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Spoiler warning! This section of the article contains spoilers, or hints about the game's storyline or progression.

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Branching Storylines/ Alternate Endings

In the game, the plot takes one of three different turns: Bad, Average, and Good. Nick's actions and his good/bad cop rating decides the course. Each ending path concludes with a one-on-one brawl.

Bad Ending

Nick faces off with Han Yu Kim at the top of a high-rise bank, after shooting his way through the General's mercenaries. If Nick loses the final fight, he is thrown off the building and only wakes up in time to realize his fate, as the General escapes. If Nick wins, the General falls off the building. Rocky is also dead and the case is closed, leaving many questions unanswered.

Average Ending

Rosie is kidnapped by Rocky, who forces Nick to drive an armored car full of counterfeit money to the Chinatown Plaza, in exchange for her life. After being ambushed and killing the General's mercenaries, Rocky and Nick have a final fight. If Nick loses, he dies and Rocky escapes. If Nick wins, Rocky surprises him and is about to stab him to death, when he is shot down by Rosie. Earlier, he had taunted Nick about knowing the truth about his father; however, the secret died with him.

Good Ending

After battling through Ancient Wu's trials, the truth is revealed: Rocky was formerly a plant by the KGB, who quickly turned criminal when given the opportunity, along with Rafferty, Henry's former partner. Kang tracks the two to the Santa Monica airport, but is surprised and knocked unconscious. Coming to, Rocky reveals the rest of the story: when Henry refused to be turned by Rocky or Rafferty, Rocky shot him in the head and dumped his body in the ocean. He is about to shoot Nick when Rafferty leaps in front of him and takes the bullet, moments before Nick is freed from his bonds and attacks Rocky, before having to fight off the General's mercenaries.

He manages to kill them and escape the hangar where he was being held, just in time to see Rocky escaping in a private plane. Nick follows in a nearby car, shooting the engines and causing the plane to explode, killing Rocky. The only one left in the case is the General, who commissioned Rocky to launder counterfit bills made in North Korea for actual money, in order to rebuild their economy. The involvement of the Triads and the Russians were to mask their actions. However, Rocky decided to keep the money, leading to the General becoming directly involved. The two have a final battle next to the ruins of Rocky's jet.

Branching storylines in True Crime involve performing many "Good Cop" tasks, to reach the higher paths.