Flight of the Amazon Queen/Controls

From StrategyWiki, the video game walkthrough and strategy guide wiki

Flight of the Amazon Queen is mostly a mouse-controlled game.

To move around the screen, click Mouse left click to where you want Joe to move. He will try to walk to the given location, sometimes mentioning if it's impossible.

To perform an action, you need to construct a command. First, you can click Mouse left click on the command icons at the bottom-left corner, then either click an object in inventory or on-screen. In some cases, you may need to select two objects rather than one. Most objects also have a default command associated with them by clicking Mouse right click.

Although the game can be played using only the mouse, there are keyboard shortcuts:

  •  ESC : Skips a cutscene, or exits dialogue.
  •  F1 : Opens the journal, to load, save, adjust options, or quit.
  •  F5 : Restarts.
  •  F10 : Quit.
  •  Space : Skips one line of text speech.
  •  O : Open
  •  C : Close
  •  M : Move
  •  P : Pick up
  •  L : Look at
  •  U : Use
  •  T : Talk to
  •  G : Give
  •  1 ,  2 ,  3 ,  4 : Selects an inventory item, or a dialog option.
  •  Cursor : Moves the mouse pointer.
  •  Ctrl : Same as left mouse button
  •  Alt : Same as right mouse button