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Three spam e-mails within the temple area.

The temple is the final map within Darwinia.

Darwinians constructed a temple long ago in an attempt to communicate with their creator. They did so by aligning a Trunk Port with "Heaven", the soul repository in the center of Darwinia, managing to download data files. Initially, they collected research files which contained the schematics and designs for Darwinia. In a further thirst for knowledge, they began to download the personal e-mails of Dr. Sepulveda.

Noticing the activity, he severed the connection, but not before virus-infected e-mails infected the population, replicating at an alarming rate, and destroying the remaining survivors.


  • Destroy three infected e-mails


Charge forward with a squad from the trunk port and capture an incubator. With the initial viruses, you should be able to collect enough souls to support and create your Darwinian population.

To the left of the trunk port, there is an incubator guarded by two spiders. They are not within useful range and can be ignored.

Once you have the initial base ready, you can now take on the e-mails. These have an extremely dangerous attack, as they periodically release tracking red beams in large quantities that create heavy units and subvert Darwinians to their side.

Side e-mail[edit]

The e-mail to the side can be destroyed quickly. Send an engineer to the nearby radar dish and create a squad. This can be done even before securing the first island.

Temple e-mail[edit]

The e-mail within the temple is guarded by soul destroyers. While you can send an engineer to capture the radar dish, you may want to send two armour units and deploy them outside the range of the temple, in order to clear a path to the virus e-mail. With the soul destroyers out of the way and an open path, you can send a single squad to destroy the e-mail.

Darwinian e-mail[edit]

The last e-mail is on the far corner of the map. While there are two radar dishes used for access, one is guarded by a battle cannon.

If you have trouble breaking through the defences with a small force, you need to build a path through the side island and capture the radar dish and incubator just off the island. Once the radar dish is ready and the Darwinians are in position, send them through.