From StrategyWiki, the video game walkthrough and strategy guide wiki
Revision as of 23:32, 3 August 2009 by Najzere (talk | contribs) (updating links, updating next meeting time, starting on latest minutes)
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Next Meeting
September 5, 2009
  • 2:00 PM EDT
  • 6:00 PM GMT
  • 11:00 AM PST

Complete logs of all the proceedings of meetings can be found here. For older logs, try here. New logs are generally added within a few hours after the meeting ends.

August 1, 2009 minutes

  1. Business with Echelon
    • We cannot get in contact with Echelon, therefore the expectations of our potential investor/partner have soured.
    • Steps are being taken to establish Abxy LLC as the institutional owner of
      1. Domains are now held under an account established on Abxy's behalf.
      2. Abxy has filed for trademark of "StrategyWiki".
    • Based on his actions (or inactions), it may be that the future of StrategyWiki is of little importance to Echelon.
  2. Licensing
    • Pros and cons of a switch from GFDL to CC-BY-SA license are discussed, with general consensus that we have more to gain by switching.
    • A vote is called for switching licenses: 7 in favor, 0 against
  3. Tekken reskin
    • The Tekken ad reskin was a success thanks to Teddy and Prod
  4. New site skins
    • Teddy is working on a new look for both ABXY and StrategyWiki in hopes of creating an updated, more cohesive and more intuitive interface.
    • A link to a mockup is provided and preliminary thoughts are discussed.
    • To give Teddy some feedback (especially on color scheme, typography, spacing), PMs (on ABXY?) and the Google group are the preferred contact methods.
    • Some discussion of how well the two sites are integrating commences with the outcome that although there is little crossover at this point, it is the goal of both sites to become more integrated with each other.
  5. Evaluation of past month
    • This is a new feature of the monthly meetings where we reflect on the events of the last month and give opinions on what we should start, continue and stop doing.
The floor is opened for individual comments.

Specific issues

  1. Staff inactivity
    • It is noted that activity from staff members has dropped in the last few months.
    • The general response is that everyone is rather busy this summer (jobs, school, preparation for both, etc.).
    • Specifically, there is a call to action for the milk project and a general increase in activity for issues on the staff lounge.
      1. Prod will look into reactivating the MultipleUpload extension.
      2. Collapsible elements for use on guide Tables of Contents is discussed, and generally approved with the understanding that non-JavaScript users will still have access to the full Table of Contents through the link in the Header Nav and on the main page.
  2. YouTube/external links
    • Najzere's opinion is that linking externally, especially to YouTube, for walkthrough information is potentially damaging to StrategyWiki's viewership.
    • In a couple more updates to MediaWiki (v. 1.16), functionality for embedded videos will be available and use of the feature will be discussed at that time.
    • Cons to linking externally: it takes users offsite, helps the competition, and in the case of videos reminds users that there is a "prettier" ("better", to some) way to get the information we provide.
    • Pros to linking externally: highly detailed information need not be compiled and maintained by us, in the case of videos, it can make understanding of complex or detailed actions easier to understand.
    • The debate is lengthy; in the end the general feeling is that the issue hasn't hit critical mass yet, video walkthrough sites aren't killing us yet, so we can start on an external links/YouTube guideline, but it isn't a major concern at this time.
    • Specific instructions for current problem areas (mainly Deus Ex) is to move YouTube links to the talk page and get content written.
    • In general, we don't want to duplicate walkthrough information in external links.