ithorian: I am grateful for your assistance - that was most terrible. I wonder who could have ordered such a thing.
Ithorian Droid: Master, one of the assailants was carrying this.
Ithorian: An assassin's tool. It is no surprise that hired killers would carry weapons such as these.
2. An assassin with a gun? No surprise there. 3. I will show it to Lieutenant Grenn.
Ithorian: I doubt that he would be able to discern much from it, I have seen many blasters of this type for sale across the galaxy.
Awareness 1. [Awareness (6)] It looks as though the blaster has been heavily modified. Ithorian Droid: Actually, master, it appears that it has a number of illegal modifications.
Ithorian: Interesting. I believe you are correct, though I am by no means an expert. Such modifications are illegal on Citadel Station. Lieutenant Grenn should be informed so that he might conduct an investigation. I will leave it with you. But more importantly, you must take the droid back to Chodo Habat. I fear there may be more attacks if we do not see it quickly to safety.
1. Yes, I'll get the droid back to the Ithorians right away. 3. [Lie] Of course, I'll get him to Chodo right away.
Ithorian: Excellent. In that case, please follow Name to the compound.


2. Actually, I'll be returning it to Czerka Corporation.
Ithorian: What?! You cannot do this, I beg of you. Czerka cannot be trusted.
1. I think Telos would be better served with it in their capable hands.
Ithorian: You must not believe them. Jana Lorso spins lies as easily as she breathes. Please, the planet will die in her hands.
1. We'll see about that. 2. But I do trust their credits. 3. And you plan on stopping me?
Ithorian: You are wrong, but we have little money to offer you. If you must do this, know that a planet weeps for it. Ithorian: No, I will not. But rest assured, Lieutenant Grenn will know about this theft.
Journal Entry Added Suspicious Goods
You have discovered a suspicious hold out blaster on the body of a masked assassin. Lieutenant Grenn of the TSF would probably like to know about it.
Item(s) Received Ithorian
Thank you for your help, Name. Chodo will be eager to have the droid intelligence. Please, reconsider your choice. You must not take the droid to Czerka!

You could leave the droid here and go to Entertainment 081's TSF station to tell Lieutenant Grenn about the Suspicious Goods right now, but it's better to wait. If you went as far as returning to Residential 082 West's Ithorian compound to speak to Chodo Habat:

Chodo Habat: My people await your arrival at Bay Two of Dock Module 126. 1. I'll return with the droid intelligence.

If the TSF officer survived and you speak to him:

Whew, I'm glad that's over. Still, death might have been preferable to the amount of paperwork I'm going to have to fill out for this.

Save game before speaking to the Ithorian droid, as once you do so you'll finally have to commit to either the Ithorians or Czerka:

Ithorian Droid: I will trust your judgement, master. Lead the way.
1. Yes, follow me to the Ithorian Compound. 2. No, I'll be taking you to Czerka Corporation instead.


Once you deliver the replacement Restoration Droid, if you've investigated Smuggling on Citadel Station and you're now retrieving the prototype shield unit from the Ithorian docking bay for Samhan Dobo's Smuggling operation:

1. I need to get into the bay.
Ithorian: I'm sorry, but given the current situation here on Citadel Station, I cannot allow anyone access to the docking bay without proper authorization.

If you have Czerka's credentials:

2. [Persuade/Lie] Chodo sent me to pick up some supplies from the hangar bay. Ithorian: [Failure] That is strange, Chodo did not send word about you. You will have to excuse me, but during these times, I must be certain.


1. Here are my credentials. 1. [Persuade/Lie] Chodo sent me to pick up some supplies from the hangar bay.
Ithorian: Thank you, and please accept my apologies for the inconvenience. Ithorian: [Sucess] Oh, in that case, please go right in.

Once you're through the Bay II airlock and open the door to storage on the left side of the bay, the Ithorian now inside challenges you:

Ithorian: What are you doing here? 1. I'm here to collect the prototype shield.
Ithorian: That cannot be. It is to be kept in storage until shuttle flights to the restoration zones are resumed.
1. [Persuade/Lie] Chodo said that he would like to inspect it while he has a chance.
Ithorian: [Success] That makes sense. It could be very bad if this experimental technology were to fail while out in the barrens. I apologize for not trusting you. Please do not let me get in your way.
Please tell Chodo that next time he wants something from the docking bay, he should send word ahead of time.

Otherwise, he attacks you:

2. Stay quiet and I won't kill you. I'll be taking everything. 3. That is probably true, but I'll be taking it anyway.
Ithorian: What? No, I will not let you take it. I will stop you if I have to.


2. Nonetheless, I'm here for the shield.
Ithorian: You don't understand. It is to be kept here for safekeeping.
1. No, you don't understand. I'm taking it, unless you think you can stop me.
Ithorian: I may not be able to, but I will try.
Set None
Level 1
Class Soldier
Alignment 60 (light)
Awareness 3
Strength 12 +1
Dexterity 12 +1
Constitution 12 +1
Intelligence 12 +1
Wisdom 12 +1
Charisma 12 +1
Vitality 2
Force -
Defense 11
Fortitude 3
Reflex 1
Will 1
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Attack 2 -
Bludgeoning 2-5-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats Force powers




Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 25 Killed Ithorian (level 9)

There's a security locker by the back left wall:

Security Security Locker Lock DC 21 (1) Bash Resist 5 Vitality 15
Item(s) Received Security Locker
  • Prototype Shield Unit
The Ithorians' prototype personal shield unit.
Journal Entry Added Smuggling
Samhan Dobo would like you to take the prototype shield unit from the Ithorian docking bay. You retrieved the prototype shield unit.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 50 Retrieved prototype shield unit

You can now deliver the prototype shield unit to Samhan Dobo.

Docking Bay 3[edit]

The Bay III airlock is in the top wall at the right end of the main corridor:

Citadel Station's heavy airlock doors are usually opened via a nearby terminal.

There's a Czerka officer to the right, and a Duros behind a desk to the left:

Duros: This is Docking Bay 3. If you have no business here, please be on your way.
1. What goes on here? Duros: This docking bay is privately owned and operated by the Citadel Station branch of Czerka Corporation. Any relevant inquiries should be directed to the Czerka offices in Residential Module 082.
2. I'll be going now.

If you deliver the replacement Restoration Droid to Czerka Corporation, then once you've taken care of the Exchange for them:

1. Jana Lorso told me that there would be a shuttle waiting for me here.
Duros: Name, correct? The shuttle has been prepared for your departure. Ah yes. There is one other small matter. Executive Lorso sent this for me to give to you in additional thanks for your assistance. She believed you might be able to make some use of it.
Item(s) Received Duros

The Bay III airlock is now open at its bottom end, but closed in its top left corner:

Citadel Station's heavy airlock doors are usually opened via a nearby terminal.

There's an airlock terminal below it, to the left:

Airlock Terminal: AIRLOCK 3 TERMINAL 2. Log out.
1. Open Bay 3 door. 1. Open access hallway door.
Airlock Terminal: AIRLOCK 3 TERMINAL

Sealing access hallway door.

Opening Bay 3 door.
Airlock Terminal: AIRLOCK 3 TERMINAL

Sealing Bay 3 door.

Opening access hallway door.

There's another airlock terminal inside the bay, above to the right. There's a ramp at the bottom end of the bay, to your left as you enter, leading up to Bay Control, which can only be bashed open:

Security Bay Control Lock DC 100 (80) Bash Resist 5 Vitality 20

Bay control, a Duros, is by the windows overlooking the bay on the top right side of the control room:

I'm running a tight schedule, leave me alone.

There's a door to storage in the left side of the bay, which is empty. If you approach the back of the orbital shuttle at the top end of the bay:

Orbital Shuttle: This orbital shuttle is used to transport cargo and passengers between Citadel Station and Telos' surface.
1. Take the freighter to Restoration Zone 0031. 2. Step away from the shuttle.

False Batu[edit]

Once you've been to Entertainment 081's TSF station and spoken to Lieutenant Grenn about Batu Rem, you can speak to the Duros at Docking Bay 3 about it:

1. I'd like some information about a passenger that came through here.
Duros: I'm sorry, but I can't release that data to you. The confidentiality of travelers who come through our bay is one of our primary concerns.
1. Your confidentiality is protecting a killer.
Duros: So you say, but in the past we have found it best to remain neutral in cases such as this. If indeed a criminal used our transportation, there should be more than enough evidence for the authorities without compromising an innocent passenger.
1. He left no other evidence.
Duros: I'm sorry, but there's nothing I can do.
3. You'll help me if you know what's good for you.
Duros: Are you threatening me? Don't be ridiculous, the TSF actively monitors these hallways.

If you can't persuade him, then Kreia can use the Force:

Persuade 2. [Persuade (7)] Don't worry, I'll be discrete with my inquiries. The killer is dead, anyways.
Duros: [Success] Perhaps. Even so, it will incur some expense for me to find the information you seek. Duros: [Failure] No, the less I meddle with the affairs of assassins and bounty hunters, the better.
Kreia: You will help us find the information we seek.
Duros: But I see no harm in helping you. There will be a small expense to find this for you.
2. I won't pay you a bribe.
Duros: I must protest to your language! I am not asking for a bribe, simply for credits necessary to recoup the expenses of finding this information.
1. How much would this expense be? Duros: For twenty-five credits, I will give you the information you seek. Otherwise, please go.
Duros: I believe twenty-five credits would be sufficient.
1. I will return when I have sufficient funds. 2. Not at that price. Goodbye.
1. Twenty-five credits it is, then. Credits Lost: 25
Duros: Excellent. Now, let me just bring up the passenger manifests. What was the passenger's name?
1. Batu Rem.
Duros: Very good. Yes, here it is. His departure destination was Nar Shaddaa. He was scheduled to return on a shuttle that has already departed. That's all the information I have. In our business, the less information we gather, the less we have to give out. Our passengers are doubly protected.
Journal Entry Added False Batu: Bonus Mission
You discovered that the assassin who, disguised as Batu Rem, tried to kill you in the TSF station, came to Citadel Station by way of Nar Shaddaa.

You can now return to Lieutenant Grenn for a reward.

Batono Has Vanished[edit]

A Czerka officer stands to the right of the Bay III airlock:

Czerka Officer: This is a private docking bay owned and operated by Czerka Corporation. Unless you have business here, please move along. 1. I'll be going now.

Once you've been to Entertainment 081's TSF station and told Lieutenant Grenn you'll see what you can dig up about Batono:

1. I'm looking for a man named Batono.
Czerka Officer: Doesn't sound familiar. Your best bet is to direct your inquiry to Jana Lorso. You can find her at the Czerka offices in Residential Module 081.
1. You don't know? But he oversaw these docks. 2. You're sure you don't know anything?
Czerka Officer: Look, I'm paid to guard this docking bay, not answer your questions. Inquiries about Czerka employees should be directed to the branch's executive officer.
1. Czerka employee? Then you do know Batono. 2. It's obvious you know something.
Czerka Officer: You must be mistaken. Please, move along.
Journal Entry Added TSF Bounty: Batono Has Vanished
The CSD guards outside the Czerka docking bay pointed you towards Czerka executive Jana Lorso.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 50 Guard pointed to Jana Lorso
3. You can tell me what you know, or I can hurt you, and then you will tell me what you know. Dark Side Points Gained: -1
Czerka Officer: All right, all right! I know that he worked for Czerka, but that's all. You have to believe me. Talk to Lorso - if anyone knows more, it's her.

Jana Lorso can be found in Residential 082 East's Czerka offices.

Smuggling on Citadel Station[edit]

If you deliver the secured goods case supplied by Lieutenant Grenn to Samhan Dobo while investigating Smuggling on Citadel Station, and agree to escort Samhan inside Docking Bay 3:

Czerka Officer: About time you showed up, Samhan. Get your things loaded, I'm already behind schedule.
Samhan Dobo: All right, it'll only take a moment. No need to get so worked up over it.
Czerka Officer: You don't understand how it is with Czerka. When the process stops working like clockwork, questions get asked. And we don't want questions asked, do we?
Samhan Dobo: Yes, yes, I get the point. I could do this faster if you helped instead of standing there complaining.
Czerka Officer: The faster we get this loaded, the faster we can get it out of here.

Lieutenant Grenn enters with two TSF officers:

Lieutenant Grenn: Stop right there! You're all under arrest, and your possessions will be seized as evidence.
Samhan Dobo: This is ridiculous! The TSF cannot just barge in here as they please.
Lieutenant Grenn: That's enough, Samhan. Don't bother protesting your innocence. We know all about your "business" thanks to our friend here.
1. Glad I could be of help, Lieutenant. 2. What can I say? The TSF offer was better. 3. I'm just glad to be rid of this scum.
Samhan Dobo: What?! You set me up? I will see you burn for this!
Lieutenant Grenn: He's got a grenade! Take him down!

The Czerka officer doesn't join Samhan, who throws his Frag Grenade:

Samhan Dobo (main character level 9)
Set 4
Level 6
Class Soldier
Alignment 40 (dark)
Awareness 7
Strength 20 +5
Dexterity 20 +5
Constitution 20 +5
Intelligence 20 +5
Wisdom 20 +5
Charisma 20 +5
Vitality 80
Force -
Defense 23
Fortitude 16
Reflex 14
Will 14
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack 15 -
Energy 2-16-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Attack 15 -
Bludgeoning 7-13-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats Force powers

+ Blaster Pistol Frag Grenade

Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Pistol


Docking Bay 3 has the same layout as Docking Bay 2. The Bay III airlock is in its bottom right corner, with an airlock terminal to the left:

Citadel Station's heavy airlock doors are usually opened via a nearby terminal.
Airlock Terminal: *DOOR UNDER SECURITY LOCKDOWN* 1. Log out.

Once you and the TSF have defeated Samhan:

Samhan Dobo: All right! I surrender, I surrender! Arrest me and put me in your force cage, I have no desire to continue this fight.
Lieutenant Grenn: I thought you might see it my way. All of you, come with me.


Once you deliver the replacement Restoration Droid, if you've investigated Smuggling on Citadel Station, retrieved the medical supplies for Samhan Dobo's Smuggling operation and agreed to escort him inside Docking Bay 3:

Czerka Officer: About time you showed up, Samhan. Get your things loaded, I'm already behind schedule.
Samhan Dobo: All right, it'll only take a moment. No need to get so worked up over it.
Czerka Officer: You don't understand how it is with Czerka. When the process stops working like clockwork, questions get asked. And we don't want questions asked, do we?
Samhan Dobo: Yes, yes, I get the point. I could do this faster if you helped instead of standing there complaining.
Czerka Officer: The faster we get this loaded, the faster we can get it out of here.

A TSF lieutenant enters with two officers:

TSF Lieutenant: Stop right there! You are all under arrest, and those goods will be taken as evidence. And you, we're curious about your involvement as well.
Samhan Dobo: This is ridiculous! The TSF cannot just barge in here as they please.
TSF Lieutenant: Quit your protestations, Samhan. We all know your little secret. The circumstances have changed. You will be coming with us. So what do you have to say for yourself?
1. [Persuade/Lie] I was undercover, gathering information for Lieutenant Grenn. 2. I'm not telling you anything. 3. No one's going to find you when I'm through with you.
TSF Lieutenant: [Failure] Well then, after we place you under arrest, you'll have plenty of time to corroborate that story with Lieutenant Grenn. TSF Lieutenant: That's fine, too. But after a few days in a force cage, you might change your tune. TSF Lieutenant: Whatever you say.
TSF Lieutenant: Now, you'll be coming with us. Samhan Dobo: Quick, Name, we must take them out!

Samhan and the Czerka officer don't engage in combat.

TSF Lieutenant (main character level 9)
Set 3
Level 6
Class Soldier
Alignment 40 (dark)
Awareness 2
Strength 10 0
Dexterity 10 0
Constitution 10 0
Intelligence 10 0
Wisdom 10 0
Charisma 10 0
Vitality 40
Force -
Defense 17
Fortitude 11
Reflex 9
Will 9
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Attack 9 -
Bludgeoning 1-4-
Threat 20-20,x2-
Items and abilities Feats Force powers




TSF Officer (main character level 9)
Set 3
Level 6
Class Soldier
Alignment 60 (light)
Awareness 2
Strength 10 0
Dexterity 10 0
Constitution 10 0
Intelligence 10 0
Wisdom 10 0
Charisma 10 0
Vitality 40
Force -
Defense 17
Fortitude 11
Reflex 9
Will 9
Ranged Main Off hand
Attack 9 -
Energy 1-12-
Threat 19-20,x2-
Attack - -
Damage --
Threat --
Items and abilities Feats Force powers

Blaster Rifle

Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Rifle


Docking Bay 3 has the same layout as Docking Bay 2. The Bay III airlock is in its bottom right corner, with an airlock terminal to the left:

Citadel Station's heavy airlock doors are usually opened via a nearby terminal.
Airlock Terminal: *DOOR UNDER SECURITY LOCKDOWN* 1. Log out.
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 250 Killed TSF Lieutenant (level 9)
Experience Points (XP) Received:
  • 250 Killed TSF Officer (2) (level 9)
Samhan Dobo: That... was unfortunate.
1. Unfortunate? That was a disaster! 2. What are we going to do? 3. That will teach the TSF.
Samhan Dobo: Don't worry. This can be cleaned up, the evidence destroyed. The TSF will continue to be suspicious, but will not know the truth. I will forward a message to Lorso and she will ensure that this is taken care of. It would be a good idea for us to leave here, however. Samhan Dobo: We will see what lesson Lieutenant Grenn takes from this. For now, it would be a good idea for us to leave here.

You return to Entertainment 081's Dobo Brothers' Emporium.

Docking Bay 1[edit]

The Bay I airlock is in the top wall at the left end of the main corridor:

Citadel Station's heavy airlock doors are usually opened via a nearby terminal.

It's guarded by two TSF officers, but there's also an airlock terminal in the top left corner:

This dock is off-limits pending an ongoing TSF investigation. Move along.
Airlock Terminal: AIRLOCK TERMINAL CLOSED. 1. Log out.

You landed at the top end of this bay when you first traveled to Telos: Citadel Station, and you can travel here again once the Ebon Hawk is returned to you. There's a door to storage in the left side of the bay, which is empty, and a ramp at the bottom end of the bay leading up to Bay Control, which is locked. The Bay I airlock is open in the bottom right corner with an airlock terminal above it, to the left inside the bay, but you need to use the terminal below it, to the right inside the airlock itself, to open the access hallway door at its bottom end:

Airlock Terminal: AIRLOCK 1 TERMINAL 1. Log out.
1. Open Bay 1 door. 1. Open access hallway door.
Airlock Terminal: AIRLOCK 1 TERMINAL

Sealing access hallway door.

Opening Bay 1 door.
Airlock Terminal: AIRLOCK 1 TERMINAL

Sealing Bay 1 door.

Opening access hallway door.

TSF officers no longer guard the Bay I airlock in the hallway outside, and you're free to come and go as you please.