Bastion/The Workmen Ward

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Squirt Steps[edit]

The Squirt Steps is accessed through the southwest path. This section contains several Squirts, the initial ones trying to attack at a distance. A few tend to appear in melee range, and you can eventually encounter a Squirt generator.

There are two pickups in this section. The first is the War Machete, which can make fast attacks or be thrown at targets. The second is the Squirt Lure Secret Skill, which calls a friendly Squirt. When you return to the center, there is a final wave of Squirts that attacks.

Scumbag Alley[edit]

Fire at the Scumbag when it isn't charging.

Scumbag Alley follows the southeast path. It begins with an attack from four Scumbags, although they sometimes charge off the side of the road, allowing them to be quickly defeated. At the end of this path is a battle with a single large Scumbag, and it is supported by a Squirt generator. The battle shouldn't be much different than before; simply block the Scumbag when it charges and chop it to bits with your weapon.

There is nothing to pick up here, but defeating the Scumbag is worth 150 XP, and you should find Something Sharp after returning to the central area (when a Squirt brings it up as it arrives). This will allow you to upgrade the War Machete upon construction of the Forge at the Bastion.

East Side[edit]

This is found in the northeast path, and is guarded only by a few Gasfellas. It is the home of the Forge, which allows you to upgrade your weapons with the various "somethings" that you found. On the first visit, you likely have enough Fragments to upgrade two of the Kid's weapons.

When you return to the center, there are a few more Gasfellas that are present. You can also head down a side path to see one of the various minor characters.

Gasfella foreman[edit]

Don't forget to pick up the Ragged Hood while on your way to the Core.

To the northwest is the path to the Gasfella foreman. In the first half of this area, there are three Gasfells that attack alongside an ambush of four Security Turrets. Here, there is also the Ragged Hood memento. This will allow you to summon a Squirt pet at the Bastion after speaking to the Stranger about it.

The Core is in the second room, but it is behind a cage. The Gasfella foreman arrives, with other Gasfellas forming an arena ring. The ring will simply do slam attacks to keep you within the arena, while the foreman tends to use a fast spinning attack. Defeating the foreman will free the Core, and allow you to return to the center and exit. There is one more Gasfella that appears when you return to the center, but it is easily handled.