Halo: Combat Evolved/KoTH

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Revision as of 06:02, 18 February 2009 by BKPB58 (talk | contribs) (Reason is because its not long enough for me.)

King of the Hill (often abbreviated to "KotH") is a mode where you have to control a predefined or changing territory on the map. It can be played in teams or not.

At the end of the round, the team/player which has spent the greatest amount of time as king of the hill (i.e. in control of the territory) wins.

Note that killing someone doesn't give you any points in this mode.

The following are added by BKPB58.The reason,I think its because in my sight,it wasn't enough information.

Versions of KotH

KotH Vanilla

Sit on your "throne" for a certain amount of time (Original is 2 min.) and you win.Hill DOES NOT MOVE.And your starting weapon is a plasma pistol

Team KotH

Same rules apply.The only difference is that you are in teams.However,there is a math problem for some newbies:

Player 1(Red):0:09 Player 2(Red):1:00 Player 3(Blue):0:08 Player 4(Blue):1:05

So that means the red team total is 1:09 and the blue conisders 1:13.

Crazy KotH

Rules applies for vanilla.One spec is not the same:The "throne" changes its place for a certain amount of time (original is 1 min.).Be the first to get in 2 min. inside the throne and you get yourself a crown.Just be sure not be a crazy king!

Team Crazy KotH

Team version of the Crazy KotH.First team to rack 2 min. wins.And all the players in it will get a crown!


Your starting weapons are different:Assault rifle,pistol and a few frags to make your king term a bit shorter.

Tips to win

  • Team KotH:Have 1 ally inside the "throne" and the other ally outside to shield the "king" with a sniper.
  • Every KotH:Close-range weapons are your best bet in making your term longer.The reason why is that the closer the enemy is,the enemies chances of getting killed is increased.
  • Due to the king area as just a ring,not a detector,you can use active camoflouge to surprise your enemies attacking/defending the hill.