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(Sandstorm no longer has grenades, so no more spam)
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Spam when spawn. Although in Teamwarfare League matches it says no fire within 5 secs. you can pull that off and do a wall shot. For west, sit at tire. aim with middle of the mound and the top right corner so that the make a right angle. then fire. it should hit the wall. also if on east rush central to south stairs asap. watch for flashes. also you can go north. east is an advantage, but west has a better/easier spawn shots.  <b>EDIT from <i>RandomSAW</i>...  NEVER and i mean NEVER do what he said above.  Spawn nades ruin the game and take no skill whatsoever.  Sandstorm wasn't even supposed to have ANY explosives at all.</b><BR><BR>
<i>Edit from Desertfox_59 {X}</i> People are allowed their "tatics", but I will tell you how to avoid Spam such as this. Keep in mind 203 spammers only get one shot on Sandstorm.<br>
<b>1:</b>Spam always comes down in a predictable spot. Therefore, watch where that one shot falls, and either run away from there next time, or go a different way.
<b>2:</b> Keep in mind that the spammers are only wasting valuable shots.<BR>
<b>3:</b> Next patch the Dev's plan to take 203's out of sandstorm, because they conflict with the mission discription.

Well lets see. As (Loki "The Bunny") has already mentioned; if you have the RPK rush middle and pwn. But, there is a problem with that...flashbangs! Both sides are able to pitch em over the center and hit whoever is on the other side...quite effective. But still a rushing RPK can be devastating to a team. Don't wanna brag, and it's not all the time, but if I have RPK I usually average 10-15 kills a one with 20 and of course (Loki "The Bunny") has one with 27...w00t  
Well lets see. As (Loki "The Bunny") has already mentioned; if you have the RPK rush middle and pwn. But, there is a problem with that...flashbangs! Both sides are able to pitch em over the center and hit whoever is on the other side...quite effective. But still a rushing RPK can be devastating to a team. Don't wanna brag, and it's not all the time, but if I have RPK I usually average 10-15 kills a one with 20 and of course (Loki "The Bunny") has one with 27...w00t  

Revision as of 05:17, 7 July 2004


Well lets see. As (Loki "The Bunny") has already mentioned; if you have the RPK rush middle and pwn. But, there is a problem with that...flashbangs! Both sides are able to pitch em over the center and hit whoever is on the other side...quite effective. But still a rushing RPK can be devastating to a team. Don't wanna brag, and it's not all the time, but if I have RPK I usually average 10-15 kills a one with 20 and of course (Loki "The Bunny") has one with 27...w00t

Now, lets see. I usually like to play East, cuz it's harder. If you are on west it's a good idea to go for obj. A. The impatient ones will ask why? Well, here is why...high ground and cover. Obj. A has the house with windows and that busted up corner chardawal thing (what the hell is a chardawal?) If East rushes south into the valley picking em off as they come into sight is pretty easy from the corner...If they penetrate that whole in the east wall the person in the house can get em...also, if they are smart and 203 the windows of the house you can get em from the roof/patio thing to the south of the house (If you haven't eaten a 203 while in building of course). Also, as with all the obj. areas there are plenty of little hiding spots to hide in. My favorite spot is the busted corner, not only for the aforementioned reason, but because you can also watch the main south wall. Also if you are balzy and got a teamate to cover your back you can pass up the objective, rush into valley and clean up...this also prevents people from skulking around the obj and coming in the NE corner and taking the obj right after you left A.

If west decides to rush B I recommend you coordinate SF w/ the RPK' throw flashes over while RPK rushes into the little room North of B and out into the NW careful though cuz East can get the high ground and has good cover to cover the two doors leading out. Smart players who encounter the B rush will start to hang in courtyard under cover and pick you off as you come out the door. Not only that, they can get onto the top level there and do the same thing. Because of the upper levels I also recommend that you have a guy or two on top of the NW building with the hole in the roof...whatch our for 203's comin at ya though. Another good rush tactic for B is to stick to the south wall area coming out into the SW courtyard and possibly flanking the East team. I don't recommend rushin towards B then into the little alley leading to the NE whole cuz you will get popped in the back from above, course if you have guys on the NW building your good to go. But whatch out for Easties just on the other side of the whole.

Rushing South from West is also a good idea...You can get into the house faster then East can and having the high ground is always a good thing...Also going into the soth valley from west can also be quite effective. Alot of times East is already on their way to B and you can get the obj. behind em and come up behind em as they go towards B.

East Rushing obj C. from East can be quite important...and holding it...stick around and make sure OpFor doesn't coming up outa valley and make you go "WTF, I just took that obj." If you rush B do the same thing as you would from West...Flash and take north room. Also make sure a guy or two goes up onto the upper level and watches the alley between B buildings and the NW building. I should add here that obj. B is very important...It has it's down sides though...alot of approaches. If you are the last guy and have more than one obj. then try and camp the guy holding B can be a bitch...although the stairs on the south wall is a very good place to whole up. Running south can be a pretty good strategy also. From South you can take valley and then into A...whatch out for West comin outa the west into the SW courtyard though. If you discover that West is holding up around C then you can take valley and flank em.

hmmm....other than that I would like to add that even though this map is kinda considered a CQB map it is very wide open and has alot of different options...explore em. As with any good team, OpFor will adapt and you will have to change tactics and approaches. Also, don't be afraid to slow crouch around the map...makes it hard for Opfor to hear you...very important. Also, pay attention to the objectives...can't count how many times OpFor has sent someone to each obj. and won the game in like 40 secs (kinda embarrasing). On the other hand don't be afraid to hold back and wait for the other team to rush...both sides can mow the other down as they come at em.

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