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TRAUMA CENTER : SECOND OPINION GUILT FILES GUILT in Trauma Center Second Opinion is 7. Here they're :


Kyriaki, the first GUILT, simply and easily to defeat. It's attack the organs by hiding, make large wounds for decrease the vitals. First Kyriaki will you face in Operation "Please Let Me Live". Here we go, the steps: 1. Treat the wounds first, please treat the bigger one. 2. Detect the Kyriaki with Ultrasound, if a little visible and it's invisible again, please Try it for more times. 3. If the Kyriaki visible, incise it with scalpel, and suture the wounds. 4. Laser the Kyriaki, and it'll defeat. 5. Repeat steps 1-5 Tips : Kyriaki will enable when you defeat the last able Kyriaki. And how you know the last Kyriaki enable, the large one. It's same like the small one to defeat. So, just keep fast your hand. Keep no wounds and the vitals at least 60 for good.


Deftera, the second GUILT, a little disgusting and need fast hand. First time you face Deftera is in Operation "Something Precious". It's attack by make bleeding and tumors in beginning, and make it again when moving. If the Type A (Red) combined with Type B (Blue) will make a spiral that decrease the vitals, but it's the gold chance for you. And the steps to defeat that bastard is: 1. Treat the tumors and drain the blood. 2. Deftera will available, keep drain and laser the tumors until they combine. 3. When they combined, Wait for 1 sec then drain it quickly. 4. Repeat step 2-3 for three times. 5. After you drain the third combine, Deftera will spin very fast, quickly incise it with scalpel along yellow line. 6. After defeated, not yet, grab up the tumors to the plate with forceps an close up with membrane. 7. Heal it with Antibiotic-Gel Tips: Seem it's very easy, but watch out. Deftera actually hard. Make tumors that make you can't drain the combined Deftera. Deftera usually are 2 typeA and 2 typeB in one organ. You must pray that the TypeA not combine with the same as it, or TypeB, because make new tumors that decrease vitals faster. To stop the Deftera route, you can stop with the antibiotic gel. Check where the Deftera go, and use it on the route. this will useful when There 2 TypeA and B(But don't try this at X mission, because decreasing vitals). Keep no tumors and vitals at least 70 for good.


Triti, contagious Nightmare virus, third GUILT. This GUILT like a puzzle, confusing puzzle. Triti will multiply when you do wrong way, and that's the confusing one. Triti will multiply in 3 reason: 1. Take the triangle that still have thorns. 2. Ignore triangle that still one.(No triangle on the side and no thorn) 3. Take the triangle that on the the other side still have two or three thorns. And we'll beat this puzzle as the trick: 1. First, please check the triangle position on the two angles like this: File:TRITI 2.jpg Okay, this not in any operation, so the numbers is the thorns and for guide. 2. Excise quickly thorn number 4,5,6 and 7,9,10 in other side. 3. Excise quickly number 11, then excise the triangle. 4. Repeat Step 2-3 quickly, watch when Triti buzzing, wait some second until thorn grow and continue.The tricks can defeat it.

Now we'll talk about when there still two triangles left, Here it is: File:TRITI 3.jpg Okay, seem it's easy, but can be hard when you do wrong way. here the continues steps: 5. Wait until all thorns grow 6. If do, excise all thorns 7. then, quickly excise two triangles, triti defeat. Tips: Triti have weak point, and it's what we have talking about, same angle. if Angle is not same again, I recommend you to restart the operation. Vitals not a big deal here. The thorn will regrow after 5 seconds from buzzing. And please excise the blue first if you can(but don't forget about the tricks!) So, keep your hand fast, pull up and place to plate and watch the buzz and when the thorn grow and the vitals at least 50.


Tetarti, Poisonous Venom, Fourth GUILT. TETARTI really need to defeat as you know the colors. You will face it first at "Stepping Up". Its attack by make tumors at beginning and make toxic when moving. Hiding when you too late to inject them. So stay calm, and check the colors: 1. There are three tumors at beginning, quickly inject the serum with right colors, then incise it and place to the plate and close it up quickly. 2. Tetarti appear, and start use the orange serum then inject to the same color. Do it again with other. 3. If you inject wrong color serum, repeat step 1, but the Tetarti will still appear, so be careful. 4. Repeat step 2 for 5-6 times, and it'll be defeat. Tips: Tetarti make poisonous toxin when moving, but ignore it. Keep inject the right serum. If they're hiding, it's time to increase the vitals. if the vitals dropping, try to negate the toxin with antibiotic gel. So keep your eyes know colors and vitals at least 70.


Pempti, Armored Virus, Fifth GUILT. Pempti you face up first at "Prolonged Struggle". Its attack by making small tumors and they are 3 types: -Wounds Maker, The Pink one, Usually. -Tumors Maker, The Blue one, Sometimes. -Vitals Dropper, The dark Blue and spinning one, Rarely. And we'll beat that virus now: 1. Inject the nanomachine(brown serum) into the Pempti weakness core for 2 times. 2. Then laser it up, and the real battle begin. 3. Keep lasering the three types of small wounds. 4. Laser the tumors, suture the wounds, and heal it. 5. Laser the Pempti core when it's lights. 6. Repeat step 3-5 until it defeat. Tips: At the beginning Pempti lasered, Pempti make three types of tumors is it? So, keep laser it until the Pempti lights, and laser it. If not again, ignore it, and laser the smaller. if small tumors appeared, quickly laser and heal it antibiotic gel. So Keep your hands fast and watch the core lights, keep the Vitals at least 60.


Paraskevi, Arrow to the Heart, Sixth Guilt. First you face it in "Infection". Paraskevi attack by burrowing to the heart, but usually Paraskevi at beginning is at the HEART! They multiply when incised and make large wound, but smaller. Paraskevi still too big to extract and need to incise and incise and incise again. If Paraskevi burrow inside the heart, and the patient will DIE. So, trust me and do it step by step: 1. Laser the Paraskevi's tail, and incise it. Suture the wounds. 2. Repeat step 1 for 4-5 times then quickly laser them and extract it to the plate. 3. Defeat Tips: It's simple, but smaller the worms, faster they move. So quickly laser the tail, if you had attention from Angie. I tried this trick, incise first time than incise it on one of them, then incise it one of them again and again and extract it. Don't follow my steps, because this a little hard, but i did it. So Keep your hands fast and keep your vitals at least 60.


Savato, face off the death, Seventh GUILT. First you face it in "Death Awaits All". Savato attack heart by making nest, and have protective layer with make wounds that produce new babies. Savato still take the energy, so let's beat it: 1. Excise the net by use scalpel, the scalpel melt? Wait until Angie take the new one. 2. If, Savato made net again, quickly laser the babies and repeat again step 1 for all net excised. 3. Repeat step 2-3 for 3 times, and we need to crash the Savato's protective layer. 4. Laser Savato, suture wounds, laser the babies until OK 15 times. It'll change position for 2 times. 5. If savato stopped and weaken, quickly inject the black serum into the Savato. 6. Savato will be crazy, vitals below 30, first Healing Touch appeared, and make second healing Touch. 7. Freeze time appeared, then inject once again the black serum to the Savato, ignore the wounds. 8. Savato defeat, and the wounds disappear. Tips: Savato extremely defensive, but a little weakness at offensive. And one again for you when do the steps before Savato be crazy, DON'T USE THE HEALING TOUCH! Savato take energy from the laser and make laser won't be use faster. So, laser it for 1 sec, and off, and laser it, and off. You can't ignore any wounds. So keep the laser work and use your Healing Touch when Savato crazy, keep vitals at least 80 for good.

I made this alone, and i'm not too good at defeat the GUILT. Thanks for Atlus that made this game. And thanks for you that read this file. Hope this useful for you. Now, I'm trying to make a walkthrough. Sorry if the draw of Triti too bad. Thanks, Adam.