Bugs Bunny: Lost in Time/The Big Bank Withdrawal

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Clocks: 6
Golden Carrots: 15

In this game, both Rocky and Muggsy are voiced by Joe Alaskey (1952-2016) who also voiced Plucky Duck on Warner Bros' own Tiny Toon Adventures; he also voiced Grandpa Pickles, full name Louis Kalhern Pickles, in Nickelodeon's Rugrats after the death of his original actor, David Doyle (1929-1997):

Let's get out of here, Muggsy.
Okay, Boss!

Bank Basement[edit]

Once Bugs has appeared on the screen, you shall have to: direct him towards the bone box, kick it to make a bone come out of it, pick it up and throw it down to distract the guard bulldog below; once you have done so, you will have to jump on a green button to make it turn red and cause the four panels on the floor to light up (and you should pay attention to them). You shall then have thirty seconds to run down the stairs and replicate the sequence you just saw and unlock the first bolt on the door (as well as two side vaults containing two Golden Carrots) - and once you've collected the Golden Carrots, you'll have to run back up the stairs, and repeat the process to unlock the second bolt on the door (as well as two more side vaults containing two more Golden Carrots), making it slide up. Once you have collected the Golden Carrots, you will have to run up a staircase and through the door as you come to Muggsy and Rocky (the latter is on the next floor); the door will immediately slide down behind Bugs again, so the guard bulldog cannot go after him.

Rocky shall then shout "Get that rabbit, Muggsy!" as Muggsy starts chasing Bugs around the room; you can wait until he becomes tired and kick him to knock him out four times (but if he runs under a revolving shadow, a safe will fall on him and cause Rocky to shout "Hey, Muggsy, wake up!", and after two safes have fallen on him, he shall also be knocked out). Rocky will then start throwing bombs down at Bugs while shouting "Hmm!" - and Bugs will have to pick two of them up, and throw them at two more side vaults (which contain two Clocks) to blast them open. Once you've collected the Clocks, you'll have to collect a fifth Golden Carrot in the centre of the room; once you've done so, you will have to pick up a small box, and put it down under a key. You then have to pick up another small box, jump onto the first one and put it down on top of it, and repeat the process for a third one - and once you have done so, you will have to jump up to collect the key (Bugs will say "Heh-heh-heh-heh-heh-heh!" once he has done so). You will then have to drop back down to the ground, put the key in a lock to the right of a door, kick the door open and run up another staircase to the next floor (Rocky will disappear after this point); once Bugs has come out of another door on the next floor he has to kick a Gangster hiding in a flowerpot to knock him out. You'll then have to bypass a falling bookcase, and kick another Gangster hiding in a second flowerpot to knock him out - and once you have done so, you'll have to kick a third flowerpot to the left of the second knocked-out Gangster to make a sixth Golden Carrot come out of it. Once you collect this, you'll have to kick two more Gangsters hiding in two more flowerpots to knock them out; once you've done so you will have to kick a sixth flowerpot to the left of the fourth knocked-out Gangster to make a seventh Golden Carrot come out of it. Once you've collected it, you will have to bypass another falling bookcase and kick a fifth Gangster hiding in a seventh flowerpot to knock him out - and once you've done so you shall have to kick a switch to activate an elevator. Once Bugs has dropped back down to the lower floor and got into the elevator, it shall carry him up to Inside the Bank (it is also possible to carry the stacked-up small boxes into the elevator with you, but they will have disappeared by the time Bugs reappears in the next area).

Inside the Bank[edit]

Once the elevator doors have reopened and Bugs has reappeared in a new area of the bank, you will have to direct him around the hallway; kicking the eight safes twice makes two Normal Carrots come out of them (but doing it a third time makes their doors shatter). Kicking the eight Acme Import boxes twice to smash them will also reveal either a Normal Carrot or a time bomb - and in the case of the latter, you will have to pick them up, carry them over to one of the four doors with a picture of a Golden Carrot on them, put them down and kick them to activate their ten-second timer. When they explode, they shall blast the doors off their hinges and knock the Security Guards behind them out causing them to drop the Golden Carrots they were guarding; once you've done this for three of the doors and collected the Golden Carrots (because only three of the Acme Import boxes contain time bombs!), you will have to direct Bugs towards one of the two single doors, kick it open and run into the centre room (which has four more regenerative time bombs in it). You'll now have to pick up one of the time bombs, carry it over to the remaining Golden Carrot door, put it down and kick it to activate it - and once it has blown the door off its hinges and knocked the Security Guard behind it out, you will have to collect the Golden Carrot he has dropped, retrace your steps back to the centre room and pass a Checkpoint. You will now have to push a (non-falling) bookcase to the right to reveal a small room with a fifth Security Guard in it; once you have picked up another of the regenerative time bombs and thrown it into that room to activate it (as it is not advisable to carry it in there on account of the fact that the Security Guard will fire shots at Bugs until he either leaves or gets knocked out), it will explode, knocking the fifth Security Guard out and blasting his (smaller, green) safe open to reveal another key. Once you've run into the room and collected the key (this time, Bugs will say "Gotcha!"), you have to run back out of the room, pick up a third regenerative time bomb, carry it over to an Acme safe and kick it to activate it - and once it's exploded, it shall blast the safe's door off. You will now have to run into the safe to collect two more Golden Carrots; once you have done so, you shall have to stand on the (non-revolving) shadow to make a third Clock fall on you for collection. You will then have to retrace your steps back out to the hallway, put the key in the lock to the left side of the "EXIT" door, kick it open and run up a staircase to the next floor of the bank.

Once Bugs has reached the top of the staircase on the next floor, you'll have to jump onto a pedestal to collect a fourth Clock; once you have done so, you'll see that the door to the left of Bugs has slid up, but when he gets off the pedestal, it shall slide back down again. To combat this, you will have to kick a ninth, smaller safe to make a 24K gold bar come out of it (kicking it for a second time shall again make its door shatter), pick it up, jump onto the pedestal and put it down - and you will then have to direct Bugs into the next room and jump onto another pedestal to collect a fifth Clock (setting off a burglar alarm, and waking a Security Officer, in the process!). The Security Officer will shout "Hey!" as he starts to chase Bugs around the room; once you have kicked him to (temporarily) knock him out three times and collected the key that was hovering over his head, you shall have to put the key in the lock to the right of another door to make it slide up (before the Security Officer comes to). You will then have to direct Bugs into the next room and kick a tenth safe twice to make two more Normal Carrots come out of it (kicking it for a third time will once again make its door shatter), and kick a big square off the wall to reveal an open window - and once you've done so you have to jump out onto a ledge and direct Bugs around it towards another open window. Once you have jumped back into the bank through it, you shall have to jump onto a third pedestal to collect a fourteenth Golden Carrot (setting off another burglar alarm, and waking another Security Officer, in the process!); once you have kicked him to temporarily knock him out three times and collected the key that was hovering over his head, you shall have to jump back out of the second open window and continue to direct Bugs around the ledge to collect a fifteenth, and last, Golden Carrot. Muggsy is also running around the ledge - and when you eventually come to him, you can have him chase you until he becomes tired and kick him to temporarily knock him out (but again, if he runs under a revolving shadow, a safe will land on him). Once he has come to, he will say "Hey...!", run around the ledge to a small elevator that has lowered itself down for him and jump on it, carrying him up to Bank Rooftop; a second, larger elevator will now lower itself down to Bugs. Once he has jumped on it, it shall also carry him up to Bank Rooftop (but as with the stacked-up boxes, the second Security Officer's key will have disappeared by the time he reappears in the next area).

Bank Rooftop[edit]

Once Bugs has jumped off the elevator onto the roof of the bank, Rocky will shout "Get that rabbit, Muggsy!" as Muggsy starts chasing him around the roof; once he has become tired, you shall have to kick him to temporarily knock him out as the distracted Rocky shouts "Hey, Muggsy, wake up!" while jumping up and down. Once you've jumped onto the platform Rocky is standing on and kicked him, he shall say "Hey!" as he pulls his hat back up and fires off a round of shots at Bugs - and once Muggsy has come to, you will have to repeat the process twice more to make the exit hole open up as the sixth and final Clock emerges from it. The defeated Rocky will now run over to Muggsy and jump up and down on him as he says "Sorry, Boss!"; Bugs will then automatically collect the sixth Clock, and jump in the exit hole to end the level. Once Bugs has run back out of the building, Merlin will appear and say: Great. Just perfect. You have completed this level., before showing him that (because he now has 70 Golden Carrots and 27 Clocks) he has now opened The Greatest Escape - and he will then say Let me save your position.. Regardless of your answer "YES" or "NO" you shall then have to climb up the lamppost to the now-opened hole for The Greatest Escape and jump into it; this is the first of three levels where Bugs will not be able to collect all the items the first time he visits it, due to lack of magical abilities (the other two are What's Cookin', Doc?, and Follow the Red Pirate Road), and it is also the second level with Acme Boxes (but Bugs will not be able to smash them all until he has the Super Jump and Magical Tune abilities). Bugs will also not be able to collect all of the items that are in the other two levels mentioned above until he has been taught all four magical abilities.