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== 11A. Mountain ==
== 12. FAQ ==
    This walkthrough does not contain locations of
enemies/generators/etc, because that changes depending on your level. 
The higher your level, the more enemies, barrels, chests, and so on
there are.  The first few levels are spoon fed to you, but after that
you should have gotten the hang of how stuff works, and can get by with
less directions.  I’m also not gonna tell you to pick up
keys/treasure/etc. You can figure that out yourself, I hope.  If not,
odds are you couldn’t read this anyways.  Anyways, if you have a
specific question, and just can’t figure it out, drop me a line, and
I’ll see what I can do.
*** Mountain Valley ***
    You start on a grassy area.  Find and cross the bridge to the east. 
On the north side of the plateau you just arrived at is a red switch. 
Step on it, and the obelisk will raise to the west.  Walk up to it and
it will change colors and you’ll hear Sumner praising you.
    Then climb the stairs to the north and follow the path as it curves
to the west.  You’ll arrive on another small platform.  The staircase to
the southwest takes you back to where you started.  You want to continue
up the staircase to the northeast.
    On your way up, stay alert for a suicide guy, you’ll hear him
scream (it sounds like two TIE fighters flying by).  At the top is
another platform with a staircase in the northeast corner.  Take it up,
and at the top, follow the path west until you reach a staircase with a
locked gate at the bottom.  Head on up the stairs.
    On the east side of this area is a barrel.  When you smash it
reveals a scroll explaining the switches (not a tough concept, but
remember they point in the direction of what they affect, it helps
later), and a switch.  Step on it and the gate to the north will lower,
revealing another staircase. Up you go again.
    At the top is a landing and a second staircase leading up to the
west.  Climb that one, and you’re at the exit, just stand on the yellow
*** Mountain Peak ***
    You start on another platform.  Take the route to the east, not the
ramp leading up, until you get to another little plateau.  On the north
end of this area is a mound of dirt (maybe between two generators?). 
Hit the mound of dirt to reveal a red switch, step on it and head to the
    The next plateau had a locked gate in the southwest corner,
leading back to your starting point, and two paths leading out in the
northeast and northwest.  Start with the route to the east, after a bit
it will make a hairpin turn, continue up until you arrive at a fork.
    Take the lower route, watching out for a few archers that are
coming up.  When you get to the “F” intersection, head straight south. 
You’ll get to another tight curve and once you get around it there’s a
ramp leading up, it’s very wide.  My advice here is to slowly work your
way up, aiming for generators.  When you get to the plateau on the top,
in the northwest corner is another obelisk.  Touch it and get your
message from Sumner.
    Continue to the west, skipping the locked gate, and taking the
path that angles upward.  If your way at the top of the ramp is blocked,
you missed a switch.  Go back and get it.  If it’s open, continue out
onto the platform.  Ignore the locked gate, and go to the east.  The
platform turns into a steep ramp leading off to the northwest. 
    At the top of that ramp is another small platform.  Skip the gate
on the north edge (you can’t open it yet anyways), and keep on going to
the west.  The ramp should cut back toward the southwest, and downward
until you reach an intersection.
    Head up the wide ramp to the northwest, and stay awake.  Your
first golem is on the ramp at the top.  He isn’t that tough as long as
you stay away from him.  Once he’s dead, go to the west edge of the
plateau he was on and hit the dirt pile there.  It will reveal another
switch, step on it and head to the east.  Taking the lower path.  You’ll
pass that gate we skipped earlier, it’s open now, but don’t worry about
it.  Continue past it until you spot an area of the wall that’s lighter
than the rest.  Smash it open, and grab the rune, and listen to Sumner
again.  Continue up the east, there’s another small platform with a
locked gate to the north.
    Through the gate and up over the “hump”, and down the other side. 
Another small plateau.  Head up the ramp on the northeast.  At the top
is the yellow pad signifying the end of the level.
*** Mountain Cliff ***
    Ok, another level starting an a little plateau.  To the northeast
is a locked gate, and to the east there is a trail.  Take the trail
east.  You will come to a point where there is a ramp leading down. 
Take that, and you end up in a little area.
    There is a locked gate keeping you out of the west half.  There’s
not much over there except a key and a barrel.  Sometimes I get a
limited invulnerability out of it, so it might be worth the trip.  Back
to the east there is a ramp leading back up next another locked gate. 
Go through the locked gate, and step on the red switch.  Then return to
the (now un)locked gate all the way to the west of the plateau and head
    This area is usually swarming with enemies, so watch it.  After the
area is clear, cross the area heading east.  Clear out up to the gate
that you lowered with the switch, then head back west.  You’ll quickly
come to a ramp to the northeast, leading up.
    Carefully climb up; There’s a mess of enemies and a golem hiding up
there.  Once it’s clear continue across the platform to the west, and
back down the ramp.  Keep heading straight, and you’ll come across
another ramp heading up.  There are two locked gates with enemies
behind.  I’d suggest picking them off _before_ opening the gates, as
there’s a golem in the westernmost one, as well as a chest with an
Anti-Death Halo in it.  Collect the stuff, if you want, and head into
the eastern one and touch the obelisk.  There’s that voice again.  All
right, back out of the pen and head all the way back to the gate you
turned around at (All east).
    Through the gate, you’ll come to a lava bridge.  Head across it and
you’ll come to a ramp leading down.  Head on down the ramp.  Head up
here too, there’s a golem sitting right at the bottom.  Once he’s out of
the way, open the locked gate on the west end.  Clean up in here,
there’s another red switch in the middle.  Yup, you guessed it, step on
    There may be a floating gold ball here.  That’s the tag ball.  If
it touches you you’ll hear the voice say that you are "IT”.  It
means the enemies will pursue you over any other
players.  Doesn’t make any difference in single player though, but I
      All right, back out to the plateau.  In the north half, you’ll see
a discolored part of the wall.  Hit it to expose another red switch. 
Back up the ramp you came down on.
    At the top there may or may not be a gray rock there.  If there
isn’t, it just means you’ve hit it accidentally already.  If there is,
hit it, and fight your way through this area.  Head through the now-open
gate, follow the path, and you’ll come to a wooden bridge.
    While you’re heading across it, you’ll hear a rumbling.  That’s the
gate you just passed closing behind you.  There’s places where it does
that, forcing you into a one-way trip, but don’t worry about it now. 
Continue across the bridge.  As soon as your feet hit solid ground,
fight your way through the crowd.  Stay on the platform, don’t take the
ramp down until you’ve cleared everything out.
    After all that’s clear, head down the short ramp, and turn around
and head west.  You’ll come across a ramp heading down, head down it,
and continue east.  You’ll eventually come across a wooden bridge.  At
the far end of the bridge, there will be a bunch of enemies waiting,
clear them out.  Once it’s cleared (I make it sound so easy, don’t I?),
make sure you head all the way to the east, and grab some goodies,  Then
go down the ramp.  The normal level exit is down there, and you’ll also
notice a door with a skull and crossbones on it.  Standing on that door
will take you to the Minotaur bonus level.  Just grab 50 coins (there’s
plenty there, it should be a piece of cake), then you can switch to the
Minotaur, if you’d like.  I’d suggest reading the CHARACTERS section
above _before_ switching.  After that, you’re halfway done with the
mountain, and can start the Castle, if you’ve gotten all there obelisks.
*** Mountain Cave ***
For the next two levels, the instructions are going to have to be a
little more vague.  The levels aren’t laid out in an orderly fashion,
and the view constantly rotates.  Keep your eye on the compass, and I’ll
try to help you as much as I can.
Ok, you start in one bit “area”, explore it, but don’t hit any switches
in the process.  Kill all the enemies, gather all the stuff, etc., just
don’t hit a switch yet!  Make sure you explore it completely, you should
encounter one lava gate, but don’t worry about it yet.  Once the area is
clear head to the east “corner,” there’s two red switches in this area. 
Step on _only_ the one that is out in the open, leave the one in the
little “room” alone for now.
    Now go back to the northern part of the area you started in.  The
lava wall should have lowered by now.  Clear out this new area.  In the
process you’ll hit another lava wall that is blocking your progress, but
that’s fine, ignore it.  You should also see a Rune on a lowered
platform.  Right near it is a mound of light colored rock covering a red
switch.  Destroy the pile, and hit the switch, the rune should raise. 
When this is all clear, head back to that “east” corner of the area you
started in, and hit the switch that was in the little “room.”  Then come
back to the gate you took out of the first area.  After you go through
it, take your first right, then go until you can take a left.  You’ll
end up next to a newly lowered gate.
    Go through this gate, and you’ll end up in another area.  Same
deal, clear it out, _don’t_ touch any switches here and _don’t_ pass
back through the lowered gate.  It’s okay to destroy any breakable walls 
you come across.  While you’re clearing it, you should come across a
scroll mentioning the “Ice Axe”, and nearby is a raised gate.  Try to
make a mental note of this location.  Now, there was one switch in the
southeastern tip of this area.  Hit it, then follow the direction the
arrow points.  You need to get back to where the scroll I mentioned
earlier was.  (It’s NW of the gate you entered this area through).  Near
where the scroll was the gate should be lowered now.
    Go through the gate, and grab the Rune.  In this area now you
should find the yellow pad for the exit.  It’s in the north, near a
closed gate (Don’t worry about it, it was another route).  *Whew*  I
know that was a bit confusing, but you’re probably now starting to
understand the difficulty of mapping this place.
*** Mountain Cavern ***
    Ok, when you start, you won’t have much of a choice on where to go
until you reach the 4th platform (counting the one you start on).  It
will look like you do, but all your options collapse when you near them. 
On the 4th platform you can go NW or SW.  The NW bridge leads to a dead
end for now.  The SW one is the way forward, so take that one.
    Follow it around until you see a dirt mound, blast it, and step on
the red switch, then head back to platform 4.  Now take the NW route,
you’ll see a bridge has appeared.  Cross over it, and on the platform
you arrive on, there’s a red switch under a barrel.
    Follow the only exit off this platform, and again you don’t have a
choice for a while.  At the 5th platform you come to (counting the one
you just pressed the red switch on), you encounter another choice,
southwest or northeast.
Head southwest first, and on the 1st platform you come to find the
red switch, and step on it.  Then backtrack and take the northeast
option.  Again, on the first platform is a red switch, step on it and it
will raise a piece of rock right next to it.  Step on the rock, and ride
it down, cross the little lava river and grab the Scimitar  (This will
come in handy in the Castle level).  Then take the rock back up, and
continue to the southeast.
At the first platform you come to, there is a weak point of the
east wall.  Shoot it, and step on the red switch.  Continue along that
route, and you’ll come to another red switch.  Hit this one, and the
ramp that is now in front will be completed.  Another Rune, grab it,
listen to Sumner gab, and head back up the ramp.  Remember that platform
where you had the NE/SW choice?  (It’s the 4th one back, counting the
rune platform).  Now it’s time for the southwest.  Head along it, you
won’t have any choices, and will eventually reach a dead end.  One the
dead end platform is another weak wall, almost directly across from
where you came on.  In it is a red switch, step on it, and go back one
There’s a newly raised bridge leading to the northeast now.  Cross
it and there’s the exit.  You have now completed all the regular levels
in the Mountain area, only the boss remains, but I suggest waiting until
you have the Ice Axe.
*** Mountain Dragon ***
  The dragon isn’t that bad, even if you don’t have the Legend Weapon
for him (Ice Axe).  The only advice I really have is make sure you
don’t try and hide behind the rocks.  He usually blows them up, and
you’ll get caught in the blast.  I would suggest waiting until you do
have the Axe, but it’s your choice.  If you want to be compulsive about
it, stock up on all your powerups.  Go in with the Ice Amulet, Reflect
Shield, Speed Boost, Phoenix Familiar, 5 Way shot, and everything else
you can think of.  You shouldn’t have a problem taking him down with or
without powerups.  Once he’s defeated, you’ll get a shard of the stained
glass window that’s in Sumner “lobby”.
== 11B. Castle ==
# I will be using the room convention for most of this area.  Room will
# mean pretty much the same thing it does IRL.
*** Castle Courtyard ***
    Ok, you start on one room, clear it out, and grab the stuff that’s
there.  Head up the wooden ramp to the south.  At the top is a red
switch that lowers the barrier right in front of you.  Now you’re in a
room that runs long east to west.  In the eastern end of it is a little
“alcove” in the wall, walk in there and hit the red switch.  While
you’re here you may want to pick off any generators that you can see on
the other side of the wall.  After that’s done, head west to a locked
    Head through into small room.  At the north end is a breakable
wall, break it (duh!), and head through once again.  Right across from
where you came in is a spike trap with a breakable wall behind it.  Skip
this for now and head to the south, following the room until you come to
a large rock.  Right across from a nearby staircase should be a open
part of the “fence.”  Head through, whack the rock, and grab another rune
    Now head back to that trap with the breakable wall behind it. 
Break the wall and go up the stairs.  You should come across another red
switch right before you turn the corner, hit that one, and continue
along.  At the end of the room you’ll see a trap with a staircase on the
other side.  Head up there.
    In the first corner you encounter there is a dirt mound covering a
red switch.  You know the drill.  Continue past that point, and then
down a small flight of stairs.  Head to the east in this room.  You’ll
eventually come to a narrow passage with another trap in front of a
staircase.  Up ya go.
    When you get on top of the wall, turn to the west, break the wall
near the chest, and grab a lightning shield, then head back east. 
You’ll come to yet another trap and a short staircase, head up and
you’ll eventually come to a parapet with a locked gate in front of it. 
Here is a perfect place to clean it out with a L3 Turbo before entering. 
Either way, unlock it and go through.  Inside is another red switch. 
Step on it, head out of the parapet and continue along the wall.
    You’ll come to your first “quick switch” as I call them, and a
staircase leading down to the west.  When you step on the switch, a
section of wood appears that allows you to cross.  You either have to be
quick, or have a friend playing.  Or, if there’s an enemy over there,
lure him onto the bridge, because it won’t disappear when something’s on
it.  There are two different paths you can take here.  If you cross this
bridge use PATH #1, if you don’t use PATH #2.
### PATH #1 ###
    Cross the bridge, then head down the staircase to the west.  Just
north of the bottom of the staircase is a rock, break it, and hit the
red switch that it was hiding.  Head north in this room, and you’ll come
to a mini hedge maze.  The carved stones on the hedge are traps, so stay
sharp.  Go through the silly little maze.  You’ll come to the end where
there is a red switch, and a gate you can’t pass through (Don’t worry
about it, that’s part of the other path).  Hit the switch, and head back
to the staircase and continue along the wall.
### PATH #2 ###
    Alright, down the staircase to the west.  In the room at the bottom
there is a locked gate on the south hedge wall.  Head through into the
next room.  in the next room is a red square on the ground.  Now that
I’m thinking about it, this is probably the first teleport pad you’ve
seen so far.  All they do is port you to a matching pad nearby in the
case, on the other side of the wall, so step on it, and there’s another
in this little room, step on that one too.
    In the southwest corner of this room is another discolored patch
of wall (it’s kind of tough to see).  Break it, and hit the red switch
inside.  Then head out and through the locked gate to the north.  You’ll
pass a green patch of water with tentacles coming out (Garbage masher
creature from A New Hope?), and a small bridge leading to a red switch
in the center of the pool.  Run out, hit it, head back to land, and
continue to the north.  You’ll pass through a gate into a little
hedge-maze.  Hit the red switch and follow the maze.  Watch out for the
carved stones, they’re traps.  After you’re through all of it, find the
bottom of the staircase here.  To the north of it is a rock that is
hiding a red switch.  Hit the switch, and head up the staircase and
continue along the wall
### END OF PATHS ###
    You’ll reach another locked parapet, inside is a golem and a red
switch.  Kill the switch, and step on the golem, or something like that. 
Head back out and continue along the wall.
    Go down a short staircase and keep heading west.  You’ll come to
another trap in front of a long staircase heading up and to the north. 
Climb it, and at the top, turn west, and head along some more castle
    In the next corner you reach, there’s a discolored patch of wall
that hide a red switch.  Dust it and hit the switch.  Head down the
stairs leading from this corner, and at the bottom you’ll make another
turn to the west.  Cross a shaky looking wooden bridge, and continue
until you come across yet another locked parapet.  Inside is another red
switch, hit it and head back out along the wall.
    Another little staircase leading up, so climb it, and you’ll
quickly come across another parapet.  Inside is a golem, and an obelisk. 
Kill the golem, then go in and touch the obelisk.
    Back out, and again, along the wall to the east.  Climb a short
staircase with traps at both ends, you’ll then come to corner where you
can turn to the north.  Follow this little path and you’ll come to your
favorite glowing yellow pad.  Step on and you’re out of here.
*** Castle Dungeon ***
    You start the level at the top of a staircase.  Head down the
staircase until you reach a platform.  On the platform will be short
staircases to the north and south.  (I will refer to this platform as
the “Rune Platform” because there’s a rune nearby)  Shoot the wall at
the top of the south staircase, and step on the switch that is revealed. 
Now, head down the north staircase.
    On this platform there is a red switch hidden in the wall in the
northeast corner (it’s tough to see).  Hit the switch, then follow the
arrow on it, and you’ll come across a treasure chest.  Open the chest,
and when you collect what was in it, you’ll step on another red switch.
    Head back up to the Rune Platform, and now take the south stairs. 
Step on the red switch on the west end of this platform.  Now head back
up to the Rune Platform, and take the north stairwell.  Head to the
southwest corner of this platform, and cross the narrow bridge.
    Step on the switch in the center of this platform, and head down
the short ramp on the south side.  On this platform step on the switch
in the center, then, on the east end is a red switch under a barrel. 
Destroy the barrel and step on the switch.  Now go through the opened
gate that’s south of the switch you just hit.
    When you get to the new platform make a hard left, to find a rusty
metal bridge.  Halfway across is a little island with a red switch.  Hit
the switch, and continue across to the north.  Climb the stairwell
there, and you’re back on the Rune Platform.  Where the breakaway wall
was, you should now see a Rune (There was a grate in the way before),
grab the Rune.
    Head back down the south staircase, cross back over the rusted
metal bridge and head up the stairwell in the southwest corner of this
platform.  (In case I lost ya, the stairwell in on a platform with a big
drain in the center).
    At the top of the stairs, cross a wood plank serving as a bridge. 
After the bridge you’ll come to a place where there is a bridge going
down to the north, and one going up to the west.  Go down to the north,
there’s usually some goodies on this platform.  Climb back up the stairs
and take the stair up to the west.
    On this platform is a red switch, hit that then continue down the
wood plank bridge to the north.  Cross the platform to another rusty
metal bridge, and cross that.  In the northwest corner of this platform
is another obelisk.  Touch it then head up the staircase starting on the
west side.  On the second landing is a red switch, after you hit it,
head back down the stairs, to the metal bridge.
    Now there is a platform lowered halfway across with a red switch on
it.  Hit it, and head in the direction of the arrow.  On the newly
raised platform, shoot the wall, it will expose a red switch.  Step on
this one, and go back to the long staircase to the west.  Follow it all
the way to the top, and there is the exit.  You’re now halfway done with
the castle!
*** Castle Armoury ***
    Alright, this levels a tough one to get guided through.  There’s
backtracking, hidden switches and traps everywhere, so just bear with
    You start in a room with a locked gate to the west.  Go through
the gate, and hit the red switch that’s northeast of the cauldron.  Then
go back to the start room and into the room to the south.  Hit the red
switch here.  Head back to the cauldron room, and hit the red switch
that’s southeast of the cauldron.  Return to the starting room, and hit
the red switch here, now head down the stairs to the west.
    At the bottom of the stairs, turn south, and follow this
passageway.  When you come across a slanted stone wall, shoot it and
step on the red switch hidden there.  Go to the west of the switch, and
take your first south turn, then head to the west.  You’ll come across a
golem, kill it and find the red switch that he was near.  Before you hit
the switch, shoot the wall to the south of it to reveal a treasure
chest.  Then hit the switch.
    Take the first north passage out of this room, and keep going north
until you hit a wall.  There should be a passage to the west of where
you ran into the wall.  Follow it around and take the first passage where
you can go north.  You should come across a flight of steps leading
down.  Take these.  Follow this room until you come across a staircase
leading up to the south.  It will be blocked at the top.  To the
northeast of the bottom of the staircase is a little room with a red
switch in it.  Also, in the northwest corner is a switch hidden in the
wall.  Shoot the wall, then hit the switch.
    Now, stand on the switch, facing the direction it points.  Do the
left hand on the wall thing, and follow it.  (Pretend your characters
left hand is touching the wall the whole time, and walk, never taking
the hand off)  You'll come back to the room you started in, and in the
east end of the room, you'll see another Rune Stone.  Backtrack by doing
an about-face, and return by doing the same thing, but using your right
hand.  Stop when you get to the big staircase leading down into the
basement (It should be the second staircase you come across)
    When you get back to the stairs, go south, turn west at the first
intersection.  Follow it around the corner and head straight.  (If that
was confusing try this:  When you get to the top of the stairs, stop,
and make sure you’re facing south.  Then imagine your character putting
their right hand on the wall, and travel without taking the hand off
until the floor changes.)  You should come into an area with a gray
diamond floor.
    In the north end is a locked gate, and on the other side is a room
with a red switch, hit it, then head back to the room with the long
blocked staircase.  (If you forgot how to get there, stand on the
switch, face south, and imagine putting your left hand on the wall. 
Then travel without taking your hand off, you’ll reach the staircase
    When you get to the top, just follow the passage, dodge some traps,
and you’ll come to a room with a staircase leading up to the south. 
Head on up, and follow it to the top.  The exit is on this platform. 
*** Castle Treasury ***
    Almost finished, this is the last level, and it’s not that bad. 
You start on a platform with a leaf-like floor.  Smash the wall on the
west end, and walk through, stepping on the switch as you go.  Head
straight north and follow that hallway.  After a few turns you’ll come
to a stairway leading down.  Take this, at the bottom is a mound of dirt
in the corner, shoot is, and step on the switch, and do the same for a
dirt outcropping just south of the stairs.  Now the exposed switch in
the south.  Head through the portal that just opened in front of you,
and proceed south until you see the stairs, climb them, and you’ll be on
the same platform you started on.  Ignore this sentence
    Head back through the wall you destroyed earlier, and turn east. 
At the “T” intersection, turn south, and follow until you get to a
locked gate.  Unlock the gate (NB: You may want to pick off this golem
if he’s already active, it’s pretty close quarters in there), and head
in.  The wall across from the gate holds a switch, bust it down and hit
it, you should see the throne above you raise.  Now head to the room to
the north, and hit the switch.  Leave his area and go back to the “T”
intersection, and this time go north.
    Step on the teleporter, and follow the hallway you end up in to
another teleporter.  On the other side of this one is the throne room. 
Step on the switch on the seat of the throne.  Now leave the throne room
via the stairwell on the north wall.
    In this room, in the southeast corner is a red switch.  Hitting it
will bring down a platform that will give you access to an Anti-Death
Halo.  Grab it, there’s a few Deaths floating around here.
    Head up the staircase on the east wall.  Ok, in this room is a
whole bunch of switches.  Start with the one right next to the entrance. 
Then head up onto the platform, and hit the switch up here.  Now, go to
the south wall, and hit the switch that’s pointing to the south.  In the
newly opened area, throw pizza at the duck....er, hit the switch again. 
Exit the little nook, and hit another red switch right outside, pointing
toward the platform in the middle.  Head across to the north wall, and
press the switch on the stone slab, which lowers another of the side
    Another switch, hit it, now go to the east end of the room, and
step on the switch pointing at the pillar.  The pillar will lower, step
on it, and ride it to the top.  Shoot the black pillar at the top, and
step on the switch under it.  Now, hit the three switches in this little
room, and take the elevator back down.  Southeast corner, hit it.  It
will lower a pane of glass nearby.  Grab some stuff, then head to the
northeast corner.  Open the treasure chest, and hit the switch
underneath.  Another glass pane will lower, grab some more treasure.
    Now head to the northwest corner, and out onto the platform with
two red switches.  Hit them both, and there will be some treasure for
you on the pillars surrounding the raised platform of the many-switch
    Go down the stairs on the west wall, and then to the northwest
corner of this room.  Head down the passage, turn to the north, and step
on the ‘porter pad.  Follow this room until you come across a teleport
pad, with a barrel nearby (the barrel may be already broken), under it
is a red switch.  There’s also a scroll telling you that Untar’s Ice Axe
is within reach.  Step on the red switch and make your way back to the
room with all those switches.
    When you get back, go up onto the raised platform and grab the Ice
Axe.  Now you can go back and kill the Mountain Dragon, if you skipped
it before.
    Now that this is done, go back to where you hit the switch with the
scroll about the Ice Axe, next to the red teleport pad (if you forgot
how, go back to the paragraph that starts “Go down the stairs...”)  When
you get there, step on the pad.  Head west through this room, watching
out for the golem.  At the other end is a raised gate, and a locked
gate.  Go through the locked gate first, and hit the red switch in here. 
Now exit, and just east of the formerly locked gate is another red
switch.  Hit this one, now go through the now-lowered gate (the
northernmost one).
    Head up the stairs in this room, and if you want to pick up the
Falconess, head north and stand on the skull and crossbones door. 
Otherwise go to the south, and follow the staircase until you reach the
platform at the top with the teleport pad.
*** Castle Chimera ***
    Again, the Chimera (pronounced “kai-mara”, not “shim-ara”) isn’t a
tough boss.  If you have the Scimitar from the Mountain Cavern you start
out with a head automatically missing (I’d suggest it for this one, it
helps quite a bit).  Again, just move and shoot at each head.  Each one
had an individual health bar at the top corresponding to the color of
each head.  Just whittle it down, and you’ll gain another piece of the
NOTE:  You don't have to actually touch the mirror.  Once you defeat the
Chimera it will return to the staned glass window.
== 11C. Town ==
*** Town Fields ***
    Turn to the east, destroy the stump just before the bridge, and hit
the switch underneath.  This will lower a gate allowing you to cross a
log bridge.  At the far end is a locked gate.  On the other side of the
gate is an area with a bunch of ruined foundations.  In the southeast
corner is another obelisk.
    Head north from here, and you'll encounter a stone wall, with only
one opening (you're in the right place if there's a flame on one side of
the opening.  Head through into the next field.  Keep heading north and
there's another switch at the northernmost point in the fenced in area. 
Hit it then return back to where you started (on the other side of the
log bridge)
    Head to the western part of the field and you'll find a locked
gate.  Head through into a stone "pen".  Cross the pen and exit in the
northeast corner.  You'll be in a field with lots of brownish underbrush
(which you can walk right through)  Head north through the brush, and
make sure you walk through it, there's generators and keys hidden in hit
(and possibly a golem, depending on your level).
    After passing through the field, you'll come to a house on fire. 
There is a locked gate, you can skip this if you want to save the key
(there's some food, and a scroll in there, but I'm about to tell you
what the scroll says).  On the front of the east wing of the house is a
door, which you can shoot and destroy.  Hit the switch inside, then
swing around back of the house, and clean up the treasure back there, if
you want.
    After you're done with the house, head east and follow the river
south until you come down onto a bridge that looks partially sunk into
the river.  You can still cross it, so do that.  On the far shore is a
switch, hit it, then cross back to the western bank.  Continue to the
south staying with the river.  It will turn to the east, keep following
is, and right after the bend you'll come to a locked gate.  West of the
gate is the entrance to another stone pen.
    In the center is another burned out house, with a red switch.  Hit
that one and a wall in the northwest corner will lower.  Collect all the
goodies, then head back to the locked gate by the river.
    Unlock the gate and start across the bridge.  Halfway across, on
the south side, is a discolored part of the railing.  Shoot it and go
stand on the switch it reveals.  A stone pillar from the river will rise
up, hop on and let it carry you down.  At the bottom is two switches,
the one pointing southeast is the button for the stone pillar, hit the
other one, and grab the halo from the chest, then ride the pillar back
up to the bridge.
    Finish crossing to the east and you'll come to another field. 
Cross the field going east until you come to the wall.  Then head north
until you're on a ramp leading up.  There's a locked gate not to far up,
and another one just past that.  Then you'll come down the ramp.  Head
westish from the base of the ramp, and you'll come across a hill, at the
top is a gallows with a red switch. 
    Follow the direction of the arrow (northeast) until you come to a
lowered gate (it should be against the east wall, with a flame on one of
the poles.  Climb up this ramp and follow it to the end.  There will be
another Door in the ground, stand on it to be taken to the bonus level
for the Tigress (which is quite interesting), collect your 50 coins.
    If you didn't want to go into the bonus level, from the gallows go
straight north, and you'll come to the regular exit.
*** Town Cemetery ***
    You start off in a small fenced-in area.  Under a barrel is a red
switch, hit it, then exit through the gate to the north.  In this area,
the switch you need to proceed is north of the gate you entered through,
just north of a tree.  There are other switches hidden under stumps and
such so you can pick up some goodies if you want.  After you're done,
hit the switch by the tree and head through the north gate.
    Follow the path until you come to another section of cemetery (You
should be facing east when you get to it).  Again, there's a bunch of
switches that raise treasures, One under a stump where you enter, one in
the building to the south (shoot the wall with the door).  The switch
you need to proceed is in the east side, south of a tree.  It will lower
a gate to the north.  On the other side of the gate is another red
switch that will lead you to treasure (hit it, then the other that
raises from the grave to the southeast, then head east).
    After all that's done, head through the entrance to the north. 
Follow the bridge until you come to a half-wall blocking your progress. 
To the south is a barrel, inside is Death, and under him is a red
switch.  Kill him (or let him die) turn around and head north up the
hill.  In the plateau at the top, you'll find a red switch under a
barrel, and a scroll with a rune hint.  Hit the switch, and head back
down the hill
    At the bottom, turn west.  The first little guardhouse to the north
has a Death inside, standing on a red switch.  Kill him, and hit the
switch.  Climb back up the hill you just came down, and hit the
now-lowered switch.  Go back down the hill, and in the hut south of the
one Death was in there's a Rune stone.  After collecting the Stone head
west until you come to the fountain thingy.
    Turn south and cross the bridge to another area.  After you step
off the bridge, you'll hear a gate, that's the path closing behind you. 
Head all the way to the south, and you'll come to a building.  Inside is
a key (shoot the wall), and on the west side of the building is the
obelisk for this area (which will now unlock the Ice area).  Head north
from where the obelisk is.  Head north, weaving through the areas, in
one is a stump hiding a key.
    Ok, this one is tough to describe, keep heading north, and bear to
the east, you should come across a wooden bridge leading east.  Cross
the bridge, and unlock the gate.  Behind the treasure chest is a red
switch, hit that and cross back over the bridge, heading north when you
get to the other side.  At the end of a rather windy land bridge is the
*** Town Spire ***
    To start head south then west, circling around until you come to a
tower with door.  Shoot the door, and hit the red switch inside.  Now,
exit and circle back around until you come back to where you started the
level.  Unlock the gate to the west and proceed through.  Cross this
area, and go to the northwest corner.  Head up the ramp to the east. 
Head north across the wooden bridge (you'll hear the path close behind
you).  At the end of the bridge, turn west, and you'll see a path
leading south from the parapet.  Head down the path. 
    Sweep the area, hitting the red switch hidden under a dirt mound. 
Then climb up the ramp opposite the one you came down from.  (Heading up
to the east.)  At the top head turn north, and hit the red switch, then
head back down the ramp, to the south wall of the area at the bottom. 
Head through the now-open gate and head to the west.  Then the area will
curve north, follow it.  It then curves east,  and at the end is another
parapet that you can shoot the door.  Inside is Death standing on a red
switch.  Kill Death, and hit the switch.  Exit the parapet again, and
head back to the gate that you used to come into this area.  (You should
be back in the courtyard with the two ramps).
    Climb the east ramp, turn south, then east across the wooden
bridge.  Follow it until you come down into another courtyard.  After
you get off the ramp, turn and head into the western part of the
courtyard.  Hit the switch, which raises another Rune Stone, but you
can't quite get to it yet.  Exit the courtyard to the southeast corner,
where there will be a ramp up and to the east.  Follow the ramp until
you come up onto the wall.  Turn north, and hit the switch in the
parapet.  Climb back down into the courtyard you just came from, and in
the middle should be a switch on the grating.  Hit that, climb back up
the ramp, and turn south.
    When you get to the corner, hit the red switch on the wooden
platform.  Go back down to the courtyard yet again, and you can now get
the rune stone you uncovered before.  Alright, finally done with this
courtyard, head back up the ramp, turn south again, and unlock the gate
(you only have to unlock one, the southern one doesn't have a trap on
the other side.)  After unlocking the gate, head to the west atop the
wall.  When you get to a turn in the wall, shoot the corner to reveal a
red switch.  Hit it and head south.  This will begin the climb up the
    Go all the way to the top, and at the end of the climb is a red
switch, hit it and head back down the spire.  You'll eventually come to
a wooden platform with a red switch, hit that switch, and the wall will
lower.  Enter, shoot the mounds in the corner, one will reveal a red
switch (and if you hit the back will, it will go to, but you can't get
the scroll yet), hit the red switch you exposed, and head a little bit
further down the spire, you'll come across another wooden platform. 
Under one of the barrels is another red switch.  Hit it and head back to
the alcove with the scroll.  Hit the newly exposed red switch, and
collect the Flame of Tarkanna.  Head all the way to the top of the
    On the top, near the end of the ramp, is a green barrel hiding a
red switch.  Blow it up, and hit the red switch.  Follow the arrow, and
hit a few more switches like this, eventually the exit will appear. 
Step on and you're done.
*** Town Airship ***
    Ouch, this is gonna be tough to walk you through, but here we go. 
I'll try to remember to put plenty of markers in this one, so if you get
lost, you can try to find yourself again from landmarks.
    Alright, you start on a platform.  Head down, shoot the discolored
boxes and proceed.  Climb up the cargo net to hit the red switch, then
back down and take the gate to the west.
    On this platform, there is a stack of boxes.  One of them you can
destroy to reveal a red switch.  Hit the switch, and continue to the
west.  On the next platform, there is a destroyable box in the northwest
corner, then unlock the gate to the west and proceed.
    On the next platform, grab the key in the barrel, and keep going
west.  You should now be on a corner platform.  Turn north, and you come
to another corner platform with a gate to the east.  Unlock the gate,
and head up.  Another locked gate at the top, and now you're on a
platform with a cargo net to the south.  Climb the cargo net for a
really cool spot, and a scroll telling you about the Rune Stone.  Head
back down to the platform, then down the ramp to the east, hitting the
switch as you go by.  At the bottom, step on the elevator, and let it
take you to the next area.
    After getting off the elevator, there's another box you can
destroy, then take the ramp down to the east.  Keep heading east until
you come to a place where's there's a set of stair leading up, and one
leading down.  Take the up set first, and climb the cargo net.  There's
a switch in the first crow's nest, hit it, and continue east to the
second crow's nest where there's another switch.  Now head all the way
back down, until you get back to the two sets of stair.
    Take the down set now, and head east.  You'll see a hole in the
deck, just south of that is a gangplank leading off the ship to the
south.  When you get to the platform, take the cargo net back up, and
you'll end up on a row of crates.  Shot the crate that's blocking your
path, hit the red switch under it, and continue north and west until you
come to another crate blocking your path.  Destroy this one, and it will
reveal a small niche with the last Town Rune Stone.  Grab it, and
backtrack down the cargo net to the platform.  Now, take the easternmost
ramp back up.  On the way up, you'll hear another gate.  It's alright.
    At the top, you're back on the deck.  Circle around the machinery
and on the north side of the ship is another ramp leading up.  Hit the
red switch on the platform at the top, and follow the arrow down another
ramp to the south.  At the bottom is another crate that leads down to a
treasure chest.  Head west, and when you get to the staircase, shoot the
crate beside it, and hit the red switch.  Climb the staircase and
continue west until you leave the shop, and hit a corner with a stack of
3 green crates.
    Turn north and head up the ramp.  On your way up, you'll hear
another gate closing behind you.  When you get to the platform at the
top, head west, which will bring you to a platform with a bunch of
crates.  You can tell the breakable ones, so shoot them all, including a
green breakable north of where the ramp lands, which covers a red
switch.  After you hit the switch, continue west up the ramp, unlock the
door on the platform you come to, and keep heading west and up.
    Turn north at the next platform, and destroy the barrel hiding the
red switch here.  Hit the switch, and continue up the ramp to the north. 
On the platform at the top may be a golem, after killing it continue
north down the ramp.  The rest of the level is a straight path to the
exit, so you should be able to get there just fine.
    Last level of the Town done.  Let's get the Plague and get out of there.
*** Town Plague ***
    Again, having the Legend weapon helps, but it's easy enough without
it.  He's got fairly standard attacks, except on where he causes green
slime to shoot out of the barrels you're hiding behind.  Just grab some
items, and it's a pretty straightforward battle.  Grab your shard, and
let get the hell out of Dodge.
== 11D. Ice ==
### Coming Soon, or see contrib info at the bottom ###
*** Ice Docks ***
*** Ice Camp ***
*** Ice Mine ***
*** Ice Fissure ***
*** Ice Yeti ***
== 11E. Cathedral ==
### Coming Soon, or see contrib info at the bottom ###
*** Cathedral ***
*** Skone ***
== 11F. Battlefield ==
### Coming Soon, or see contrib info at the bottom ###
*** Battlefield Trenches ***
*** Battlefield Tower ***
*** Battlefield Fortress ***
== 11G. Underworld ==
Underworld information submitted by Yos (jrpolishak@yahoo.com).
Main Underworld Area- The Underworld is, for the most part, several
"islands" that you must make your way across by finding and pressing
several buttons that are found under very obvious rocks. It is not
very hard to get lost in this level. However, it is easy to get over
run by enemies since each "island" have two, three or more purple
ground generators. Once you reach the "island" with the golem, you
are right at Skone's front door (finally). Once you kill the enemies
and press the switches on the "island" It is time to face Skone for
the final time.
Final battle with Skone- Some of his attacks are different this time.
He shoots fireballs from both hands, breaths fire, shoots a very powerful
beam of what looks like a golden light from his chest, shoots spikes
from his chest and creats a round beam to knock you over. The best
strategy Would be to run around avoiding his attacks untill he takes a
short break or he shoots his flame breath or chest beam. If you decide
to attack during his breath and chest attacks, you have very little time
to get out of the way, position and fire. If you continue avoid his attacks
and striking him with your own he will fall.
Aftermath- When you do make Skone fall, You will return to the main area
of the game and Sumner will give you a very special reward
== 12. FAQ ==
Q:  Can I e-mail you with a question?
A:  Sure, I'll get to you as soon as I can.
Q:  What does "Outed" mean?
Q:  What does "Outed" mean?
A:  Outed is actually how I heard "is it."  After consulting somebody  
A:  Outed is actually how I heard "is it."  After consulting somebody  
Line 1,294: Line 482:
strategy device in multi (make everything attack the warrior instead of  
strategy device in multi (make everything attack the warrior instead of  
the archer)
the archer)
Q:  Can I print out this guide?
A:  No!  You can't!  And I'll know if you do, and I'll send the
    copyright police to your door!  They’ll arrest you and put you in a
    cell with a guy named Queenie who looks like Yoni and offers
    prayers to John Tesh while he’s doing his Tae Bo workout.  Ok, ok,
    I’m kidding, sure you can print it out, just don’t sell it.
Q:  Can I put this guide on my site?
A:  See Contact Info.
Q:  You got someting wrong.  Do you want to know about it?
A:  Of course, as long as it's something that works against the guide.
    Just don’t send me e-mail with little typos where you know what I
    meant.  It’s probably been fixed already.  For example, don’t write
    me an e-mail about how I forgot the “h” in something above.
Q:  Can I contribute something?
A:  Sure, just keep it the same format, and make sure you consult the
    contact info at the bottom.

Q:  The GameShark code for XXXXXXXX doesn’t work.  What give?
Q:  The GameShark code for XXXXXXXX doesn’t work.  What give?
Line 1,360: Line 528:
       -Thomas La Mance
       -Thomas La Mance

== 13. Misc ==
==Misc ==
*** Star Wars Sighting ***
*** Star Wars Sighting ***
  It occurred to me as I was playing the game, there was a large number  
  It occurred to me as I was playing the game, there was a large number