Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box/Picarats

From StrategyWiki, the video game walkthrough and strategy guide wiki

Spoiler warning! This section of the article contains spoilers, or hints about the game's storyline or progression.

You might want to skip down to the next heading if you do not want facts about the game's storyline or plot revealed to you.

only available after completing the game.

Each puzzle presented to Luke or Professor Layton is worth a number of Picarats. The more Picarats a puzzle is worth, the harder the puzzle will be to solve. Ingrid hints at the start of the game that collecting Picarats will lead to something good.

Once you've beaten the game and saved after the credit, "Top Secret" will be unlocked under Bonuses. Depending on the amount of Picarats you've collected after solving puzzles you can get access to different content. The maximum Picarats you can get is 5500, though the last 1195 Picarats is gotten throught Layton's Challenges.


Sally is only one of 90 available profiles.
Sophia is dancing with Anton.

You can check every characters which pop up in the game here. Some information in it isn't found everywhere. Along with the profiles there is also sprite shown from every characters.


In this section you got to see 10 screenshots from within the game from the begin until the end, but these are all screens you already saw in the game.


In here you can listen to 19 different music that are played in the game.


In another section you can listen to voices spoken by Professor Layton and other Characters in the game.


Watch the movies again!
You need 2 Games to get access to it.

In here you can rewatching the movies again from 23 different movies including the ending.

Hidden Door[edit]

For that you need the previous game Professor Layton and the Curious Village and the following game Professor Layton and the Unwound Future to complete it and add the code found there here to view the content.

Puzzle ???[edit]

PLPB Puzzle 000.png
Name: A Curious Move

Description: If you're playing this puzzle right now, you've probably taken at least one trip to the village of St. Mystere with Luke and the professor. This puzzle is a gift from the residents of St. Mystere. Unscramble the puzzle to reveal a picture of Professor Layton and Luke from their first adventure!

  • Hint 1: This puzzle is a variation on the classic 15-piece slide puzzle you may have seen at your toy shop. It's not a particularly difficult version of the puzzle, so relax, take your time with it...and have fun!
PLPB Puzzle 000 Solution.png
Slide a tile up, then slide a tile left. Slide a tile left, then slide another tile left. Slide a tile up, then slide a tile up. Slide a tile right, then slide a tile down. Slide a tile right, then slide a tile down. Slide a tile left, then slide a tile left. Slide a tile up, then slide a tile up. Slide a tile right, then slide a tile down. Slide a tile right twice, then slide a tile right twice. Slide a tile down, then slide a tile right. Slide a tile down twice, then slide a tile down twice. Slide a tile left, then slide a tile left. Slide a tile left, then slide a tile up. Slide a tile up, then slide a tile right. Slide a tile right, then slide a tile right. Slide a tile down, then slide a tile down. Slide a tile left, then slide a tile left. Slide a tile left, then slide a tile up. Slide a tile right, then slide a tile right. Slide a tile up, then slide a tile right. Slide a tile down, then slide a tile down. Slide a tile left, then slide a tile up. Slide a tile left twice, then slide a tile left twice. Slide a tile up, then slide a tile left. Slide a tile up twice, then slide a tile up twice. Slide a tile right, then slide a tile right. Slide a tile down, then slide a tile left. Slide a tile left, then slide a tile up. Slide a tile right, then slide a tile right. Slide a tile down, then slide a tile left. Slide a tile down, then slide a tile right. Slide a tile right, then slide a tile down.