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The wasteland survival guide is a book in progress written by Moria of Megaton. She intends to work on the book in order to make it easier for inexperienced people to survive in the wastelands. The book is divided into three distinct chapters, each with three portions. Moria asks you to assist her by performing various tasks and returning to her when they're done.

Chapter 1


In the first chapter, newcomers need to know about good scavenging points and where to collect resources. An example of a scavenging point would be the Super Duper Mart located somewhere to the east - your objective is to find a small stock of food and medicine if possible.

Most of the mall is already looted, with a few stands knocked about. However, there is still some items available within the mall for collection.

The food is accessible in the front-right corner of the building and is stored in the refrigerator. In the region, you can also collect a few items and weaponry as well as a key to access the medicine.

The medicine or first aid equipment is located on the opposite corner of the mall. Note that entering this area may trigger reinforcements to enter the mall.

  • Note: You have special dialogue options if you have a high endurance.


A major issue in the wasteland is that there is an occasional minefield - one ghost town is located far to the north east and is littered with live explosive mines. In order to determine the best method to traverse minefields, she asks you to reach the playground in the center of the city.

The mines in the city were planted by a sniper that wants to be left alone. Even if the mines are dangerous, it is possible that one of his shots can hit a car, causing it to explode.

  • Note: There are special dialogue options if you have high endurance or agility.

Radiation Poisoning

Moria wants to know how to recognize radiation poisoning and how to treat it. To complete this task, achieve at least minor radiation poisoning.

You can obtain radiation poisoning by drinking from water supplies (such as from sinks), eating irradiated food or meat from animals, or by being in a radioactive area (including surface water).

Chapter 2

Repelling Mole Rats

Moria wants a humane method of dealing with mole rats that are aggressive, and wants you to test a repellant stick. While you can attack any mole rat you want, there is a high concentration of them in the Tepid Sewers.

You may need to hit a mole rat more than once for the stick to take effect.


Mirelurks are heavily armoured creatures that are not fully understood - their weak point is their face. However, in order to get better information about these animals, you need to infiltrate their nest and plant an observation device within their eggs.

In order to best research their life cycle, you need to avoid killing any mirelurk. If you have completed the Galaxy News radio quest, you should have at least a few Stealth boys to help sneak in and out of their nest.

Human anatomy

Become at least 50% injured, preferably with a crippled limb. If you want, you can step on a live landmine or get hit with an explosive attack.

If you have trouble getting a crippled limb, you can regain hitpoints by drinking from water sources, as limb injuries are not healed by drinking.

Chapter 3

History of Rivet city

In order to determine how cities are made in the post-apocalyptic world, you need to determine the history of River city.

When you are able to gain access to Rivet city, you will need to check with the locals to get the true story of the settlement. Your first and easiest contact is Bannon in the Potomac Attire ship - he is the member of the city council and claims that he has converted the rusty boat into the safest stronghold within the wastelands.

Betty from the bar on the lower deck has a different story, and states that Bannon wasn't even born here. She states that only person who knows the true history is either gone or dead.

From discussions with other people in the carrier, you can determine that true history can be found in the front of the ship - which is broken off the main section. To enter, you need a lockpick skill of 100 or swim into the broken section on the opposite side of the carrier.