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As in many RPGs, Suikoden II features multiple endings. Based on your behavior and your choices, you will attend one of the four endings below. The procedures to be followed to obtain each ending are described below, trying to reveal as little as possible.

Standard Ending

After the final battle against the Beast Rune, you will find yourself back in your castle. Upon entering the great hall, you will be received by your companions and a proposal will be made to you. Accept it to see the standard ending.

Alternate Ending

If you reject the previous proposal (or don't enter the great hall), you can go wherever you want in the world. Alone though, because Leona will no longer be present at the bar and therefore you will no longer be able to add characters to the group. Talk to Viki and teleport to Kyaro. From here, head northwest on the world map, to Tenzan Pass. Follow the path all the way back to where the hero's and Jowy's paths diverged at the start of the game. Here you will meet someone, who will challenge you to a one-on-one duel. Win the duel twice to see this ending.

Best Ending

To see this ending you must first meet two conditions:

  • You must have recruited all 108 characters before the battle of Rockaxe. If so, during the pre-battle meeting in the great hall, Leknaat will appear, announcing that all 108 Stars of Destiny have been found, and will unlock the fourth level of your rune magic.
  • When in Rockaxe castle you will meet Lord Gorudo and Nanami will intervene to defend you, respond to her very quickly, it does not matter with which of the two options. Also make sure that Nanami has a high defense value, at least 120.

At this point, if you have met the conditions, proceed as described for the previous ending, up to the meeting on Tenzan Pass. Refuse to fight, but you will be challenged in any case. During the battles, however, always choose to defend yourself, never attack. Eventually your opponent will offer you a rune. Reject it repeatedly. If you have done everything as described, on your fourth refusal the best final scene will begin.

Worst Ending

This ending will force you to finish the game prematurely. During the war in Tinto, Nanami will offer you to escape from the war. You will have to agree with her. After escaping Tinto, head to Crom, Tigermouth, and finally Drakemouth. Here the hero will faint and Nanami will lead you to a hut, where you will wake up. Shortly after, you will be joined by your companions, who will try several times to make you change your mind and go back to fighting, but you will always have to refuse. When you can finally move, exit south, to escape like a coward.

Note: In the first three endings, the fate of all the characters you have recruited will be revealed, in the worst ending not.