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Spoiler warning! This section of the article contains spoilers, or hints about the game's storyline or progression.

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Long Sword

Great Sword


Battle Axe

Great Axe



War Hammer






When playing as a conjurer, you can equip a bow. Bows launch arrows, which are grouped as quivers. Therefore if the bow is selected, a quiver must be selected with it, and vice-versa. Two types of bows can be obtained.


The bow is a basic weapon for a conjurer. It reloads quickly and does reasonable damage. Bows come in a variety of colours. Some are enchanted, colouring with the effect.


These bows reload really slow, but they pack a great punch! Crossbows come in a variety of colours. Some are enchanted, colouring with the effect.


Quivers are ammo for bows (technically they hold the ammo, but arrows are not an item within the game) and thus they are, of course, required if one wishes to shoot an arrow. Quivers can be enchanted, colouring with the effect.

The Staff of Oblivion

This is the weapon you will need to finish the game, for it will advance as you play through the story. The Halberd is, with or without having fought for depending on your character class, obtained from the warlord Horrendous in Dün Mir. Then, at the wizard castle of galava, called the tower of illusion, you obtain the Heart Of Nox, again with or without fighting for it. Together they make the "Halberd with the Heart Of Nox", which has additional level 4 shock damage. The third addition would be the Weirdling Beast, residing in the temple of Ix and thriving on the energy of the Xon pools in the deep there. It will cling to the Halberd because the Heart Of Nox provides a much greater deal of energy to the beast than the Xon pools. With the beast attached you have the "Halberd with the Heart Of Nox and the Weirdling" which does 1 level less shock damage but has a level 2 vampirism buff, for the Weirdling can channel a little of the weapons damage into your health. The last upgrade of the weapon is the orb of Hecubah, waiting for our hero at the land of the dead. With this artifact attached, the Halberd has completed its final stage and is then called "Staff of Oblivion" which is an insanely strong and effective weapon, used similar to the Lightning staff. With this staff obtained you can finish the game (though it is not necessary to USE it to finish the game).