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Revision as of 23:42, 9 February 2010 by Najzere (talk | contribs) (importing)
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Template:Alicesoftwiki and Sengoku Rance

Hello, Template:Alicesoftwiki has been marked for deletion. These types of templates are reserved for our partners, with whom we have a reciprocal relationship. It is against our external links policy to send users offsite for information which should be hosted here. The same can be said for the entire way in which Sengoku Rance had previously been set up. I admire your goal of bringing info from the Alice Soft Wiki here, which you stated on your user page. I think that's a great idea, and because they have a compatible license (CC-BY-SA), we can use whatever they have as long as we properly attribute them. Let me know if you have any questions or would like any help importing their guide. :) — najzereT 21:38, 9 February 2010 (UTC)

I'm not sure if it notifies you of what I respond with on my Talk page, but what exactly is the rules on importing? Is there a template I should use that properly credits other wiki's? And I completely stole your sig. Sorry. [= JepjrTalk 22:43, 9 February 2010 (UTC)
When importing information from other sources (that are compatibly licensed) you just need to add your attribution to the edit summary, which usually consists of a URL of the source document and the author's name. You can see something like that on this history page. Hope that helps! — najzereT 23:42, 9 February 2010 (UTC)