
From StrategyWiki, the video game walkthrough and strategy guide wiki

Take note that the PC has different control schemes in order to best suit the player's needs. Standard controls, called "Slinger-Style" in the game's menus, are listed here. These controls are balanced between the mouse (to attack) and the keyboard (to move), as is common in many other games. Other control styles place more focus on the mouse and, if the player prefers to use one, a controller. These controls should match up to Xbox or PlayStation controls, depending on the controller that the player is using. A controller is recommended if the player is more comfortable using one for action-heavy games, though a mouse allows for more precision, which may prove helpful in certain challenges.

Xbox PlayStation PC Switch Action
Neutral lstick or Neutral dpad Neutral lstick or Neutral dpad  W   S   A   D  Neutral lstick or Neutral dpad Move
A button Cross button  Space  B button Evade
B button Circle button Mouse left click A button Attack 1
X button Square button Mouse right click Y button Attack 2
RT button R2 button  Q  ZR button Secret Skill
LT button L2 button  Shift  ZL button Defend
Y button Triangle button  F  X button Heal
X button Square button  E  Y button Use/interact
R button R3 button  R  Press rstick Reload
View button Touchpad button  Tab  Plus button Open pack
LB button L1 button  PgUp  L button Next target
RB button R1 button  PgDn  R button Previous target
Menu button Options button  Esc  Minus button Pause