Mega Man Star Force: Pegasus, Leo, and Dragon/Bosses

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Revision as of 16:56, 14 May 2015 by Notmyhandle (talk | contribs) (replaced cygnus wing.gif with .png)

Taurus Fire

Taurus Fire
Element Fire
Version Normal EX SP
HP 400 800 1400

Taurus Fire is the first boss you'll encounter. The first version with 400 HP is easy to be defeated.

  • He charges on one column and takes the whole column. Since the column will blink before the attack, you can easily go to another panel before he charges.
  • He stands in front of you and will punch, as you see him close and in front of you, just go to another panel or guard.
  • He Fires the whole area, you'll understand when all panels start blinking, for that, the only way is to guard or attack with a strong card before he attacks.
  • Use cipher code at the beginning of the game to get PegasusMagic SP Cards wich is insta-delete on normal version.

For EX and SP versions when you have more cards. You can attack him with Aqua Element cards. Wide Wave, Ice Meteorite and Cancer Bubble are perfect for defeating him. Also it's better to have panels turned to ice by Blue Ink or other cards, so that when you attack with an Aqua Element card, he would be frozen and take more damage. The EX version is found on a dead end right near Luna's house on the wave world.

Cygnus Wing

Cygnus Wing
Element None
Version Normal EX SP
HP 600 1000 1500

Cygnus Wing doesn't have an element, therefore he doesn't have a weakness, but his attacks are easy to overcome and take him down by the strongest cards you have.

  • He attacks a single panel by feathers. When you see the panel blink, go to another panel or guard.
  • He does a body attack that would take two columns. You can go the column that's not blinking when he attacks.
  • He sends out three ducks towards you. The only thing you can do is to go on the column where the white duck is and shoot it before it hits you.

The EX version is found on a dead end in Mr. Boreal's lab, on the right side.

Harp Note

Harp Note
Element None
Version Normal EX SP
HP 700 1200 1600

Use strong cards against her, she doesn't have any weakness since she's none element.

  • She will create two speakers that would attack the column they're on. Go to the only safe panel or guard.
  • She shoots strings at you. You can't guard so when you see a column blink, quickly go to anther panel.
  • She sends a heart wave at you that covers up your whole panels, so guard.

Harp Note EX is found on a dead end at Vista Point.

Cancer Bubble

Cancer Bubble
Element Aqua
Version Normal EX SP
HP 700 1300 1800

Cancer Bubble is an optional boss. There is a short kid in red in Big Wave shop. Talk to him and he will say that he will be waiting for you in AMAKEN Foyer's wave road. go there and talk to Cancer Bubble to battle him. Since he is Aqua Element, hit him with Elec Element attacks like Cloud Shot and Thunder Ball.

  • He will constantly shoot bubbles. Simply shoot them or guard.
  • He sends his claws at you. The first one takes two columns, so you go to the only safe column. But the second claw takes the other two columns after the first one, so you must go to the other safe panel quickly after the first claw.
  • He sends a big wave towards you. Easily guard to avoid it.

The EX version is available after you beat his normal version and SP version is available after you beat his EX version.

Libra Balance

Libra Balance
Element Fire & Aqua
Version Normal EX SP
HP 900 1100 1700

Though Libra Balance's attacks are elemental, he is considered none element meaning he doesn't have a weakness, but he moves very slowly and it's easy to hit him.

  • He throws either a fire or water ball to you. You can guard to avoid it.
  • When you see he goes to middle of the screen and all panels blink, guard because he will do a spin that hits all panels.
  • He comes in front of you and summons weights to hit you head. Quickly go to the safe panels

His EX version is found to the farthest northwest dead end of classroom 5-A.

Queen Ophuica

Queen Ophuica
Element Wood
Version Normal EX SP
HP 1200 1600 2100

Queen Ophuica is weak against Fire Element attacks. Use cards like Fire Ring, Taurus Fire and Time Bomb.

  • She sends snakes to you. Guard on the column with the later snake. You can also destroy them or go from panel to panel to avoid them.
  • She charges at you that takes two columns. Simply go to the column that's not blinking.
  • She shoots a laser beam down your column. Go to the other safe panels quickly.

Her EX version is found at Time Square, at the highest dead end on the map.

Gemini Spark

Gemini Spark
Element Elec
Version Normal EX SP
HP 1500 1800 2200

Though they are two, only attacking one of them will reduce their HP. So focus on attacking the black one. Also they're weak against Wood Element attacks. Use cards such as Vulcan Seed and Queen Ophuica at them.

  • One one them will stand in front of you and does an electric slash. If the next panel is free, dodge or you can also stay and guard.
  • One of them will shoot his arm to you. Go to another panel to avoid it.
  • They will both stand in the middle and reunite, sending an electric beam that would hit all panels. When you see them reunite, guard or stop them by a strong card.

Their EX version is found at the Dream Island Park in a dead end a bit down from where you pulse in.

Wolf Woods

Wolf Woods
Element Wood
Version Normal EX SP
HP 1000 1300 1700

Wolf Woods is an optional boss. Talk to the gardener near the exhibit on Nacy's roof and he says he will be waiting for you on the exhibit EM wave road. Use Fire Element attacks such as Fire Ring, Taurus Fire and Time Bomb on him.

  • He stand in front of you and slashes, go to another panel or guard.
  • He Sends a slash towards you that hits all panels in its way, so guard.
  • He will send three wolfs to you in order, each running in a zigzag pattern. Destroy them or go the safe panel.

Sometimes the full moon moon comes out and he gets wilder and stronger. Be on guard for when it happens. After defeating his normal version you can battle his EX version and the SP version will be available once you defeat the EX version

Crown Thunder

Crown Thunder
Element Elec
Version Normal EX SP
HP 2000 2300 3000

Crown Thunder is an optional boss with the highest HP of all other bosses. But he is weak to Wood Element attacks. Use cards like Queen Ophuica and Wolf Woods on him. Also he is easy to hit since he doesn't move much. Talk to the ghost in scrap yard and he'll tell you that he will be waiting for you on the EM wave road.

  • A minion appears and shoots an arrow at you. It can hit you even if you're invisible so dodge or guard.
  • A minion appears and hits you with a drill. Go to the safe panel.
  • A minion appears and hits a square of 4 panels, breaking all of your barriers or auras, you can guard though.
  • He'll dance a bit, then 3 sets of 3 lightning bolts hit the area. Dodge or guard. If it hits, it will stun you.

His EX vesion is available after you beat the normal form and the SP version is available after you beat his EX version.