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The three sniper spots (shown below in order)

In this stage of the mission you take control of three snipers sneaking down the street to designated sniping spots with a time limit (the timer pauses on the map screen). The goal of this stage is to guide each man to one of the "X" symbols on the map. Each sniping spot lets you target one of the three walls of the building, letting you take out some of the terrorists before sending your men in, so getting them there is crucial.

This part of the game plays like a regular platform game. You can run about as well as crouching and crawling (on the NES version you can also roll by pushing A button). The only dangers during this section are the searchlights: if a searchlight touches you when you are out in the open the terrorists will open fire, and unless you dodge out of the way you'll be quickly gunned down. You don't have any health, so all it takes is a few direct hits. If a sniper dies he can no longer be used, and if all three are killed it's game over. Scattered around the map are various open windows and doorways which you can hide in by pushing up (to jump out simply push down). The searchlights can't see you when you are hiding. The searchlights move in predictable patterns, so with patience you can get around them. On the computer versions you can change men when hidden by pressing  F1  for Delta,  F2  for Echo, and  F3  for Mike; in the NES version you can only control them in order.

As you move, consult the map to see where you are going (you can only open the map when hiding). The doorways you are looking for are larger than the ones you can only hide in, and the first has a sign saying "hot club". Once a man is in the proper place the map will show a picture of him in a sniping position rather than standing up. If you wish you can place more than one man in a particular sniping spot, but this will reduce the number of walls you can target. Once all your men in position open the map and hit  Enter  to continue, or  F10  to restart the game (on the NES version you will proceed to the next stage automatically).