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General Tips and Advice

The following information is generally useful to keep in mind and it may help you survive in Shiren the Wanderer. I probably discussed some of this up above in the guide but these are other tips that came to my mind.

  • Identify your items as early as possible. Knowledge is power in rogue-like games. Removing uncertainty and chance/risk is essential.
  • Utilize traps to your advantage. You can always guarantee a trap activating when standing on it and manually tripping it. There are many ways to use traps for your benefit.
  • Check out the item pages on this wiki! A lot of items have multiple uses that you may not be aware of.
  • Adapt to your situation. A lot of newer players take their one weapon and one shield on them and then never change those out until they find "better" gear. You can swap weapons, shields, and armbands at any time. You can even unequip them entirely if that is more advantageous.
  • Prioritize your items. In many situations, figuring out what items are more valuable to you at the moment or for the current floor you are on will help you tremendously. There are a lot of situations where you will want to do your best to first preserve essential survival items and these items change constantly depending on the situation.
  • Feel free to take some notes. This more pertains to a Final Puzzle attempt, but doing 99 floor runs can be a long endeavor. Write information down and make use of resources to help you with identifying unknown items. One of the best way to figure out what an item is, is to drop it on a shop floor and check its sale price for example.
  • If you are safe, heal up before going to the next floor! You never know what you will encounter upon entering a new floor. Going in at low health can easily be your end. If you are facing hunger problems you may not have the leniency to do this.
  • Take advantage of initiative. Enemies almost always come to you. You will perform better if you always allow them to approach you at the end of their turn, so you get the first strike upon them if able. The difference between taking 1 or 2 hits as opposed to 3 or more can not be stressed enough.
  • Staves that are at zero charges can still be thrown to produce their effect on the enemy they hit. Though keep in mind this has a chance to miss the enemy.
  • Gitan as weapons. The money that is lying around can be swapped with another item in your inventory instead of being picked up. This allows you to throw it. You can also throw a bag of Gitan from the ground if you walk on top of it without picking it up. Gitan when thrown at an enemy provide a serious source of damage. In deeper parts of many dungeons, Gitan become commonplace over other useful items, and so are a very real weapon at dealing with dangerous enemies from a distance. If you don't want to do this though, you do not have to. Gitan throwing was actually originally an unintentional side effect in the SFC version that the developers liked so much they left it in. You don't have to throw money at all of your problems though if you do not wish to. If you do utilize this tactic, remember that organizing your inventory will immediately move any Gitan not in jars into your wallet instead, so you do have to avoid organizing when doing this.
  • Funnel your enemies into the hallway. Taking on more than you can handle is often the death of many players. Shiren is in a lot of ways, more like a survival horror game than an RPG. Take the time to reach a hallway or retreat to a better position to take enemies on one at a time.
  • Utilize corners strategically. If you have a monster next to you that is not very threatening to you, but a far bigger threat right behind it, around a corner that you can reach diagonally. Consider using arrows, staves, and whatever ingenuity you have to deal with the bigger threat first.
  • Use everything a town has to offer. There is nothing wrong with utilizing the features of a town to your advantage. You can always receive a free Big Riceball by speaking with the Barman once per run. You can pay to rest at the inns in various villages, or get some bonus stats by eating at the restaurant if you unlocked it for example!
  • Identify your critical moments! This is what a lot of rogue-like players refer to as any instance where you could easily die according to the next action you take. You are always able to stop and think for awhile. The game will not move until you do.