Heavy Rain/On the Loose

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You come to this chapter right from Flowers on the Grave if Madison and Jayden died in The Doc and Mad Jack. If only Jayden died, you'll come here after Sexy Girl, and if Jayden didn't die, you'll come here after Fish Tank.

In this chapter, the police have located your base of operations at the motel and are preparing a raid.

In the room[edit]

Don't forgive Madison.
Lover Boy
Lover Boy
Forgive Madison.

You start out sitting on the floor with your back against the sliding glass door, crying about your last trial, whether you killed the guy or not. If Madison is dead, you'll just get up and either pick up the next origami piece or go outside. If Madison is alive, she'll come in and sit with you. You and she will lean in for a kiss, and you have the option to go ahead or not. If you don't kiss her, Madison will leave and decide to go home. If you do kiss her, you'll have an interactive makeout session, performing the indication instructions to get undressed and fondle her. You can leave Madison in her bra or take that off too, but when you finally tilt the controller left to lie down, it'll switch to a cut scene of the two making love.

When you wake up beside her, you'll want to extricate yourself from spooning with her and get dressed. The actions are slowly unfolding ones on the harder difficulties, but she won't wake up even if you go too fast. Put your clothes on, then walk over to the chair on the opposite side of the room to grab your jacket. When you do, some of Madison's things fall out onto the floor. Inspect them with Down rstick to find that she has been following you, taking pictures and writing notes. You'll wake her up and confront her, and she'll explain her side of the story. You can choose to forgive her or not, or don't do anything and the game will default to not forgiving her.


Escape Master
Escape Master
Don't get arrested in this chapter.

There are many ways to get to the point where the cops bust in on you. If Madison is dead, you'll walk out the front door and see the cops, then come back in. If she's alive, whether you kissed her or not, and whether you forgave her or not, she'll go down into the parking lot and see the cops. You'll have control of her there, and you can choose to hop on your bike and leave, or use the phone inside to call Ethan's room (#207) and warn him. If you leave on the bike or call the wrong number, the cops will barge into the room while he's still there.

If you were alerted to the raid, you can go out onto your balcony and a quicktime sequence will start. If you weren't alerted, you'll have the option to break the cops' hold on you in your room and get out onto the balcony to continue the quicktime sequence. You'll jump across two balconies, then go through another room and out the door to the walkway outside. It doesn't matter which directions you choose when you have the choice, as if you pick the way that's blocked, you'll just turn around and go the other direction anyway. Eventually you'll make it up to the roof, where the quicktime sequence continues, interspersed with a couple button tapping actions until finally you find yourself at the edge of the roof in a spotlight from a helicopter with nowhere else to run.

As Blake approaches, you'll have the choice to surrender or jump. If you choose to jump, you'll fall backwards off the roof and miraculously survive due to some scaffolding breaking your fall on the way down. Quickly tap the indicated button to get up, then run out into the street and carjack the oncoming taxi to escape. To get arrested in this chapter, fail any part of the quicktime sequence or choose to surrender instead of jumping when you're cornered. If this is the first time you're arrested, you'll go to Under Arrest, and if it's the second, you'll be arrested for the remainder of the game. If you don't get arrested here, you'll move on to Trapped.