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Melee weapons

The melee weapon will take up your pistol slot. While only working at short range, they inflict more damage and can generally take care of the infected as they are close up.

If you are knocked down, you will use a single pistol instead of swinging your melee weapon.

Baseball Bat

The bat is only available to players that pre-purchased the game, or players in the same server as a pre-purchaser. It has average damage and swing speed.


The chainsaw runs on gasoline and can't be refueled. It will only use gas when you attack with it. It is, however, arguably the most powerful melee weapon in the game, dealing 200 damage per half-second and able to kill a Witch in 2 seconds on Normal difficulty.

Cricket Bat

This bat deals 500 damage per swing and has a relatively long reach, but swings rather slowly.

Electric Guitar

The electric guitar is a large, two handed melee weapon. It takes up a significant portion of your screen, and can behead enemies.

Fire Axe

The fire axe is the typical red-headed blade on a stick. Like the electric guitar, it is two handed and can be used to behead enemies. 400 damage.

Frying pan

The frying pan is a one handed blunt object. It is fast, but cannot behead enemies. It can be found relatively commonly.


The katana deals 500 damage and has a fast swing, but has a slightly longer cooldown time.


While only dealing 250 damage, the machete makes up for it with good speed and cooldown. The low damage doesn't make a huge difference to begin with, as common infected never have more than 100 health.


Also known as a Tonfa, this weapon swings extremely fast but deals less-than-average damage. Riot Infected will sometimes drop these upon death.


Deals 500 damage, and swerves the player's screen a bit upon swings.

Combat Knife (German Version Only)

The combat knife is one handed and the player slashes vertically when attacking. This is one of a few German exclusive weapons that comes from Counter-Strike: Source. Anyone can use it as long as someone is playing the German version is present.



  • Magazine capacity: 15

The regular pistol, with a new skin, from the original Left 4 Dead. (This game's pistol is a P220, and a Glock when dual-wielding). Like in the previous game, the pistol can be dual-wielded. If you trade your two pistols for a melee weapon or a magnum, you will only be able to trade back for a single pistol. It's a reliable sidearm, having infinite ammo, and can serve as a primary weapon for shotgun users.

When dual wielding you will be able to fire 30 rounds instead of 15 as well as doubling your rate of fire. The only downside to dual-wielding is a longer reload time, but that is virtually negligible, and you should always take the second pistol if you don't want to take a Magnum or melee weapon.


  • Magazine capacity: 8

The Desert Eagle magnum has a smaller magazine capacity, but deals more damage—80 points to the P220's 36. Like the regular pistol, the magnum also has unlimited ammo. Its speed is usually a factor when deciding between two regular pistols or a melee weapon. One thing that is valued a lot is the ability to one-shot common infected without needing a headshot on any difficulty or in Realism, as well as retaining your standing accuracy while incapitated. It's rarer than a normal pistol and usually spawns where a normal P220 would have spawned.


Pump Shotgun

Shorter range than the Chrome, but much greater spread. Particularly useful on realism for headshots.

Chrome Shotgun

More accurate than the pump shotgun, but inflicts less damage per shot.

Tactical Shotgun

Shorter range than the Combat, but much greater spread. Particularly useful on Realism for headshots

Combat Shotgun

More accurate than the tactical shotgun, but inflicts less damage per shot.

SMGs and Rifles


  • Magazine capacity: 40
  • Total ammo capacity: 400 (360 + 40)


  • Magazine capacity: 50
  • Total ammo capacity: 410 (360 + 50)

Combat Rifle

  • Magazine capacity: 60
  • Total ammo capacity: 420 (360 + 60)

Fires in three-shot bursts.


Silenced SMG

Inflicts more damage than the normal Submachine gun, but is less accurate.

Sniper Rifles

Hunting rifle

  • Magazine capacity: 15
  • Total ammo capacity: 150 (135 + 15)

Sniper rifle

  • Magazine capacity: 30
  • Total ammo capacity: 180 (150 + 30)

More accurate than the hunting rifle.


Grenade launcher

  • Magazine capacity: 1
  • Total ammo capacity: 31 (30 + 1)

This weapon appears in limited quantity in the campaign, usually in a side room off the main path. It cannot be refilled at ammo piles, but has enough ammo to last through a given level.

It can be found in stadium in The Concert, the final area of the Dark Carnival campaign.

Pipe bomb

The pipe bomb is a throwable weapon. It emits a loud beeping sound to attract common infected to the grenade before exploding.


The molotov is a glass bottle full of flammable liquid. It shatters on impact and ignites a large area for about 15 seconds.

Boomer bile

Boomer bile is a canister containing boomer bile. When thrown, it shatters and causes common infected to either approach the bile cloud or targets hit with the bile. The common infected will proceed to attack the bile in question.


First Aid Kit

A very important item, it heals you or your teammate for 80% of the damage taken, but never back to full health. Healing your self or a teammate takes a bit of time, so it's not the best thing to do in the middle of a horde attack. You can use it to do a melee shove for as much damage as any other melee shove, but any other weapon is better for killing zombies. First aid kits always spawn in every safe room and campaign finale, though they sometimes spawn in the level itself like in first aid lockers. On Expert difficulty, most first aid kits are replaced with Pain Pills, so a first aid kit outside of a safe room or finale is very rare.


The defibrillator is used to revive survivors who have died, even survivors who are in a rescue closet, as long as their corpse is still present. Holding it out will reveal a revivable teammates corpse with a red outline. Approaching the corpse and hitting any of the attack buttons will revive them while giving them 50 health. It is usually advisable to have one designated player carry the Defibrillator while others carry first aid kits, especially on higher difficulties and realism.

Pain Pills

Pain pills refill 50 temporary health that will degrade at a rate of 1 point every 5 seconds. It can be given to other survivors by pressing alternate fire. It will restore your normal movement speed as long as your restored health is above 40.

Adrenaline Shots

Adrenaline shots restores 25 temporary health and puts you into a heightened state. For 15 seconds, you will move, reload, heal, pour fuel, revive and switch between items more quickly, do not suffer fatique from melee shoves, makes you immune to the slowdown effect by common infected attacks and let's you maintain your speed while wading in water. As a side effect, you will get temporary tunnel vision and your sound becomes monophonic, which makes it harder to determine the location of infected and other survivors.



A laser is an accessory that is added to a primary weapon to improve its accuracy. It provides a laser dot when attached. Lasers cannot be attached to pistols, items, or melee weapons.

You can find lasers in white boxes, similar to the fragmentation or incendiary ammo boxes.

Fragmentation rounds

Fragmentation rounds explode on impact. A common infected struck with an explosive round will be killed instantly, and most special infected will stumble when hit. The only special infected that won't stumble is the Tank.

You can find fragmentation rounds within tan ammo boxes. They will either fill the current weapon's clip, or replace the ammunition.

Incendiary rounds

Incendiary rounds cause targets to catch fire.

You can find Incendiary rounds within orange ammo boxes.