Anachronox/The Bricks (2)

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Locating the Helmet[edit]

Enemies Alley Goon (3)
Quest Updates
You have to obtain a size-five NoxGuard helmet before Grumpos Matavastros in Building 5 will hire you.
There might be a guard with a small helmet patrolling the Platform Area.

When you resume control, grab the TACO to your right. Go back down into Grumpos' apartment and grab the blue MysTech Museum Member Card from his counter. Time to find that helmet.

You may recall the information you pulled up on your scanner in Boots office. If that's not enough of a clue, talking to the guard in the back alley of the tenements about a helmet will point you in the right direction. Time to backtrack to the Platform Area. Following the signs all the way back through the Casinox Area. The blocked path with the burning man is accessible now, so head down that corridor. You'll run into some Alley Goons, and spot another White Mound, before you hit the next gravpath.

Platform Area[edit]

Enemies NoxGuard
Quest Update
Not bad, Boots. I mean, a far cry from the Veelchez case, but not bad. C'mon, lets take the helmet back to the old man.

Head through the right door and continue until you reach the elevator. Take it down to level 2, and snap a photo of the Anachronox Symbol. The take it to level 1 and go talk to the nearby guard, who has the helmet type you're looking for. You can either persuade him to give it to you, or fight for it. Or both; if you talk to him again afterwards, he'll attack you.

Either way, return to Grumpos once you've acquired the Nox Grumbleguard Helmet Size 5. After another cutscene, he'll join your party. He'll also give you a Cordicom Linguinator, which will auto-translate the speech of the few species you were previously unable to understand.

Sidequests & Lucko Coldwolf[edit]

We Need to get into the MysTech Tunnels.
  • Drat. There's a Mephad'in DoorLord guarding the entrance. That's a problem.
Quest Updates
This Eddie character might know how to get into the MysTech Tunnels. For lack of any better leads, we should try and find him.
  • Call me crazy, but maybe K'Conrad Khk at the Fountain Overlook might know where to find Eddie.
  • Some guy named "Lucko" Coldwolf can lead us to Eddie. We need to find and follow him. He might lead us to Eddie.
  • His last place of residence was C28 Barton Arms in the upper levels of the tenements.

Now that you've got Grumpos, you need to figure out a way to get into the MysTech Tunnels, as the entrance is blocked by a DoorLord. Fatima suggests head back to K'Conrad for information on Eddie, the one who "knows things". On your way there, make sure to heal up at Frank's if needed.

Upon returning to K'Conrad, you'll be given the name of your next target - Lucko Coldwolf. There are a few errands you'll want to take care of before pursuing him, however.

While you're in the area, go back to Maria and tell her where Simon lives for $50. Now head for the Fountain Spiral. In the gravpath is a NoxGuard who wants photos of five Brebulans. If you've been following this guide so far, you should already have them all, so talk to him again and receive $500 (remember to delete the photos once you've gotten credit to make more space).

From the Spiral, head toward Rowdy's, but turn onto the previously blocked left path, and then turn right into the tunnel. Near the bottom, talk to Yerocan Worb, who gives you the Blueprints of Detta's Fortress to deliver to Marina.

Now head for the MysTech Museum and talk to the curator, who asks you to photograph the five Anachronox symbols. Again, you should already have them all (you'll need to leave and re-enter before you can tell him you have the photos). You'll be rewarded $200 and 3 HealGrease Plus. He'll also wants you to grab an extra symbol from the Anachronox Tours office.

Switching Characters
Now that you have control of more than one character, you can press  Tab  to switch between them. Each character has their own World Skill (such as Boots' lockpicking), and you'll eventually need to make use of them all to get through the game.

Head to the museums upper level (the ramp is by the entrance). As enter the top, look down over the railing to your left. If the Red Bipidri isn't there now, it will show up soon. Take a picture.

On the path to Zordo's, you'll run into the guy asks for these Bipirdi photos (8 in total). Talk to him again to get credit for the two you already have.

Collectibles Menu
Hit  F8  to bring up the Collectables menu, which keeps track of your Red Bipirdis, Anachronox Symbols (you should have them all now), and TACOS.
This is another good way to make sure your Red Bipirdi photos have registered correctly (if you don't have 2 by now, one of them didn't capture). As mentioned earlier, look at the .dat files in your save game directory to see which. Once you have credit for both of them, you can safely delete the photos.

Now head to Rowdy's and give the blueprints to Marina for $200. Mardoman then asks you to check up on Yerocan again. While you're here, talk to Valesta (you don't need to give her back the bracelet), who immediately leaves to find Deanamo after you break the news to her.

Head back to Yerocan, who asks you to photograph any suspicious characters in the Fountain Spiral. Go up to the top of the Spiral and take a photo of Fazz Burbleman wandering around. Report back to Yerocan, who gives you an Eluder Band. Visit Mardoman yet again, who asks you to hit up a drug courier in the Platform Area (we'll deal with him soon).

With all that out of the way, you can head to the Tenements Area to find Lucko Coldwolf. Upon arrival, head to the right and down the ramp until the cutscene starts. You'll need to tail Lucko all the way through the Junkyard, Casinox, Platform and Anachronox Tours areas without him noticing you (you'll be warned when you're too close or far away), and into a bar for another cutscene.

The Hunt for Eddie[edit]

Quest Update
He lives in the junkyard. We'll need and offering in order to see him. Something stinky and chewy. Riiiiight.
  • There's a limpy guy in the tunnels near Fountain Spiral with a real stinky sock. Hell, it might even be chewy.

As you leave, Fatima tells you to look up a guy in the Fountain Spiral area. But first, let's take a look around this new area...

Anachronox Tours Area[edit]

Turn right and talk to the guy in black standing over the dead body. It's Detective Rukh, an old friend of Boots. He wants you to investigate the dead man's apartment back in Building 5.

Remember the inactive LifeCursor back in Level 2, Room 7? Head back there and investigate it.

Since you're in the area again, you can head to Frank's to visit Deanamo, now accompanied by Valesta. As Grumpos, you can either pay her $200 to get treatment, or mock her. If you pay her, she'll show up in Ghalla's, but if you go back to Frank's later in the game she's there again, like it never happened.

Anyway, head back to Rukh with the info. He gives you a PAX Flashpak, which teaches Boots' "FlashBlind" skill (stuns enemies). You may notice a guy nearby with a purple PAL-18 unit. You'll be dealing with him later. For now, head up the ramp and into Anachronox Tours.

Anachronox Tours[edit]

Enemies Gorian Drug Runner

Go down the ramp and around back through the crate-filled maintenance section, up and out onto the balcony above the entrance. You'll find the Anachronox Logo here, which you can actually pick up this time.

Zordo's Gun Palace
Item Price
Pre-owned Shieldcell $100
HealGrease $12
HealGrease Plus $50
Eluder band $1200
Wristbands of Whacking $1200
TimeMinder Tear $500
Glodent $500

Awkwardly jumping off the balcony, head back towards the areas exit, but just before passing the signs to other areas, turn right and talk to the NoxGuard, who gives you information about a troublemaker on a motorcyle nearby. Walk back up the stairs to the other highway view, and take a photo of the Red Motorcycle as it speeds by. Take the photo to the guard, who rewards you with $75.

Now go to the Platform Area, level 3, and talk to the drug runner. Anger him enough, and you'll be able to fight him. Afterwards, return all the way back to Mardoman, then the Museum for your rewards (a Pre-owned ShieldCell and $400, respectively).

The guy with the Stinky Sock (Balls Krueger) is wandering around the tunnel where Yerocan was standing. While you're close, you may want to visit Zordo's Gun Palace and buy some Wristbands of Whacking for $1200. They increase your damage output by about 5%.

Quest Update
Take the stinky sock to Eddie in the junkyard.

With the sock in hand, its time to go pay Eddie a visit. Head for the Junkyard Area, but before entering the actual Junkyard, talk to the two Brebulans nearby. They want you to find a symmetrical crystal tree for them in the junkyard. Keep that in mind and use the gravpath.


Enemies Alley Goon (10) • Gorite (6)

You'll be doing a fair amount of fighting in here, so be prepared and make sure to save at every opportunity. Now's also the time to try out Grumpos' Yammer skill, which can stun opponents. Very useful, especially when dealing with larger groups.

When you come to the first fork in the path, turn left and grab a Pre-Owned Shieldcell further down off a crate. You'll notice a HealGrease Complete just out of reach along the way; nothing you can do about that for the time being. A few more fights later, you'll reach another fork. Go around to the right and grab a TACO before heading up the long ramp on the left, talk to the doorman at the top, and continue on. Past the TimeMinder, look behind a box on the left for a Vistin ThreeBeam for Boots. Head up to the door for a cutscene, where you finally meet Eddie.

Quest Update
Eddie says to ask the guard about... you know.

Once you've gotten your information, you'll be back at the doorman. Backtrack to the areas first fork and take the right path this time. When the area opens up, search through the crystal trees until you find a Symmetrical Crystal Tree (you'll also find a Cyan Mound to the right before you head down). Exit the junkyard and take it back to the Brebulans for $175.

Finally, head down to the lower Tenements Area, and around back to the DoorLord. Make sure you're prepared for some more fighting before talking to him and proceeding into the MysTech Tunnels.