Half-Life 2/"We Don't Go To Ravenholm": Difference between revisions

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You're not far away from getting out of Ravenholm now. You can go left and follow the tunnel and stairs to reach a previous side room you explored (only you're now coming out of a previously locked door), or go straight on to the ladder. Up the ladder is a room full of boxes and headcrabs, so kill them all. Go to the door and open it to appear back outside. Go across the wooden walkway to your left onto the next roof and kill the pair of fast zombies that leap at you from the far building. Kill the poison zombie below and any headcrabs that come off him (preferably without falling off). You've got two choices here; you can either go the long way and keep your health, or leap straight down and sacrifice some. You'll only lose a maximum of 5 health so you may as well, but the long route goes along the roof to the left, along some concrete and across another gap to a small tunnel house and dead-end road which you can then follow back and over a fence to get to the bottom area where the poison zombie was. Either way, once you're down here, hop up the broken metal stairs and follow the walkway around to the door. A fast zombie will approach from the buildings you were previously on; you can either kill it now or wait until you're inside. Just beyond the door you'll find some SMG ammo, an SMG grenade, and two lots of magnum ammo. Head to the ladder up the stairs and around the corner, and you'll push open a metal hatch to the roof of another building. The hatch will close behind you, and you can see Father Grigori in the grassy section beyond the tall wire fence on the right.
You're not far away from getting out of Ravenholm now. You can go left and follow the tunnel and stairs to reach a previous side room you explored (only you're now coming out of a previously locked door), or go straight on to the ladder. Up the ladder is a room full of boxes and headcrabs, so kill them all. Go to the door and open it to appear back outside. Go across the wooden walkway to your left onto the next roof and kill the pair of fast zombies that leap at you from the far building. Kill the poison zombie below and any headcrabs that come off him (preferably without falling off). You've got two choices here; you can either go the long way and keep your health, or leap straight down and sacrifice some. You'll only lose a maximum of 5 health so you may as well, but the long route goes along the roof to the left, along some concrete and across another gap to a small tunnel house and dead-end road which you can then follow back and over a fence to get to the bottom area where the poison zombie was. Either way, once you're down here, hop up the broken metal stairs and follow the walkway around to the door. A fast zombie will approach from the buildings you were previously on; you can either kill it now or wait until you're inside. Just beyond the door you'll find some SMG ammo, an SMG grenade, and two lots of magnum ammo. Head to the ladder up the stairs and around the corner, and you'll push open a metal hatch to the roof of another building. The hatch will close behind you, and you can see Father Grigori in the grassy section beyond the tall wire fence on the right.

He'll start sending the lift cart to take you across the gap and over the fence, but in true Valve-style level design, it takes absolutely ages. In the mean time, you get to have a nice up-close and personal encounter with lots of your fast zombie friends. Oh dear. There's a little shotgun ammo and some medpacks up here, but only take them when you need them. You should be a little more proficient with the shotgun by now, so you can use that to deal with fast zombies instead of the SMG (although don't be afraid to switch to it if you can't hit any of them). Your enemies can't jump straight up to your roof, but they will climb the drainpipes around it; you can use this to your advantage by waiting at the top of a rattling drainpipe and shooting the zombies as they climb it. This may seem a little cheap but it's a lot easier than dealing with them once they're up on the roof with you, and your health and ammo lasts a lot longer since they can't touch you and you aren't as likely to miss. Should you fall off (and you might), you will have to sprint through the streets back along the long route described before, up the walkways and through the building. However this time you'll have fast zombies on your tail so don't forget to sprint. After a while the cart will arrive, so pick up anything you've left behind, get in, and release the brake lever to go across to Grigori.
He'll start sending the lift cart to take you across the gap and over the fence, but in true Valve-style level design, it takes absolutely ages. In the mean time, you get to have a nice up-close and personal encounter with lots of your fast zombie friends. Oh dear. There's a little shotgun ammo and some medpacks up here, but only take them when you need them. You should be a little more proficient with the shotgun by now, so you can use that to deal with fast zombies instead of the SMG (although don't be afraid to switch to it if you can't hit any of them. But if you stick with the shotgun, use the secondary fire to take care of them faster). Your enemies can't jump straight up to your roof, but they will climb the drainpipes around it; you can use this to your advantage by waiting at the top of a rattling drainpipe and shooting the zombies as they climb it. This may seem a little cheap but it's a lot easier than dealing with them once they're up on the roof with you, and your health and ammo lasts a lot longer since they can't touch you and you aren't as likely to miss. Should you fall off (and you might), you will have to sprint through the streets back along the long route described before, up the walkways and through the building. However this time you'll have fast zombies on your tail so don't forget to sprint. After a while the cart will arrive, so pick up anything you've left behind, get in, and release the brake lever to go across to Grigori.

Once the cart is over, hop out and greet him. There's some medpacks, and SMG, magnum and shotgun ammo on the table down here. Follow Grigori past the loading screen, and you'll deal with some zombies on the way to the cemetery. He's a lot more resilient to zombie ravaging than you are, and his shotgun is a lot more powerful and accurate than yours, but oh well. When you get to the cemetery, you'll have to slowly cut down the waves of zombies as you work your way through, but thankfully some thoughtful person left some sawblades just over the fence for you to use. Make sure you do use the various items around the graveyard as you'll be a little strapped for ammo for a while. You and Grigori will make a stand on a raised concrete section for a few moments whilst some fire clears, then you'll proceed to the tomb at the end. Your friend will hold open a gate for you whilst you go through, then it'll close. Sadly, Father Grigori won't be able to join you in your quest, and he'll keep fighting right up until his last breath in the inferno. Walk up to the mine entrance building and follow the path around to the loading screen.
Once the cart is over, hop out and greet him. There's some medpacks, and SMG, magnum and shotgun ammo on the table down here. Follow Grigori past the loading screen, and you'll deal with some zombies on the way to the cemetery. He's a lot more resilient to zombie ravaging than you are, and his shotgun is a lot more powerful and accurate than yours, but oh well. When you get to the cemetery, you'll have to slowly cut down the waves of zombies as you work your way through, but thankfully some thoughtful person left some sawblades just over the fence for you to use. Make sure you do use the various items around the graveyard as you'll be a little strapped for ammo for a while. You and Grigori will make a stand on a raised concrete section for a few moments whilst some fire clears, then you'll proceed to the tomb at the end. Your friend will hold open a gate for you whilst you go through, then it'll close. Sadly, Father Grigori won't be able to join you in your quest, and he'll keep fighting right up until his last breath in the inferno. Walk up to the mine entrance building and follow the path around to the loading screen.
