Bugs Bunny: Lost in Time/Hey...What's Up, Dock?

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Clocks: 9
Golden Carrots: 17
Acme Boxes: 5

For this game, Yosemite Sam is, unlike other characters, voiced by archive recordings of the Looney Tunes' original voice actor, Mel Blanc (1908-1989):

Hey, what's up, Doc?
Ooh! This year's mine!
Come back here, you mangy mutineering rabbit!

The Docks[edit]

Get five of these objects to receive a Clock symbol.

Once Merlin has disappeared, you will have to make Bugs kick a brown chest to make it open up and cause a Normal Carrot (the locations of which are not normally detailed in this guide) to fly out of it; once you have jumped up and collected it, you will have to jump over a barrage of two barrels and two boxes, as you come up to a Crab. Once you have jumped on him and kicked him out, you will have to kick a gold chest to make it open up and cause a Golden Carrot to fly out of it - and once you have collected it, you shall have to jump over another barrage of two barrels and two boxes as you come to another Crab who is throwing his claw at you. Once you have jumped on him and kicked him out, you will have to run down a plank to another platform as you come to a third Crab; once you have jumped on him and kicked him out you will have to run down another plank to a third platform as you come to an Acme Box. Once you have kicked it to smash it, you will have to retrace your steps back up to the second platform, and run down a third plank to fourth platform as you come to three blue chests - but kicking them is ineffective, so you will have to press R1 button (Windows:  R ) to activate their puzzle. Once you have done so, the chests will open up to reveal a Clock, a Normal Carrot and a Pirate (who is modelled after Blacque Jacque Shellacque off the 1959 short Bonanza Bunny), as the text "WATCH CAREFULLY!" appears at the bottom of the screen; when the chests close again, they will move around by themselves (and you should follow the position of the one containing the Clock). When the text "KICK THE ONE WITH THE TREASURE..." appears at the bottom of the screen kick the chest that you believe contains the Clock - and if your guess was right it shall fly out of it (but if it was not, you will have to try again, especially if it was the one with the Pirate!). Once you've collected it you will have to kick the wheel to lower the drawbridge.

You'll then have to run over the drawbridge onto a fifth platform, as you come to a fifth Crab who is throwing his claw at you; once you have jumped on him, bounced off him onto a platform made up of five more boxes to collect a second Golden Carrot, dropped back down to the ground and kicked him out, you have to direct Bugs towards a big box, push it over to a platform made up of three more boxes, and jump onto the big box and the first step of the three-box platform in turn as you come to another Acme Box. Once you've jumped on it to smash it (and bounced off it onto the second step of the platform), you'll come to a fourth blue chest - and once you have kicked it a second Clock will emerge from it. Once you've collected it you will have to fall back down to the ground, as you come to two more Crabs who are throwing their claws at you; once you have jumped on both of them and kicked them out, you shall come to an Oyster. Once you have jumped on it to make it open up, it will reveal a pearl - and once you have picked it up, you will have to throw it at a target to slightly lower another drawbridge. Once you have repeated this process twice more, the drawbridge will be fully lowered and you shall have to run over it, onto a sixth platform; you will then have to run up a fourth plank to a seventh platform (while watching out for barrels falling out of the sky and rolling towards Bugs), and kick a second wheel to lower a third drawbridge. You'll now have to retrace your steps back down the third drawbridge and run over it onto an eighth platform as you come to a torch and the text of "HEY! A TORCH! USE THE ACTION BUTTON TO PICK IT UP AND THE "KICK" BUTTON TO USE IT" appears at the bottom of the screen - and once you have picked it up (it is, like the mallets, on a twenty-second timer), you'll have to run up a fifth plank to a ninth platform (while watching out for more barrels being rolled at Bugs by another Pirate stood on a stack of two more boxes), light the fuse of the TNT barrel at the stack's base, and stand well back in preparation for the barrel's explosion.

You will now have to jump up to collect a third Golden Carrot; once you have done so you will have to jump onto two more barrels and an island in turn as you pass a Checkpoint (and come to a third Pirate). You can have him chase you until he becomes tired and kick him to knock him out twice - but if he runs under a revolving shadow an anchor shall fall on him and knock him out immediately (either way, he will leave a third Clock behind). Once you have collected it, you have to push another big box off a rabbit hole and jump into it to get warped over to one on another island; once Bugs jumps out the one on the second island, you'll have to kick a second gold chest to make it open up, and cause five more Golden Carrots to emerge from it. Once you have collected them all you will have to retrace your steps back over to the first island and kick a third wheel in order to lower a fourth drawbridge.

You'll then have to jump onto the fourth drawbridge and run over it onto a tenth platform as you come to two more Crabs (the ninth one is throwing his claw at you); once you have jumped on both of them and kicked them out, you will have to pick up a small box and put it down at the bottom of a two-step platform made of eleven more boxes, then pick up another small box, jump onto the first small box and the first step of the eleven-box platform in turn and put it down. You will now have to jump up to the second step of the platform and kick a fifth blue chest - and once you have done so, a fourth Clock shall emerge from it. Once you have collected it, you will have to drop back down to the first step of this platform, pick up the second small box, drop back down to the ground, carry it over to a three-step platform made up of seven more boxes then put it down; you'll then have to pick up a third small box, jump onto the second one and put it down on top of it. You will now have to retrace your steps back to the first small box, pick it up, carry it over to the stacked-up second and third ones, jump onto them and put it down on top of them - and once you've done so you shall have to jump up to the first step of the seven-box platform as you come to a third Acme Box. Once you have jumped on it to smash it and bounced off it onto the second step of the platform you'll have to drop down to the third step of the platform to collect a ninth Golden Carrot; once you have done so, you will have to drop back down to the ground and jump onto a third barrel, an eleventh platform, a fourth barrel and a twelfth platform in turn as you come to a fourth Pirate. Once you've kicked him to knock him out (and make him shout "Ouch!"), you will have to push another big box to uncover a hole in a platform made up of six more boxes, and roll through it - and once Bugs comes out on the other side, he has to kick a fourth wheel to lower a fifth drawbridge.

You shall now have to retrace your steps back to the fifth drawbridge, drop down onto it and run over it onto a thirteenth platform as you come up to two more Crabs who are throwing their claws at you; once you have jumped on both of them and kicked them out, you shall pass a second Checkpoint and come to a twelfth Crab. Once you've jumped on him and kicked him out you will have to pick up a fourth small box, carry it over to a three-step platform made up of three more boxes, and put it down - and once you have done so, you will have to pick up a fifth small box, jump onto the fourth one and the first step of the three-box platform in turn and put it down. You will then have to jump onto the fifth small box and the second step of the platform in turn as you come to a fourth Acme Box; once you have kicked it to smash it, you will have to drop back down to the ground as you come to another Oyster. Once you have jumped on it to make it open up, it will reveal a fourth pearl - and once you have picked it up, jumped onto two more barrels and a third island in turn, and thrown it at one of three more targets, a seventh barrel will rise out of the water. You will then have to retrace your steps back to the Oyster and repeat the process twice more for the two remaining targets, to make two more barrels rise out of the water; once you've done so, you will have to pick up a second torch (which is, again, on a twenty-second timer), jump onto the seventh, eighth and ninth barrels and a fourth island in turn, light the fuse of the TNT barrel on a third rabbit hole and stand well back from the explosion. You must now jump into the rabbit hole to Shark Islands.

Shark Islands[edit]

Once Bugs has jumped out of a fourth rabbit hole on an island, it will disappear beneath him, as a fifth Pirate pops out of the crow's-nest on a pole and says "Ah-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!"; he'll then start throwing bombs at Bugs (if they are flashing red, they shall explode when they hit the ground, but if they are not, Bugs can pick them up and throw them back at him). Once Bugs has thrown two bombs back at the Pirate, he will be blown out of the crow's-nest and shout "Aaargh!" as the nest falls down the pole into the water and three more barrels rise out of the water on the other side of the island - and you will then have to direct Bugs towards a bone box, kick it to make a bone come out of it, pick it up and throw it into the water to distract a shark (despite the sign saying, if you press R1 button or  R  to read it, "DO NOT FEED THE SHARKS"!). You shall then have to, before the shark reaches the bone, jump onto the pole, the first three barrels, another island and a platform in turn as you come up to four more Crabs; once you have jumped on each of them and kicked them out you will have to jump onto six more poles (the third, fifth and seventh ones have three more Pirates climbing up and sliding down them, so you shall have to time your jumps onto them carefully) to collect three more Golden Carrots. You will then have to drop down onto a seventh barrel, and jump onto two more barrels and a third island in turn as you come to a ninth Pirate - and once you've had him chase you until he becomes tired, and kicked him to knock him out twice, he'll leave a fifth wheel behind. Once you have picked it up, two more barrels will rise out of the water on the left side of the island; once you've jumped onto each of them and a fourth island in turn, and put the wheel on its stand, you shall have to kick it to lower a sixth drawbridge. You will then have to jump into a fifth rabbit hole to warp to a fifth island, and pass another Checkpoint - and once you have done it, you will have to run over the sixth drawbridge onto another platform as you come to two more Crabs. Once you have jumped on both of them and kicked them out you will come to a sixth blue chest; once you have kicked it, a fifth Clock will emerge from it. Once you have collected it, you will have to kick a sixth wheel to lower a seventh drawbridge, which will also cause a twelfth barrel to rise out of the water right in front of the drawbridge.

You'll then have to retrace your steps back to the third island, pick up a third torch (which, once again, is on a twenty-second timer) and light the fuses of three more TNT barrels in front of three more gold chests; once they have exploded, they shall blow the chests open and three more Golden Carrots will emerge from them. Once you have collected them all, you will have to jump onto a rock and a sixth island in turn to pass a fourth Checkpoint - and once you've done so, you will have to jump onto another rock, a seventh island, the twelfth barrel and the seventh drawbridge in turn to reach a third platform as you come to a nineteenth Crab. Once you've jumped on him and kicked him out you'll have to kick a sixth gold chest to make it open up and cause a sixteenth Golden Carrot to fly out of it; once you've jumped up and collected it, you shall have to pick up a small box, carry it over to a two-step platform made up of twelve boxes, jump up to the first step of the twelve-box platform and put it down. You then have to jump onto the small box and the second step of the platform in turn, as you come to a fifth Acme Box - and once you have kicked it to smash it, a sixth Clock will emerge from it. Once you have collected it, you will have to direct Bugs over to a seventh blue chest - and once you have kicked it, a seventh Clock will emerge from it. Once you have collected it, you will have to jump over to the first step of another platform made up from seven more boxes, as you come to an eighth blue chest; once you have kicked it an eighth Clock will emerge from it. Once you have collected it, you will have to direct Bugs towards a seventh gold chest and kick it to make a seventeenth Golden Carrot fly out of it - and once you have jumped up and collected it you shall have to direct him towards a twentieth Crab who his throwing his claw at him. Once you've jumped on him and kicked him out, you will have to kick a seventh wheel to lower an eighth drawbridge; once you have done so you will have to jump onto a thirteenth barrel, an eighth island and the eighth drawbridge in turn to reach a fourth platform as a tenth Pirate pops out of another crow's-nest on an eighth pole and starts throwing bombs at Bugs. Once you've thrown two bombs back at him to blow him out of his nest you will have to repeat the process twice more for two more Pirates who pop out of two more crow's-nests on two more poles - and once you have done so, a ninth drawbridge will lower. You'll then have to run over the ninth drawbridge onto a ninth island and jump into a sixth rabbit hole to the first battle with Yosemite Sam himself (after this level, Bugs must fight against him twice more in When Sam Met Bunny and Mine or Mine).

Vs. Yosemite Sam[edit]

Once Bugs has jumped out of a seventh rabbit hole on an island, it will disappear beneath him; once he has jumped onto the first floating platform, Sam will shout "Come back here, you mangy mutineering rabbit!" as it sinks into the water (so you shall have to jump onto that second one quickly). Sam will then shout "Fire!" as he fires a cannonball at the platform Bugs is standing on, so you will have to jump onto another one before it lands (and repeat the process again) - and once Sam has missed Bugs twice, he will shout "Oooooooh!" and throw a barrel of TNT at Bugs. Once you have picked the barrel up and thrown it back at Sam, he will turn around and shout "Aaargh!", as it explodes and blows his hat off; he will then shout "Oooooooh!" as he jumps on his hat three times, before putting it back on and firing two more cannonballs at Bugs in rapid succession. You shall then have to repeat the process thrice more (only Sam will fire one more cannonball at Bugs in rapid succession every time he gets blown up) - and once you have thrown a fifth barrel back at Sam, he'll futilely try to blow it out (but when it explodes, he'll shout "Yeowks!" as it blows him away and leaves a ninth and final Clock behind). You'll then have to direct Bugs towards the platform Sam was standing on, collect the ninth Clock, then jump into an eighth rabbit hole to exit the level.

Once Bugs has jumped back out of the level's hole, Merlin shall appear to him to say Great. Just perfect. You have completed this level. before showing him that (because he now has 54 Golden Carrots and 20 Clocks) he has now opened Wabbit or Duck Season? and The Big Bank Withdrawal; he'll then say Let me save your position.. Regardless of your answer "YES" or "NO", you shall then have to activate that Time Machine, move it left twice to select The Stone Age, and press Start button (Windows:  Enter ) to enter it again - and by this point you'll most likely have 99 Normal Carrots, so when you run up to the transparent Golden Carrot on the rock, it will become solid. Once you have collected it (and reset the value of Normal Carrots) you will have to jump into the now-open hole for Wabbit or Duck Season?, which is based on the 1951-1953 shorts Rabbit Fire, Rabbit Seasoning and Duck! Rabbit, Duck!, and involves convincing Elmer Fudd it is "Duck Season" by kicking signs showing Bugs' face so they spin around to reveal Daffy's face on their reverse.