Pokémon Ranger/Search the Safra Sea!

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There is something wrong with the Safra Sea. Marine-dwelling Pokémon spoear to be causing trouble anong the citizens. Investigate these abnormal occurrences and put an end to them all!

In Ringtown[edit]

On the main screen continue the game and you will be your Ranger Base with all the Ringtown Rangers. Spenser has one more reward for up his sleeve for rescuing Fiore. You are now able to take Pokémon out of the habits and use them elsewhere. Are there some secrets in Fiore that we don't know about? We'll explore and find these secrets after these special missions.

Prof. Hastings asking you to field test his Records add on

Prof. Hastings comes in and says he has an add on for the Styler and he asks you to field test it. He says that you don't have to do anything extra and just go about doing your normal routine. He then says if everything goes well then he will add it to everyone's Styler. He then leaves and says to visit him at his lab in Fall City when you have the chance.

Solana/Lunick then comes over and says that their Partner Pokémon had a special connection with yours at the Fiore Temple. You then register their data in your Browser!

Reporting to Prof. Hastings[edit]

When you are ready head upstairs and take the Dragonite Bus to Fall City. Once on Fall City, head to Prof. Hastings' lab. He will then ask you how the Records feature is and if it's useful for your Ranger activities. He wants to know all the details so you spend the night conversing with him. In the morning, the assistant says Joel has a mission for you so you head out and go to the Ranger Base

Search the Safra Sea![edit]

Joel says that there have been strange things happening in the Safra Sea such as violent waves, abnormal tides, Pokémon who live in the ocean coming ashore, and the lighthouse going dark. He wants you and Aria to go to the pier to investigate this. Aria insists that she can do this alone but Joel says that the mission needs her keen sense of intuition and your expertise in capturing. Head out of the base and the mission will start.

Starting Search the Safra Sea!

The mission will start at the pier and a sailor tells you that since the lighthouse went dark the ships can't sail safely. He remembers seeing star shaped figures in the basement but he's too scared and he asks you to go down there to resolve the issue. He brings you to the ladder so head down when you are ready.

Finding Staryuin the basement

Follow the path and you will see 4 Staryu. Aria tells you to capture them to calm them down. Go down the ladder and they will come to you.

PokémonField MovePoké AssistLoops
Staryu StaryuFlash Water5

Wait for the Staryu to be bunched together and capture them all at once. If you are having a hard time then capture them one at a time. Once captured, Aria says it was the Staryu that caused the lighthouse's outage and you guys head out. As you walk out, you here a cry for help in the Tourist Center. Go inside and see what's going on.

Krabby infestation in the Tourist Center

As you head into the Tourist Center you will see 4 Krabby causing the people havoc. Capture them to calm them down.

PokémonField MovePoké AssistLoops
Krabby KrabbySoak Water6

Capture them the same way you captured the Staryu. Once captured, head out of the center and you will here a scream at the docks. Go and check it out. A sailor is surprised to see 4 Carvanha here. Aria is wondering why they are agitated and what's causing them to behave like that. Another Pokémon that you have to calm down by capturing them.

Seeing Carvanha at the water surface
PokémonField MovePoké AssistLoops
Carvanha CarvanhaNoneWater4

This capture is like the previous two. After you capture them, Aria will notice that whirlpools have formed and she remembers that you can communicate with Lapras. She says you can take Lapras and check out the whirlpools. Before getting on Lapras go to the north side of the pier and talk to the man near the lighthouse to recharge your Styler. Once done, go to Lapras and hop on for a ride to see what's up with the whirlpools. As you get to the whirlpools, a bug kne forms and you try to escape but it sucks you in. It brings you to an underwater cavern and Kyogre appears!

Finding Kyogre in an underwater cavern

The Kyogre has bite marks on it due to it finding its arch rival, Groudon, so they battled each other.

PokémonField MovePoké AssistLoops
Kyogre KyogreNoneWater16

Use Minun/Plusle and capture Kyogre while it's paralyzed. Once it's captured, it will swim off and you return to shore. Aria was worried about and kids about her crying for you. She asks what you found and you tell her about Kyogre. She then says Kyogre caused all of this and since everything is calm again that it must have left. She then says you have to report this back to Joel so you head to the Ranger Base. After reporting to Joel, he says that Kyogre must have battled Groudon and cane to the Fiore Region to heal. The mission is over once the history lesson is done.

Clearing Search the Safra Sea!

Mission Clear