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'The year was 19xx. Cyber society was almost completed...."We've done what we can. Now It's up to the next generation to finish the research....Yes?...Our children will certainly complete what we've started...Yes, let's hope so...'

The Beginning

When you start a new game, you'll see the above words.These are a conversation between two scientists in the past, relating to a project they worked on together. afterwards, there is a brief conversation between Megaman and Lan, where Megaman wakes up Lan from sleeping. When you regain control of Lan, you'll receive an e-mail containing the basics on jacking in, subchips, and editing folders. If you haven't played any of the battlenetwork series games before, it'll be a good idea to have a look at these before you go any further. After you're done reading, go to your mom downstairs to talk to her.

1st Mission Objective!

Your Mom hands out to you the first mission objective in the game: deliver a recipie to a friend's Navi in KitchenComp (Kitchen Computer), which is accessed from ACDC Area 2. after you finish speaking to your mother, go back to your room, and jack into your computer using R button to send Megaman into cyberspace!


When you enter you computer and move forward a bit, you'll enter the game's battling tutorial, showing you the basics of battling, by testing your skills against some viruses that managed to find their way onto your computer. when you finish, keep heading forward until you reach the teleporter, which will bring you to ACDC area 1.

ACDC Area 1

Once you enter the area,you'll notice a green road. this is the main road for ACDC. follow it to reach ACDC area 2. however, there are secrets and shops along the way.

  • in the second path on the left, you'll find blue mystery data containing a MiniEnrg(Mini Energy) Subchip, which recovers 50 hp outside of battle.
  • The second path on the right leads to a subchip dealer.
  • The path to the left of the subchip dealer's area is linked to Maylu's PC, but it is blocked off by a Security Cube.
  • The third path on the right is a long path that on its right turn, leads to Yai's PC, which is blocked off by a Security cube.
  • The fourth Path on the right leads to a Blue Mystery Data containing 800z.
ACDC Subchip Dealer
MiniEnrg - recovers 50 Hp outside battle 100z
Sneakrun - helps repel weak viruses 300z
Unlocker - unlocks purple mystery data 4000z

Mystery Data
These diamonds of data found around the net come in 3 colours:blue, purple and green. The bluemystery data can only be obtained once. the purple mystery data requires using the Unlocker subchip, and also can be used once. The green ones however, regenerate at random locations throughout the net, allowing you to acess what's inside everytime you jack in. What's in Mystery Data? Some say it bears fortune, others say weapons and power-ups. even some sceptical ones say it bears disaster and misfortune to some. What's inside, that's a mystery...only one way to find out!