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Choose Billy’s story and the others will need 15 and 16 Mojo Balls in order to be unlocked. You can collect more in missions.

Billy’s story[edit | edit source]

“Mandy and Grim watched as Billy ran home. But he quickly realized the Mojo Balls had already infected the neighborhood. It was time for clean up…Billy style.”

After the cutscene is over, you take control of Billy with a door right behind him, move to the right and bounce on these Mushrooms to get a glove 2x. We don’t know what it does, we think it just increases your attack power for a short time. Ok, keep moving to the right and you can’t progress until you defeat the current amount of enemies with a number by a skull on the bottom right corner. Get ready! But there’s only 2 so they shouldn’t be too bad but they get harder as you progress. Keep moving and you will kill more. Alright so this won’t take long time, we know, ok. After you got through Billy’s house and to his backyard. In his backyard, you’ll encounter General Skarr, what is he doing here and what does he want?

“General Skarr had started his quest for world domination right in Billy’s backyard.”

After the cutscene. When General Skarr appears, he’ll attack you in his robot, watch out!

Boss fight: General Skarr[edit | edit source]

You can’t attack General Skarr directly, he’ll fly around both creating gust of wind which pushes you and shoot missiles out of his robot, so dodge them then your good. After he attacks too much, he’ll get and not attack and make himself vulnerable to your attacks. Rinse and repeat until he’s defeated and gets sent out of his robot.

“Billy took care of the neighborhood but left Mandy with bigger pies to bake…pumpkin pies.”

After you defeat General Skarr. the Mojo Ball is yours, just don’t leave it there in the air though.

MIssions[edit | edit source]

Ok we 1 Mojo Ball, but we need 14 more to unlock Mandy, but how do we get 14 more? Alright, go to missions, you will need to complete 14 missions. After you have collected 14 more Mojo Balls, Mandy's story will be unlocked.

Mandy’s story[edit | edit source]

“With Halloween just around the corner… Mandy knew she had to take action.”

After the cutscene is over. Your controlling Mandy and not Billy, her controls and attacks can be hard to master, but don’t worry. You’ll master them, also no wonder Mandy doesn’t ever smile by the way and is always angry, weird. Ok move forward and you have to go across Endsville graveyard to make it to boss who’s guarding the next Mojo Ball encountering lots pumpkins, bats and even zoombies. Alright after you have made it through, you’ll encounter Jack o lantern. Watch out Mandy!

“A Halloween without Jack o lantern just wouldn’t be the same…”

Now Jack o Lantern will attack, be ready!

Boss fight: Jack o Lantern[edit | edit source]

This battle simple, but don’t attack Jack o Lantern directly like General Skarr, stay in the corner and use Mandy’s hand slap attack to reflect the exploding pumpkins back at him. Rinse and repeat until he’s killed.

“With all the Pumpkin smashing going on, Mandy was starting to wonder where on earth Grim was…”

After the cutscene and after Jack o lantern is killed. Grab the Mojo Ball.

Missions[edit | edit source]

Got 16 and 1 more before we unlock Grim, shouldn’t be that bad, just do 1 mission, complete it but don’t fail it and collect it and Grim should be unlocked.

Grim’s story[edit | edit source]

“The Mojo Balls were starting to infect areas outside of the mortal plane. It was time for Grim to take matters into his own hands”

You play as Grim, you must go from Mandy’s story left off in the graveyard and go into a portal and when you have reached deep into the portal in a dark cave, you’ll encounter Nergal, Grim’s archenemy.

“Nergal was waiting for Grim in the center of the earth.”

After the cutscene, Nergal is ready to fight you. Get ready!

Boss fight: Nergal[edit | edit source]

For Nergal not directly too, as he’s charging with his tentacles at you. Jump over him until after he stops and gets tired making him vulnerable to your attacks and attack him, rinse and repeat until he’s defeated.

After you defeat Nergal, grab the Mojo Ball.

Ending=[edit | edit source]

We now collected 17 Mojo Balls and a cutscene will begin.

“With Nergal defeated… and the last of the Mojo Balls collected… Mandy and Grim were wondering… Who tampered with Grim’s chest in the first place? Grim gazed into his temporal displacement orb. Grim could clearly see the events leading up to the release of the Mojo Balls. It seems Billy just wanted to free Moe and Joe from their imprisonment inside Grim’s Chest.”

Missions[edit | edit source]

After the long cutscene, the game’s not over yet, go to missions to collect the remaining Mojo Balls. After you do that, the end credits appear. Congratulations! You beat the game! Now enjoy the credits.