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The Hero of the Keyblade and the Main Character of the Kingdom Hearts series. He is 14 years old and lives on the Destiny Islands. He grew up with Riku and has known Kairi for a long time. He has budding romantic feelings for Kairi, but hides them as he is unsure. After the Door to Destiny Islands is opened, Sora gains the Keyblade and fights the giant Heartless Darkside and is sent through the Darkness to Traverse Town, a mysterious world where refugees of destroyed worlds are sent.

He meets with Donald and Goofy, who have been sent by King Mickey Mouse of Disney Castle to stick by the Keyblade wielder and search for the cause of the Darkness in the worlds. He now searches frantically for Riku and Kairi, as well as the source of all Darkness.

Sora's Keyblade can be altered if equipped with the any different key chain at the end of it. These Keychains are often given at the end of each Boss Battle or can be found as a helpful item in random worlds. Either way...each Keychain has different status abilites and strength vs weakness. *There is as with "all" Final Fantasy Games a secret "Ulitma" weapon that can be found for each main character.

Sora also portrays a slight resemblance to Mickey Mouse's Classic look. Aside from his spiky hair, white vest, and chain necklace...Sora wears bright red rounded overalls and large yellow shoes.


Riku is Sora and Kairi's best friend and is 15 years old. Originally living on the Destiny Islands, he grew up with Sora and has known Kairi for a long time. He has deep romantic feelings for Kairi but hides it due to insecurity. His desire to escape from the monotony of secluded life causes him to open the Door to Destiny Islands and allow the Darkness to take him away. He was originally intended to receive the Keyblade, but his surrender to the Heartless made Sora obtain it instead. On the other side of the door, he meets Maleficent, the Wicked Fairy who uses the Darkness to her own ends. She attempts to recruit him in her dark cadare but does not truly gain his trust until he grows jealous at Sora's new friends, Donald and Goofy.

Feeling abandoned by Sora, he searches for Kairi alone and will do anything - even giving up all his heart to darkness - to save her.

Riku's weapon is a Demon Wing Blade which allows him to perform quick and accurate moves. He later gains the ability to forge his muscles with darkness, leaving only his face "human-looking".

He is rumored to be a playable character as a side-story in some versions of the Kingdom Hearts Series.


Kairi is Sora and Riku's old friend and possible love interest. She is 14 years old. She was born in Hollow Bastion and was a Princess there until she was sent to Destiny Islands by the wicked King Ansem as an experiment following the myth that a Princess's heart is drawn to the Keyblade Hero. She has lived with Sora and Riku for a long time and it is unknown if she shares the feelings they have for her.

She loses her heart following the Door to Destiny Islands being opened, and both Sora and Riku are willing to do anything to find her.

Donald Duck

King Mickey's Royal Wizard. He plays the role of the black and white Mage (as are in most Final Fantasy Game) and will perform any magic spell that Sora can learn. He is naturally hot tempered and has a heavy quacking accent (yet everyone can understand him). His weapons include staffs of many shape and status abilities...some are even references from Final Fantasy Games. His side ability is to change and alter the looks and appearances of the group depending on which world they decide to visit. For example...he will change Sora into a merman; Goofy into a turtle; and himself as a squid man if entering the "Little Mermaid's" world. Their costumes will also change into spooky figures if entered in "Halloween Town".


King Mickey's Royal Knight and Leader of his Army. This laid-back and clumsy Captain prefers to avoid fighting if can be helped. With such a peaceful place such as Mickey's Kingdom...who needs wars? But when there's danger afoot...Goofy will (if not hesitantly or clumsily) charge into battle to aid his friends Donald and Goofy. He plays the role as the physical fighter type in the Final Fantasy Genre (meaning he can't learn magic). His "battle-moves" are creative...yet humorous to watch sometimes as he performs clumsy fighting skills that are "surprisingly" effective. His weapon is the Shield which he uses as a method of Charging into enemies "head-on". His Shield comes in various styles...some of which range from small (for more offense) to large (for more defense).


The Main Villain of the first Game. Believed to once be a great researcher of the Heartless before he turned his life to Darkness. His Journals are scattered across the worlds. Piecing them all together reveals a different side of he really the bad guy?

Either way you will face in in a final showdown. Be warned...he will be tough if your not leveled up.

His main striking features is a royal suit...long silver hair...and a wicked stare. He is followed by a vile looking shadow that serves as his weapon, shield, and bodyguard.

The Heartless

Strange and mysterious creatures that feed on the darkness in people's hearts. These creatures will attack Sora and range in different shapes...usually dark colors...and have unique abilities (usually accustomed to the area they come from). They seem to resemble shapes form people or animals which suggests they take the form of whatever dark origins they absorb.

Not much is clear about the origins of the Heartless (at least not in Kingdom Hearts 1). But it is possible that they aren't "purposely-evil" creatures...after-all...they survive on the darkness from "others".

The Game suggest that heartless grow from a small "baby" heartless into whatever form it eats the darkness from. Baby Heartless are litte dark creatures with beady yellow eyes...little arms..and antennas. They later can grow into a vast number of shapes and sizes...all with the distinguishing mark of a "heart" symbol with an "cross-out" mark on it.


In later parts of the game...Sora turns into a Heartless...but somehow isn't succumbed to it's dark habit. He then ventures out to stumble upon Kairi. Only to have her friendship restore Sora back to his normal self. This suggests that a heartless may not be "intentionally" evil.

As a special can watch a video of the upcomming Kingdom Hearts 2. The Heartless portrayed have similar basic styles as baby heartless...but look more menacing and "human" like.