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Revision as of 00:38, 15 July 2007 by Baejung92 (talk | contribs)
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Hello, my name is Jung and I am currently a high school student. I am South Korean and have emigrated to Washington when I was 10. I have three gaming aliases: if you play RTSes (namely, StarCraft, StarCraft: Brood War, and Empire at War) and see a player named Gasique, please say hi, and the same goes if you play FPSes (too many to list here) and meet an xpserjungbae. Finally, I have another username on xfire: Koreana MGMA. I've been asked to use the name Ricepicka so others would feel that they're being racist when they pwn me in certain matches, but I refused that.

I don't own any consoles or handhelds and therefore play only on PC. However, thanks to my friends I can hold my own in many previous-gen console games.

I have worked on three guides so far: Call of Duty 2 (still far from finished) and StarCraft and its expansion pack, Brood War (both even farther from finished). I've picked up a few things during the eight or so months I've been here, but I still have a lot to learn (take table of contents formatting: how in the world do you guys do that?!?). If you haven't noticed yet, I like to use parentheses a lot (I dare you to count how many times I've used them in this short page--wait, I just used one right there!) in everything but schoolwork, so you'll be seeing quite a bit of them in my contributions.

My Random News Space which I shall try to keep SW-related

May 26, 2007: I finally found a way to make .pcx files display on my PC! Now I can start including screenshots in the StarCraft and Brood War guides!

May 31: In case you didn't know already, I didn't actually finish Brood War's singleplayer campaign... until yesterday, when I beat Omega, the very final mission! Boo yah!

July 1: I'm drowning in games... I still have Empire at War to finish (estimated completion time: 30 more hours), 3 shooters (ect: 50 hrs), and Knights of the Old Republic (ect: 60 hrs to do it right), all the while still contributing regularly to SW. It would be easier if I could stay away from COD2 multiplayer...

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