Mega Man X2/Robot Junkyard

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Revision as of 02:45, 2 December 2012 by Prod (talk | contribs) (some info by User:ArlanKels)

A desolate location, it is place that you will encounter the unusual Morph Moth. That deadly adversary will push you to your limits as his home area contains undead monstrosities, and weird machines that seem to latch onto other robotics in order to control them.


  • Body Upgrade (need W-Gator's weapon)
  • Heart (need C. Snail's weapon)

Stage walkthrough

The junkyard is the home of the Maverick called Morph Moth. The overall theme is in relation to junk, magnetics and evil little bug-robots who like to latch onto X's head.

As you enter into the area and head to your right you might notice what looks like a dead Reploid merely floating in the air. Firing at it so that you hit the green magnetic energy will cause it to land on the ground and activate. Shooting it's body will leave it with a head, which will fire at you. Shooting it's head, however, results in causing the enemy to simply fall down and die, and is the optimal way of defeating it. If you choose to just run under it the Reploid will fall down and attack you.

There are several of these along the way, as well as another type of Reploid that uses a shield. Simply charge up your buster, shoot the shield and this will send it flying into the air. Then while the opponent is trying to catch his shield unload your buster on him.

Continue along to your right, and choose to either blow up or avoid the hanging Reploid parts. Also, through this area you might notice items in the background lifting up. This is because the magnetics are pulling upward, and that makes you capable of leaping higher.

At the entrance to this area, if you have acquired the Gator Wheel, use the radar upgrade(if you have gotten it[see Crystal Snail's level])and it will reveal two things, the first is a secret area off to the top, ignore this, the second should be in the floor, use the gator wheel, it will take about three shots, and go under the floor, there is the Dr. Light Capsule with the Armor Upgrade Giga Crush, which is a one-time use attack which is refueled when you take damage.

You might notice there's a spiked wheel riding Reploid. If you do not destroy it completely it will simply regenerate the lost parts, so either avoid it or completely decimate it.

There is a ladder on the right area, past the shield user. Climb up this ladder and dash as well as leap to your left. If you do not reach the higher portion use the ladder in that area to climb up until you're there. Dash and jump to your right, and you should be up on a higher area now. If you once more dash and jump to your left you'll be able to get a 1up.

After that head to your right…and get ready.

It lives!

As you enter into this next area you might notice that X stops being controllable, and that it scrolls to the right. That tube in the background will shatter, releasing a pink insectoid robot that will then, parasitically, control a larger robot body.

You will quickly notice that this monster machine is not the easiest thing to dispatch, given that only when you aim for the open area of the torso can it be hurt. Aim there, using primarily charged up buster shots and you should get by without being hurt.

However, at times the zombie robot will leap up high into the air and hover there for a split-second, only to come crashing down on your head. Sooner or later it'll start to fall apart, signaling that the pink insectoid is about to be spit out.

To beat the pink insectoid you might want to rely on charged up shots, given that a single pellet from your buster tends to bypass it while it's on the ground. If it doesn't die quick enough it'll burrow into the ground and pull out another zombie robot.

Repeat until it's dead.

Hint: If you have beaten Flame Stag, use fire on the pink insectoid, two shots will kill it.

Get it off!

You might notice as you head to your right that you have run across a weird green robot much like the pink one you had just previously vanquished.

Go ahead, merely stand there and stare at it as it leaps through the air and lands on your head. It's all right. After it catches onto X's head the machine will start forcing you to either dash, jump or fire uncontrollably. The only way to stop that is to hit left and right quickly until it jumps off.

The insect will leap off, hop about and potentially leap back onto your head. This will not be the only time you encounter this type of robot, as more will lay ahead. Dispatch it if you wish, and then head up and right, only to then kill off a hanging robot and climb down a ladder.

As you climb down the ladder you will see to your right a ledge where a shield robot is on. If you have not yet enraged the X-Hunters ignore this, as they will have no reason to care about showing up. Instead simply keep climbing down, or simply jump to release hold of the ladder and fall.

If there is an X-hunter present in the level, you can go there and fight, or you can merely ignore that area. However, if you defeat Serges, Agile, or Violen, you can recover some of Zero's stolen parts.

Serges: Short, quick and very mean, Serges spends a lot of time behind his little moving shield, however, he'll jump out a little now and then to shoot little mobile projectiles, get him then...

Agile: Tall and quick, Agile uses a saber, if you are on the ground, he'll dash at you, try to stay on the wall because he'll send large projectile between slashes, you can jump down and blast him.

Violen: The great ape, his weapon is a massive flail, very repetitive, just dodge the flail and shoot him as much as you can.

At this point you will encounter a descent to the right, as well as aerial green insects that will fly at you to hurt you. If you want you can go down further, dealing with spikes, or go along the top of the magnetic controllers, dealing with green insects.

After getting past that point you'll then get to descend another ladder! Oh joy, all of these ladders are just so exciting aren't they? Head to your left after getting down that ladder and prepare for a hallway of green insects. Charged shots can hit them when they're low to the ground.

Once more you reach a ladder, so head on down it. Kill more green robots while heading to your right, fall into the large chamber and get ready for another Pink Insectoid. Take it out, then keep heading to your right. More green insects await, who need to be taken out.

Before reaching the boss you need to contend with an annoying large door guard. If you have Wheel Gator's weapon this is a piece of cake, given that you can just drop your wheels down and let them cut it to ribbons. If you have chosen to be possessed by a green insect which gives you non-stop firing then you can utterly butcher it in a second by dropping right next to it and letting the insect kill it for you.

Maverick boss: Morph Moth

Morph Moth first appears in a cocoon that will swing back and it gains momentum it will begin firing projectile garbage down at you. Fire is this creature's primary weakness, so use it. After it is finished swinging, the cocoon will jump off it's silk thread and roll around on the ground, you can't hurt it like this, when it goes back up, it will begin sucking trash in in a clockwise or counter-clockwise pattern, you have to be quick, but you can dodge it.

Once you have 2/3 of his energy depleted, the cocoon will retreat into the ceiling, it will explode, and the two halves will fall into the stage: voilà, Morph Moth.

Watch out for the moth's "magic" powder, and blast him.

Weapon: Silk Shot

This projectile weapon takes on the appearance of each level…

Weapon strengths and weaknesses:

  • Strong in The Desert Base Stage
  • Weak in: The Weather Control Center Stage…