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The Strategic Map

This mission is pretty easy, and not really interesting. Playing as Albrecht of Prussia, you have to unite the country under your rule, and to eliminate the Teutonic Order.

There are four others powers in the area, plus Poland. For once, Poland will not be a threat, so you will have to focus on the other Prussian cities.

The other Prussian factions will not put up much of a fight, and to make things even easier, one of them (of your choice) will fight by your side.

To complete the scenario, you will have to claim the territories of the three hostile cities, and send Albrecht to Poland to secure a treaty.

Mission information

Primary Objectives
  1. Use Albrecht to chose an ally
  2. Unit Prussia
  3. Send Albrecht to Poland
Secondary Objectives
  1. Protect the Nobles
Defeat Conditions
  1. Albrecht is killed
  2. A territory is lost
  3. Konigsburg City Center is destroyed
  4. Fail to unite Prussia by Poland's deadline
  1. Prussia - Red (Player)
  2. Tilsit - Yellow
  3. Marienwerder - Blue
  4. Lyck - Grey
  5. Friedland - Teal
  6. Teutonic Order - Orange
  7. Poland - Green
Epochs Available
  1. VII - Renaissance


As usual, before doing anything, make sure you have six peasants on each resource. Garrison Citizens in your University and Priests in your Temple to produce technology points quickly.

Your very first objective is to find an ally. Any of the four other cities will do. The mission is not difficult, and there is not much difference betwen any of them. Tilsit is probably the best choice, as your ally will then cover your right flank, and offer a good trade opportunity.

In any case, when you have made your choice, send Albrecht to that city create an alliance. Not surprisingly, the three other cities will turn hostile and start attacking you. Do not fear though, most attacks will consist in a few Musketeers and possibly one or two Culverins.

Shortly after, you will be given your first and only secondary objective: protect your ally's Nobles while the have a little chat about the Reformation. The Nobles will appear nearby your ally City Center and will stand there for around three minutes. From time to time, Teutonic Crusaders will appear and try to kill the Nobles. Protect them until the three minutes timer wears off to receive a few more troops and resources.

While you're protecting the Nobles, start building up an army, by chain-producing Culverins, Musketeers, Hang Grenaders and Knights. When you have a decently sized army (30 men and 5 Culverins), attack the nearest enemy town and raze it to the ground. Build a City Center to claim the territory, leave a few units there and move onto the next city.

Each time you claim a new territory by building a City Center (except for the last one), the same thing will happen: Nobles will appear near the newly built City Center, and you will have to protect them against the Teutonic Order. If you don't have the men to do it, simply let the Nobles die. The reward is nice (you get a small army everytime), but not game-breaking.

Do not let Albrecht die.

Anyroad, do not stop your attack until the three hostile factions are destroyed. If you want to speed up the process, you can build military buildings in your new territories and chain-produce more units there. The last city to fall will probably be the most well-defended one, as the AI got more time to build up. You might have to tear down a Fortress, in the very worst case.

When you capture the last territory, all of your ally's units and buildings become yours and you receive the last objective: bring Albrecht to Poland to secure a treaty. Take all units you have left (which should be a lot) and escort Albrecht safely. When you reach the bridge the leads to Poland, the Teutonic Knights will make a last attempt at screwing your plans: two groups of Teutonic Crusaders will appear and charge Albrecht. They are quite resilient, but should die quickly. Make sure Albrecht does not die. If needed, move him around while your army shoots at the Teutonics. When the last Crusader dies, bring Albrecht on the other side of the bridge to win the mission.


  • You need to keep Albrecht alive at all cost. Sending him to battle might not be a good idea: Musketeers and Culverins are deadly, even for a hero.
  • There is apparently a deadline: uniting Poland must be done before April. You have roughly one year to take out the three other cities. There is no rush, but try to not be too slow.