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Template:All Game Nav

Ok, to find the allies, go to your Panzer setup screen, and hit L or R until
you get to the screen with "Friend" at the top.  Press A to bring up the list.
The list is as follows:

Nashi   - No ally
Burenda - Brenda (Woman with blonde Hair)
Emiru   - Emilly, most likely (Girl with blonde hair and hat)
Ruguen? - Translated to Luvin, i've heard (Man with sunglasses)
Sakata  - As it sounds, Sakata (Older man in goggles).  As a little tidbit,
          the name Sakata also belongs to a major character in Front Mission 1.
Ruuku   - Rick, perhaps?  (Guy wearing hard hat and camo)
Akuseru - Ok, I have NO idea what this could translate to (Black man with hat)
Anita   - Anita, obviously (Another woman with blondr hair)
Kuraaku - Again, I have no idea what this could be (Man with blonde hair)


Pilots        : Your transport
Combat Ability: None, directly.  See Command Menu.
Command Menu  : Option 1 - Artillery.  A crosshair appears on screen which
                           locks on to enemies.  Brenda fires a few shots from
                           the transport at the enemy.
                Option 2 - Exit Menu
Comments      : Not bad, since you don't have to worry about damaging your
                ally.  And at least she actually shoots at people consistantly.
                Only downsides are limited ammo, and she can't always use the
                ability.  Still, one of the better allies.


Pilots        : EP14-R1 - $7000
Combat Ability: Walks around and rarely shoots.
Command Menu  : Option 1 - Run away.  Causes ally to flee.
                Option 2 - Exit Menu.
Comments      : Horrible.  She has low HP, and very, very rarely shoots.
                Avoid her at all costs.


Pilots        : DF4B2-1 - $4000
                DF4B2-2 - $10000
                DF4B2-3 - $35000
Combat Ability: Walks around and throws mines
Command Menu  : Option 1 - Run away.  Causes ally to flee.
                Option 2 - Exit Menu.
Comments      : One of the best allies!  The mines he throws will remain on the
                ground until an enemy steps over them.  He also throws them
                very often, and they pack a pretty good punch.  The only
                problem is, with all the explosions around, he tends to hurt
                himself easilly.


Pilots        : SVK-R1 - $8000
                SVK-R2 - $25000
                SVK-R3 - $70000
Combat Ability: Walks around and shields you from enemy fire.
Command Menu  : Option 1 - Run away.  Causes ally to flee.
                Option 2 - Toggles shield on and off.  When it is on, all enemy
                fire is nullified that splashes against it.  The number
                displayed is how much energy remaining.
                Option 2 - Exit Menu.
Comments      : Eh, not a very good ally.  He runs out of energy on the longer
                levels, but has a good amount of HP.  Still, he usually doesn't
                do anything.  Use him in the 1 level he's required, and thats


Pilots        : DC3L-R1 - $6000
                DC3L-R2 - $15000
                DC3L-R3 - $45000
                DC3L-R4 - $100000
                DC3L-R5 - $240000
Combat Ability: Walks around and shoots occasionally.
Command Menu  : Option 1 - Run away.  Causes ally to flee.
                Option 2 - Exit Menu.
Comments      : One of the best allies, in my opinion.  He fires more often
                than most, and his shots do a ton of damage.


Pilots        : YN6-R1 - $5000
                YN6-R2 - $20000
                YN6-R3 - $40000
Combat Ability: Runs around, shoots often, and occasionally shields himself.
Command Menu  : Option 1 - Run away.  Causes ally to flee.
                Option 2 - Exit Menu.
Comments      : A pretty good ally.  He shoots a lot, but his shots aren't all
                that strong.  He also has a small profile, which protects from
                enemy fire.  But he jumps around like a crazy jackrabbit,
                sometimes straight into enemy fire.  At least he does


Pilots        : HC-2R1 - $12000
                HC-2R2 - $23000
                HC-2R3 - $45000
Combat Ability: Hovers above your Panzer and fires.  When over enemies, she
                drops a bomb.
Command Menu  : Option 1 - Run away.  Causes ally to flee.
                Option 2 - Exit Menu.
Comments      : She has a very small profile, and hovers far above you, if
                possible - which lets her avoid a lot of damage.  The only
                problem is, her damage is piss poor.  Still, shes not bad if
                you want a no-troubles ally.


Pilots        : FN-8GL - $4000
Combat Ability: Walks around and occasionally shoots.
Command Menu  : Option 1 - Run away.  Causes ally to flee.
                Option 2 - Exit Menu.
Comments      : Not all that great.  He doesn't shoot too often, and doesn't
                do that much damage.  He does pilot pretty much the same Panzer
                you do though, so that looks kinda cool.