Bomberman Generation/ArmorJoe

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This is it: the final battle aboard the rumored battleship ArmorJoe. The final world comprises solely of this one battle. You main objective is to defeat the battleship's cannons and make your way down the entire length of the ship so you can come face to face with Mujoe himself.

You will start out at the bow of the ship. As you approach, two cannons will flip up to face you. Deal with the little guys with Homing Bombs. But soon after, you'll stare down the barrel of one of the Giant Turrets (like the two you faced back at Megadeth Bypass except not shielded); thankfully, though, it can't turn. Take it down with two Big Bombs and a ramp will rise to the next Giant Turret right behind it, but don't climb up yet. To either side of it are panels that will flip to reveal cannons. Deal with them and then toss Big Bombs at the Giant Turret from the side to take it out. Unlike the first one, this turret can turn, but keeping down means the shots fly over you...unless you're carrying a bomb. Defeating this turret raises another ramp, allowing you to reach the battleship's wings.

On the wings, use Homing Bombs to deal with several flying robots and a couple of flip-up cannons. Your next goal is to take out the battleship's engines. But as you approach each pair, watch out for a surprise flip-up cannon and a missile. One Big Bomb stuffed into each engine's intake should take them out. Once all four engines are out, return to the center of the ship and the wings will fall off. You can now climb back down and cross newly-opened paths towards the stern. Before going up the ramps, deal with the missiles and look for a couple Big Hearts.

Once up, you'll have to worry about a Giant Turret that can turn to face you. You can climb up the ramp to face it head on, but head off to one side first. On either side of the turret are lines of flip-up cannons. Take out the cannons with thrown Homing Bombs (kicked ones won't make it up the shallow ledge). While you're at it, you should notice two stationary Giant Turrets high up (they only shoot straight ahead). Once the cannons are gone, two Big Bombs thrown with a Power Glove to each one can make your trek up there a lot easier. Also be on the lookout for Big Hearts if you've taken some hits. Eventually, it should just be that one moving Giant Turret to deal with, and with those two stationary turrets gone, you're free to use the same trick you used back at Megadeth Bypass: keeping to its rear while you charge up the Big Bombs. Once all the turrets are gone, Mujoe will have no choice but to reappear.

Mujoe reveals and activates his Bomb Element. You are transported to a grid-like virtual arena above the ship and have to go one-on-one against the Master Mujoe himself: only now in the form of a giant virtual head.


First thing to note is that Mujoe is translucent. This hints that only Big Light Bombs can hurt him, and he has a full Life Gauge, so you need to hit him sixteen times to defeat him.

To start off, Mujoe starts by erecting a couple lines of defense to protect himself. The outer line consists of crystals while the inner line consists of orbs. Neither can force a bomb to blow unless they're thrown against them, but they make very narrow windows of opportunity for you to make the throws.

At two hearts down, Mujoe tries a new defense. he eschews the orbs in favor of a ring of fire, which he'll occasionally regenerate. This forces you to switch to Aqua Bombs temporarily so you can quench the flames and create openings for you to resume your attack. Meanwhile, he'll start occasionally trying to launch cannonball mortars at your position.

Finally, at halfway down, Mujoe gets rid of the ring of fire. But now, his mortars back a lot more punch and explode into a cluster of smaller fireballs. Furthermore, after a salvo of four or so, he'll try hitting you with laser beams from his eyes. Wait for the beams to appear before trying to approach for an attack. At this stage, Mujoe will mostly use this technique but may switch back to the Ring of Fire defense, especially if he's down to two hearts or less. Keep attacking as you can to take Mujoe down for good.

Once Mujoe is defeated and the final Bomb Element freed, you can sit back and watch the ending.