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Enemy Name Points
Tsubame (つばめ) 100
Kaiten Ho (回転砲) 3000
Dial (ダイヤル) 1000
CD (シーディー) 1000
Mini Tank (ミニタンク) 500
Aburazemi (アブラゼミ) 1000
Kuchu Ho (空中砲) 4000

BOSS: Twin-Claw (ツインクロー) - This enormous (but indeterminate) purple creature shall attack by firing lasers from the centre of his body and boomerangs from the two claws that have given him his name (the latter of which can be blocked by your own shots, for 50 extra points apiece); his body is his only vulnerable point, and once you have fired enough shots at him to defeat him, you shall receive 60000 points as he emits his scream of death and explodes. You'll also receive 80000 more points once he has done so as the text "DESTROYED THE TARGET!!" appears upon the screen again - however, like Triple-Eye, the Strike-Ants, Roller-Snail, Hunter-Moth, Multi-Squid, Shark-Mouth and Monster-Head (and Ultimate-Tiger and Monster-Mouth), he will retreat if you take too long over defeating him, and the text "MISSED THE TARGET ENEMY!!" will appear on the screen for what'll be a last time.



Once the screen has faded back in, five Tsubame will come flying towards you from the left side of the screen, while firing projectiles at you; once you've fired a shot at each of these to kill them, four Kaiten Ho will come spinning towards you on the left and right sides of the screen, while shooting flames at you (which can be blocked by your own shots for 50 extra points apiece). Once you've fired enough shots at each of them to defeat them, they'll explode and five more Tsubame will come flying towards you from the right side of the screen while firing projectiles at you - and once you've fired a shot at each of them to kill them an Aburazemi Carrier will fly down into view on the right screen side with eight Aburazemi firing projectiles at you from their positions on it. Once you have fired a shot at each of them to kill them, five more Tsubame will come flying towards you from the left side of the screen while firing projectiles at you; once you have fired a shot at each of them to kill them a CD Carrier will fly down into view on the right side of the screen with ten CDs firing projectiles at you from their positions on it. Once you have fired a shot at each of them to kill them five more Tsubame will come flying towards you from the right side of the screen while firing projectiles at you - and once you have fired a shot at each of them to kill them, five more Tsubame will come flying towards you from the left side of the screen, while firing projectiles at you. Once you have fired a shot at each of them to kill them, you will come to a yellow Turtle on the left side of the screen; once you have fired a shot at it to destroy it, it will leave an Energy-Capsule behind for you. Once you have collected it, five more Tsubame will come flying towards you, from the right side of the screen - and once you've fired a shot at each of these to kill them, you will come to a Mini Tank, which is firing projectiles at you, from its position on the left side of the screen. Once you have fired a shot at it to kill it, you will come to a red Turtle, on the left side of the screen; once you have fired a shot at it, to destroy it, it shall leave a Hyper-Bomb (or Special-Bonus if you have the maximum of four Hyper-Bombs in storage) behind. Once you have collected the Hyper-Bomb (or Special-Bonus), you will come to another Mini Tank which is firing projectiles at you from its position on the left side of the screen; once you have fired a shot at it to kill it, five more Tsubame will come flying towards you from the left side of the screen, while firing projectiles at you. Once you've fired a shot at each of them to kill them, five more Tsubame will come flying towards you from the right side of the screen while firing projectiles at you - and once you've fired a shot at each of these to kill them, two Dial Carriers will fly down into view on the left and right sides of the screen with twelve Dials firing projectiles at you from their positions upon them. Once you have fired a shot at each of these to kill them, five more Tsubame will come flying towards you from the left side of the screen, while firing projectiles at you; once you have fired off a shot at each of them to kill them, five more Tsubame will come flying towards you from the right side of the screen while firing projectiles at you. Once you have fired a shot at each of them to kill them, six Kuchu Ho will come flying towards you from the left and right sides of the screen while firing projectiles at you - and once you have fired enough shots at each of these to defeat them, they will explode and the song you had been hearing from the Yamaha YM-2151 will fade out. Once again, you'll have the best chances for this boss battle if you have the large combined ship.

Once Twin-Claw's theme starts to be heard from the Yamaha YM-2151, five more Tsubame will come flying towards you from the left side of the screen, while firing projectiles at you; once you have fired a shot at each of them to kill them, five more Tsubame will come flying towards you from the right side of the screen while firing projectiles at you. Once you have fired a shot at each of them to kill them you will come up to Twin-Claw himself - an enormous purple creature who will attack by firing lasers from the centre of his body and boomerangs from the claws that give him his name (which, like the flames that were shot at you by the Kaiten Ho can be blocked by your own shots for 50 extra points apiece). Once you have fired enough shots at him to defeat him you will receive 60000 points as he emits a scream of death and explodes; you will also receive 80000 more points once he has done so as the text "DESTROYED THE TARGET!!" appears on the screen. However, as with Triple-Eye, the two Strike-Ants, Roller-Snail, Hunter-Moth, Multi-Squid, Shark-Mouth (and Monster-Head) he'll retreat if you take too long over defeating him and the text "MISSED THE TARGET ENEMY!!" will appear on the screen - but regardless of whether you managed to defeat him or not, you will proceed to the eighth stage (the last of the game) once the screen has faded out.