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=== Get Power Supplies to Incubators ===
=== Get Power Supplies to Incubators ===
This mission looks a little more complicated than it is. This level uses a mix of Biosyn and dinosaur enemies, but the dinosaurs aren't too much to worry about. You can usually just jump over them, but sometimes you may want to use a charged cattle prod shot. Other than this, you can use the machine gun throughout. In the entrance of the level you'll see five doors. You'll have to go through all of them, so you may as well tackle them in order. Remember the up-and-left rule from Raptor Attack: go up when you can, and go left when you can. Going up has priority over going left. This rule will work for all of the rooms except for the rightmost one. In each room, you need to find a battery pickup on the ground, then find the nearby exit. The exit will take you back to the hallway where you started. In the last room, you'll reach a point where you're hanging from a railing and can choose from left or right; in this case you'll want to choose right, which is the sole exception to the up-and-left rule in this mission. If you go right at the correct point, you'll find the battery almost immediately after.
Once you have all five batteries and are back in the main hallway, go to the right and through the sliding door. The next room is very simple, a couple of corridors with dinosaurs, followed by a brief skirmish with two scientists and a knife-thrower (just machine-gun them), a flamethrower, then two more scientists. Once you kill all the humans here, the mission is over.

=== Auxiliary Power Switch ===
=== Auxiliary Power Switch ===

Revision as of 02:15, 15 February 2006

Game settings

  • Difficulty: Easy, Normal, or Hard. Even the "easy" level is a difficult game! The normal level adds one more mission to the game, and hard adds another additional mission. On easier difficulty levels, enemies do not take as many shots to kill and they deal less damage.
  • Energy equalling: Only applies to two-player games. If "off", the health gauges of the two players are independent. If "on", a player may press "select" at any time to transfer health from the stronger (less injured) player to the weaker player so that the two meters are equal. If "auto", the game will do this continuously, so that if one player takes, say, 10 points of damage, 5 points are subtracted from the life gauges of both players.


  • Y: Fire weapon
  • B: Jump
  • X: Dodge bullet/projectile
  • L: Cycle through lethal weapons
  • R: Cycle through non-lethal weapons
  • Select: Energy-equalling (see "Game settings" above)

Dodging bullets or projectiles with the X button is tricky and you're probably better off jumping or ducking. It also won't dodge any other kind of attack.



  • Rifle: Unlimited ammo, but slow rate of fire.
  • Machine gun: Like the rifle, but with a much higher firing rate. You start with 200 ammo and get 100 more with an ammo pickup.
  • Shotgun: It fires three pellets which spread out. This is a slow weapon, because you cannot fire it again while your previous shot remains on the screen. (This means you can still fire it fairly rapidly from close range if your shots don't miss.) It's a very powerful weapon, especially if all three shells hit, and can kill the toughest raptors with about three hits. You start with 20, and get 20 more with an ammo pickup.
  • Cattle prod: Despite its name, it acts more like some kind of energy ball. It has infinite ammo. Hold the Y button down to charge, and release to fire. Uncharged shots may still be effective against very weak enemies like pterodactyls and compies.
  • Tranquilizer machine gun: Same as the machine gun except it fires tranquilizer rounds.
  • Tranquilizer bazooka: Fires a potent projectile that explodes upon impact, causing splash damage. Comparable to the shotgun in terms of damage.

Non-lethal weapons do not work on human enemies. However, splash damage from the tranq bazooka will harm you if you're too close when it explodes. The shotgun is a better choice than the tranq bazooka for taking out raptors in close quarters.

Fight humans with lethal weapons, and dinosaurs with non-lethal weapons. If you kill a dinosaur, your dinosaur count, visible at the top of the screen, will decrease by 1. You will get "game over" if it falls below 75. The dinosaur count rises very slowly, but never exceeds 100. Killing raptors doesn't reduce your count, by the way, but it's usually easy enough to get rid of them with a couple of charged cattle prod shots anyway.

The missions

Upon finishing each mission, you will face an emergency mission afterward. The order you tackle the standard missions doesn't matter, though we recommend choosing the harder ones first. For example, if you often die at the end of raptor attack, get it out of the way first. If you die on your first mission, you can just reset the game so it doesn't reduce your limited number of continues. There's also nothing worse than going through the trouble of playing a bunch of easy missions just to save the one you've never been able to do for the very end, and lose all your continues there. Choosing it first will make you more familiar with that mission and spare you some frustration when you lose.

The order doesn't really matter when you're starting out. Get familiar with each mission. It's more important to be able to finish them at all than to finish them in a certain order; once you can do that you can be fussy with the order. If there is a mission you haven't finished, always choose it first.

Our recommended order is Raptor Attack, Seek and Destroy, Blockade, High Ptera, Protect the Gallimimus, and T-Rex Carnage. This is only a rough recommendation, and a different order may be more suited to you. This order was chosen by considering the difficulty of the last segment of Raptor Attack (most of the level is cheese easy when you're used to it) and of Seek and Destroy, the chance of being killed by the boss in Blockade, the chance of falling off the cliff and dying in High Ptera, the chance of being killed by the helicopter in Protect the Gallimimus, and the chance of falling into the pit at the end of T-Rex Carnage. (Other than these things, the levels shouldn't be too hard with this walkthrough and a little practice.) Depending on how much difficulty you have with these, a different order may be more appropriate for you. For example, you might have practiced Raptor Attack a lot, while you always fall into the pit at the end of T-Rex Carnage; in that case, do T-Rex Carnage first.

Raptor Attack

This level is very easy until the end. Just keep the cattle prod equipped, watch for raptors as you progress, and let them have it. Be careful with raptors on an upward slope. The rule for navigating this level is "up and left". That means always advance upward when you can, and always advance leftward when you have a choice between going left or right. When you have a choice between left and up, go up. Assuming you don't deviate from this advice, you will always find the exit, although you will skip a few ammo and health pickups (you shouldn't need them with a little practice). When you come across a couple of medkits, you're probably near the end. You should then see a big control panel with a sign that says "DANGER". When you walk past it, the gas will activate. Equip the shotgun and keep moving to the right! Your health will drain as the poison gas takes its effect on you, and there's a countdown to boot. You will come to a drop with a ladder. Fall down and grab the ladder while you're falling to save time. (It goes down a little ways, but better to grab the ladder too soon than too late.)

When you reach the bottom, you'll come across a raptor. Quickly fire three shots of the shotgun to dispatch it. You can stop for a second, but not too long. Repeat for two more raptors. Climb the ladder, kill the green raptor with one shot from the shotgun, keep going right, then go down the ladder and jump over the compy below. Keep moving! The next ladder is the last one. Jump on it, move into the tunnel, and advance all the way to the right. If you're good, you should still have a little health and about 10 seconds on the clock.

T-Rex Carnage

This level is very easy and linear. There are no humans to worry about. Use the cattle prod. Keep going right and enter each "door" as you come across it. The only trouble is at the end. You will eventually reach a point where there are no enemies, only a door a few yards to the right. This is your signal that you're about to fight the T-Rex. Switch to the shotgun and enter. You will hear it roar and you'll see a car. Jump on it. Stay on the left side of the car, the side closer to the T-Rex. Hold down the fire button. If you don't have a lot of health, duck the bullets that Biosyn are shooting at you, but don't stop firing. (If you're playing on the hard difficulty setting, you may want to dodge the bullets even with moderate health.) Your aim is not to kill the T-Rex, which you can't do now, but just to keep it at bay. After the shotgun rounds run out, it'll switch to the machine gun. Keep firing. After those run out, it'll switch to the rifle. This will not be effective enough and you should switch to tranquilizer darts (either bazooka or machine gun). Assuming you had started with the full 20 shotgun shells and 200 machine gun bullets, you'll about ten seconds, give or take, after switching to tranquilizers, before you have to jump on a vine to avoid falling into a huge pit. Listen to the music rising to its climax, and keep your eyes on the ground. Don't stop firing, just watch the ground. As soon as it gives out, jump diagonally to the right. You'll grab a vine and hear the T-Rex roaring behind you. Just go over to the right, jump down from the vines, and the mission will be over.


This level's a real maze if you don't know where to go. You can keep your machine gun equipped if you like, but if you keep spraying bullets, you'll run out of ammo. If so, your rifle will do fine anyway. Start by going to the right and enter the door. Continue right, shooting the enemies in your way, and watch out for the flamethrower at the top of the ramp. Get rid of him by standing at a distance and jumping while shooting. You can use the shotgun to make it a bit easier, but don't use the shotgun too much in this level because you'll need a good amount of shotgun ammo at the end. Continue right as before. You'll come across a flamethrower on the walkway above. Take him out from below. Jump over the gap, go up the ladder, and progress to the left. Again you'll see a flamethrower above who should be taken out from below. Continue left, climb the ladder, and progress right. Be careful, there's a bazooka at the end, so duck and shoot it. Go up the ladder. You will see some platforms to the upper-left, and each one has a bazooka firing at the ladder. Hit them diagonally from below. After you dispatch the third and final bazooka, you may optionally jump on the platform and run to the left; there's an ammo pickup at the end. If you want to use the machine gun until the end of the level, you'll need it. You might instead get some ammo for your shotgun if you want to use it a lot. You could also just skip it entirely and use the rifle when your machine gun runs out of ammo. Go up the ladder and again you'll find a platform to the upper-left, this time with three gunmen on it. You can take out a couple of them diagonally from below, then jump on the platform and quickly kill the third one. Be careful that you're not too far up the ladder when you try to jump on the platform, or you'll hit your head on the ceiling, miss the platform, and probably suffer some damage when you land. Go up the ladder and jump to the right. Be careful, there's a grenadier on the left hurling grenades at that spot. Kill the gunmen on the right and go through the sliding door.

Here you'll be confronted by some enemies running at you. Jump over them and their bullets. Go up the slope, and be careful, there's a broken pipe shooting some steam near the end. For whatever reason, steam is as harmful to you as flames from a flamethrower, but it is easy to pass if you just time it right. You'll see two ladders. Go down the right one, but don't take it all the way down, because there's a gunman at the bottom. Jump over to the left when you can see a pipe to jump onto. Continue left, and be wary of the steam near the pit. Jump on the railing, cross the pit, and when you land you'll see another broken pipe with steam, this one shooting it diagonally. Pass it as normal. Now equip the shotgun. Walk until you come across a bazooka. Duck and kill him with a couple of shots, and then an armored guard in blue will run up and shoot at you. Dispatch him with three or so shotgun blasts and switch back to the machine gun. Continue left and through the door.

This is the last room in the mission, but it's a long one. Ignore the next door and climb the ladder. Jump over to the other ladder when you can reach it and continue to climb up. You'll see a very large fan. Repeatedly shoot it to blow it up. Some fans, like this one, will blow you away, while others will suck you in towards the fan. Not far behind the fan you'll find two bazookas. Take them out and climb the left ladder. This next fan will suck you in, but it's not hard to avoid. Destroy it, jump over it, but quickly jump back, because there's a flamethrower coming for you. Stand at a distance and kill him. Move up the next ladder, move right, then jump on the left ladder. Destroy the fan while still on the ladder and jump up to the platform. You'll see an armored blue guard running back and forth on the other side of the fan's base. He will attack you if you jump onto the fan's base, but will keep running harmlessly if you stay on the other side. Take him out and then cross. Go up the ladder, head right, and destroy another fan that sucks you in. This time there will be a few stationary gunmen behind it. Take 'em all down, climb the ladder, and kill a few more gunmen as you head to the right. Jump on the ladder and go down. Ignore the first passageway you pass. The second will have a fan blocking it. Destroy it, take the ammo behind it for your shotgun, then switch back to the machine gun (or rifle if you're out of ammo) and jump back on the right-hand ladder. Go down to the bottom (beware of a stationary gunman, but he's not a serious threat), then go down one of the ladders to the left. There will be a fan to the left and one to the right, but they'll cancel each other out so you won't be sucked in either direction until you destroy one. Stand close to the one on the left and destroy it. Jump over its base, take the medkit, switch to the shotgun, and descend down the right-hand ladder.

The area you reach at the bottom is where the boss is. To your right on the same platform as you is a blue armored guard. Take him out with about three shots. Below you to your left is the boss! You definitely need the shotgun and a few shells to stand a good chance against him. The machine gun takes too long to kill him, and you wouldn't even want to try it with the rifle.

This is going to take away some health, since this guy's got a flamethrower and he'll probably hit you with it. Move to the right ahead of him and drop down to his level (Down+B). It may take a couple of tries to get it right. Fire at him as he approaches, but move right when he gets too close. If he's not moving much and not firing, keep blasting him, but move as soon as he approaches or shoots. If you're too far to the right, jump on the platform above, run over to the left a bit (jumping over any flames), drop down when you can, and repeat. It actually doesn't take a whole lot of shotgun shells to take him out, but it may take enough for your heart to race. Don't be too close to him when he dies, because his flamethrower pack explodes. If it misses you, or you survive the blast, you have beaten the mission.

There's also a much cheaper way to defeat him. It requires some health, but since there was a medkit before you dropped down, you'll probably do fine. After you kill the armored guard, move right on top of the boss while you're on the platform above him, then drop down so you're concealed behind him. Like most human enemies, he can't hurt you on contact, only by weapons. He will shoot his flamethrower, which won't hurt you when you're right behind him. You'll notice that he fires flames in a rhythmic pattern. Wait until he stops, run out a bit to the right, then quickly run back in while firing the shotgun. (Don't run to the left because he will fire bullets when you run to the left, but not to the right.) Repeat until you defeat him. The explosion will probably damage you (it's tough to avoid unless you know when he's going to die), which is why you need a healthy life bar. With some practice you can probably recognize his death animation quickly enough to avoid the damage, but if you can do that, it's probably just as easy and maybe a bit faster to kill him the proper way.

High Ptera

The name of this level is probably a pun on "high terra", meaning "high ground". It's a fairly straightforward level, although you can get lost and confused at a couple of points if you don't know the layout.

(to be written)

Seek and Destroy

Like Raptor Attack, this mission is fairly easy (although not as easy), though it's much easier to get lost, and at the end you'll have a dramatic climax where you must quickly escape or die. Also, a triceratops can be found in this level! (You don't have to fight it, and in our walkthrough, we won't.) Keep the cattle prod equipped throughout most of this mission.

You start just outside the volcano. Progress right. You'll encounter a grey raptor, shortly followed by another. It's pretty easy to just jump over one, then the other, if you don't stop and just keep going right. They'll stay far enough behind that you won't have to kill them. If you don't think you can do this, go ahead and fight them one at a time. After the two raptors you'll go into the volcano.

Inside the volcano, you'll encounter a lot of pterodactyls. These are ten times as annoying as compies, since they pursue you deliberately. One uncharged shot of the cattle prod will take them down (two on hard mode). Go past the first door and go into the second. You'll see a green raptor below you. Kill it, progress left, and go into the door.

(rest of walkthrough to be written)

After planting the bomb, equip the shotgun and progress to the right. It will go off not long after it's off the left side of the screen. You will encounter a few velociraptors. Don't worry, all the raptors you encounter now will be green ones which will die in one blast. You will encounter a gap, which you must jump over, then, almost immediately, another one. After that, there will be no more jumps and you can concentrate on just shooting the raptors as soon as they appear. As soon as you see the door, go into it, and you have completed the mission.

Protect the Gallimimus

This is an extremely easy level until the very end. Just keep running right and killing enemies. Occasionally gallimimus will run at you. Just jump over them. You will not have to worry about any other dinosaurs, and the gallimimus only appear two or three times in very short bursts. You'll also have to deal with no annoying flamethrowers, just gunmen and grenadiers.

You can keep the machine gun equipped for the entire level if you like, picking up additional ammo for the machine gun. Halfway through, a helicopter will fly overhead. Stay at the far left edge of the screen. It will drop five bombs across the screen. Jump to avoid splash damage just before the impact of the last bomb, then continue as you were before.

At the end you will see a medkit followed by two ammo pickups. Switch to the shotgun and pick them both up, because you're about to face the helicopter, which is the hard part. This time it will have a big cage attached to it and you must remove it first by shooting it. Duck under it when it gets too close, but keep shooting when it passes. Soon it should drop. If you're fast enough, you'll get it off just before the helicopter disappears, after which it'll come back with more bombs to drop on you. This is very difficult to dodge when the cage is still attached. If the cage is off, do not stand on it; wait around the left edge of the screen. This time there will be more than five bombs and you will have to jump through a gap in them. It's difficult, but you can do it. Then jump on the box and quickly and continuously fire at the helicopter. It will fire a few bursts of bullets at you; this can cause serious damage if they all hit, so jump over them, but don't stop firing! The helicopter will not take very long to defeat with shotgun shells, but be sure you defeat it before it defeats you.

Emergency missions

After each standard mission you will have to do one of these missions. You will always do them in the same order and you cannot decline to do the mission.

Scientist Radios for Help

This is a very easy mission once you know where to go. There is a mix of dinosaurs and humans, including a few flamethrowers, but keep the machine gun equipped and just avoid the dinosaurs. (This will be your usual approach in missions that mix dinosaurs and humans.) Just keep moving right and go into the first "door" you see each time, except in the second area. In that one, skip the first "door". If you don't dawdle, you'll probably reach the scientist just fine with time to spare.

Get Power Supplies to Incubators

This mission looks a little more complicated than it is. This level uses a mix of Biosyn and dinosaur enemies, but the dinosaurs aren't too much to worry about. You can usually just jump over them, but sometimes you may want to use a charged cattle prod shot. Other than this, you can use the machine gun throughout. In the entrance of the level you'll see five doors. You'll have to go through all of them, so you may as well tackle them in order. Remember the up-and-left rule from Raptor Attack: go up when you can, and go left when you can. Going up has priority over going left. This rule will work for all of the rooms except for the rightmost one. In each room, you need to find a battery pickup on the ground, then find the nearby exit. The exit will take you back to the hallway where you started. In the last room, you'll reach a point where you're hanging from a railing and can choose from left or right; in this case you'll want to choose right, which is the sole exception to the up-and-left rule in this mission. If you go right at the correct point, you'll find the battery almost immediately after.

Once you have all five batteries and are back in the main hallway, go to the right and through the sliding door. The next room is very simple, a couple of corridors with dinosaurs, followed by a brief skirmish with two scientists and a knife-thrower (just machine-gun them), a flamethrower, then two more scientists. Once you kill all the humans here, the mission is over.

Auxiliary Power Switch

Drop Ship Supplies

This mission is a lot like Protect the Gallimimus in graphics and layout, although it's shorter. In other words, it's cheesecake (except for one nasty bit we'll talk about in a minute). You have a time limit, but it's nothing too major. Don't dilly-dally, but you don't have to keep plunging ahead blindly.

You will encounter only Biosyn here, including the annoying flamethrowers. You can use the machine gun throughout the level, though in a few places you will want to take out flamethrowers using the shotgun. There is only one ammo pickup, but it doesn't terribly matter whether you pickup for the machine gun or the shotgun. You really don't need many shotgun shells, though, so you might prefer to pick it up for the machine gun.

Near the beginning of the level, a helicopter will appear above you and drop a few boxes. These are probably the supplies you're supposed to be waiting for. Don't worry, the boxes won't land on you. Toward the end of the level, there is a really nasty part where you will encounter a stack of two boxes with a flamethrower behind it, then behind him, a stack of three boxes with a grenadier on top. This is the hardest part of the level and you'll be fine once you get past it. The problem is the flamethrower's fire will go through the boxes, so it can hurt you, but the boxes stop your weapons dead. One way to handle this is to stand close, but not too close to the flames, careful to avoid the grenades, then when the flamethrower stops firing for a second, jump atop the boxes while firing the shotgun to dispatch the grenadier, then jump to where he was standing, and quickly jump to the ground, away from the flamethrower. (Whew!) It helps to have a lot of health at this part. You can also try to take out the grenadier while you're still in front of the two boxes, by jumping up and forward, firing, then quickly pulling away before you get scorched, repeating until the grenadier is dead. Then you won't have to worry about getting hit with a grenade when you're avoiding the flames. Whichever way you do it, it's tricky.

Track Down the Spy

This is a very straightforward mission with no surprises, but you must be very fast. The first time furrykef completed the mission (on easy difficulty), there was only one second on the clock! But if you keep moving, it probably won't come down to that.

Start out using the machine gun. When you come to the first ammo pack, switch to the shotgun before picking it up. You'll use it for the rest of the mission. There will be copious ammo along the way, so don't worry, even if you accidentally picked the first one up for the machine gun instead. (If you do, still switch to the shotgun afterward.)

Just move, move, move. If you get knocked down a couple of times or get hit by a couple of grenades, it's no big deal. Do watch where you're going, and especially watch out for flamethrowers, but they're not any more of a hazard than usual.

By the way, the mission description says you must capture the spy alive. Just to be clear, you won't have to worry about shooting him accidentally. Bullets go straight past him.

Give Medication to the Scout

Destroy the Biosyn HQ

Disarm the Bombs

Kill the T-Rex and Evacuate

Final mission



  • Velociraptor: Its name means "fast thief" and it is often called a "raptor" for short. They come in three varieties, green, brown, and grey. All are exactly the same except the greens take very few shots to kill, the browns a bit more, and the greys significantly more. Killing raptors does not reduce your dinosaur count, so you can use either lethal weapons or non-lethal weapons.
  • Dilophosaurus: These are green dinosaurs that shoot little venom balls at you. Their aim is pretty good and they take a couple of shots to get rid of.
  • Procompsognathus: "Compies" for short. Small orange dinosaurs with turquoise spots that run back and forth along the ground. They're very weak, but they'll knock you down if you make contact. Usually you should just jump over them instead of bothering with shooting them. If you approach slowly, though, you'll usually be able to catch them sitting still and they're easy to shoot
  • Pterodactyl: They're like airborne compies in terms of annoyingness, only much worse. Like the compies, they're extremely weak, but they'll actively pursue you and knock you down. You only encounter them in High Ptera and Seek and Destroy.
  • Pteronadon: A large pterodactyl. Only found in High Ptera and not a large threat. It makes a loud noise to announce its presence and basically hovers, moving up and down a short distance. Other than that they're no trouble and will go down with a couple of charged cattle prod shots.
  • Insectoid: I have no idea what this is supposed to be. Presumably it's not actually a dinosaur, but killing it still reduces your dino count. These just fly by making a buzzing noise, and usually appear above pits to cross so that you will run into it if you leap before looking.
  • Gallimimus: Only found in "Protect the Gallimimus", and the only dinosaurs in that mission. All they do is run to the left.
  • Unknown: The only dinosaur found in Get Power Supplies to Incubators. They're about the same size as gallimimus and act like large compies. You can usually just jump over them.
  • Triceratops: Large and bull-headed. Found in Seek and Destroy, where you should probably avoid it. It's also found again near the end of the game.
  • Tyrannosaurus Rex: The boss of two levels. In the first level, it will pursue you while you stand upon a truck firing at it to keep it at bay. The second time you must actually kill the T-Rex.


  • Weak gunman: A light-skinned man in a bluish-gray outfit. He dies in one hit of the rifle on the easy difficulty setting, two hits on normal, and three hits on hard. They either remain stationary or rush at you. They will run you over if they're running, but only their bullets can hurt you when they're stationary.
  • Strong gunman: A dark-skinned man in a blush-gray shirt and gray pants. He has a higher fire rate than the weak gunman and takes more shots to kill. As with the weak gunman, they are either stationary or constantly rushing.
  • Armored gunman: A man clad in blue armor. Rare. He will generally run toward you, but will stop to fire. He fires with a fair rate and takes quite a few shots to kill; a shotgun is good, but the machine gun will work, too.
  • Grenadier: A man in a yellow protective suit. Stands in place and hurls grenades in your general direction in a slow, steady rhythm. They can adjust their aim a bit, but can't do so very precisely. They take a few hits to kill.
  • Bazooka: They crouch and fire some kind of missile at you. However, it's high enough that you can duck the projectile and kill them very easily.
  • Flamethrower: A man in a gray protective suit. He can shoot flames horizontally, diagonally 45 degrees, diagonally at a low angle (so he can hit you when you're crouching), but not vertically, so it's safe to be directly above or below them. The flames are extremely dangerous as they drain your health very quickly. If you kill a flamethrower from directly above or below, his backpack will explode, which will cause damage if you're too close.
  • Flamethrower boss: Only one in the game, in the Blockade mission. If you beat him, you finish the mission. He's a very large man with a flamethrower and a normal gun. Unlike normal flamethrower enemies, he can aim upwards, so if you stand directly above him, don't do it very long! You need a bunch of shotgun shells to bring this guy down. See Blockade for more information.

Tips and tricks

Fighting velociraptors is usually easy, though it can be tricky in close quarters. The easiest way is to equip the shotgun and give them a few blasts. Sometimes you'll be using the cattle prod for most of the mission, or you want to conserve shotgun ammo, so you'd like to take the raptors out with the prod instead. For this you'll want to have a little space; if it's cramped you may want the tranq bazooka instead, though you may suffer some minor splash damage. Anyway, the raptors follow a very basic pattern. Just stand still while you charge your cattle prod and wait for them to jump at you, and time your jump so that you pass over them. Then turn around and fire at them. You can also repeatedly tap the Y button for a couple more weak shots afterward to quickly defeat brown (medium-strength) raptors on the easy and normal difficulty settings, but grey raptors will need another full-power shot.

Many of the levels have flamethrowers positioned in a way that you'll probably get fried if you try to confront them with the rifle or machine gun. For example, a flamethrower might be positioned just behind a large crate that stops your bullets, but not his flames. Usually you can defeat them by standing at a distance, jumping, and firing the shotgun. Probably only one of the three pellets will hit, so it will take a few shots, but it's better than getting toasted.