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Don Flamenco

  • Record: 22-3 9 KO
  • Age: 23
  • Weight: 152 lbs
  • From: Madrid, Spain
  • Decision: 10,000 points

Don Flamenco can be difficult if you don't know the trick to defeating him. First, he will stand and taunt you. If you try to jab him, he will do his Flamenco Punch, the powerful move that would make this match difficult if you didn't know what to do about it. When he does this move, he will stand straight up and raise his arm, quickly followed by a very swift and broad punch that looks sort of like an uppercut. Dodge as soon as you see him raise his arm (in fact, you can dodge just after he blocks the punch).

After you dodge the punch, hit him with alternating jabs: left jab, right jab, left jab, right jab, etc. It will not work if you hit the same side twice. He will just stand there letting you hit him with alternating jabs until he falls down! When he gets up, he will immediately do a Flamenco Punch, which you likewise need to immediately dodge, then you repeat the process. If he hasn't hit you by the time you knock him down the second time, you will probably get a KO!

An even easier method, is when he gets up after the first knock down and goes for the Flamenco punch, instead of dodging, just start throwing left jabs to his stomach. He will keep trying for his Flamenco punch and you keep countering with a left jab to the bread basket until he goes down. He will not get up after this.

If you're unlucky and he knocks you down, beware that he will immediately do a Flamenco Punch when you get up.

King Hippo

  • Record: 18-9 18 KO
  • Age: ??
  • Weight: ???
  • From: Hippo Island, South Pacific
  • Decision: cannot win by decision

This guy's not so tough if you know his secret. He has two telegraphs: if he raises a fist to his mouth, he's about to punch. But it's the other telegraph you're interested in: he quickly vibrates, opens his mouth, and goes for the overhead smash. Give him a jab when he opens his mouth. If you do, his boxing shorts will drop and expose his bandaged navel. Repeatedly punch that navel until he pulls his pants up. Just repeat this process until you knock him down. He'll fall on his butt and won't get up.

He has one move where he will jump back and start hopping around. After this he jumps to the center and does many open mouthed punches. This is a big chance to get alot of damage. Also, his punches do alot of damange, so beware!

Great Tiger

  • Record: 24-5 3 KO
  • Age: 29
  • Weight: 132 lbs
  • From: Bombay, India
  • Decision: 10,000 points

This guy's jab telegraph isn't as obvious: the jewel of his turban will flash, but you have to watch closely because it's small and the color change isn't as obvious as it could be.

After a while he will begin a series of uppercuts, alternating left and right. Hit him while he's ducking and you will get a star. Then dodge the next uppercut, hit him with a couple of jabs (not more than three), then hit him with an uppercut of your own. It is easy to knock him down a couple of times pretty quickly this way.

Eventually he will disappear and do his magician routine. As soon as he disappears, hold Down dpad to block. You will see shadows of him going about in a circle, pausing when you block his punch. Each time you block his punch, hold Down dpad to block the next one. After the fifth time you block, he will stand in the middle, stunned. Hit him with a jab or uppercut and he will fall down.

Bald Bull

  • Record: 34-4 29 KO
  • Age: 36
  • Weight: 298 lbs
  • From: Istanbul, Turkey
  • Decision: cannot win by decision

Bald Bull telegraphs a jab by circling his fists, and telegraphs a hook by an odd, quick motion which is difficult to describe. Just dodge and return jabs as normal.

For the first part he will do only jabs. Then he will start doing hooks and uppercuts. He will do a jab every once and a while to throw you of ballance.

At times he will jump back and run toward you. This is his Bull Charge. When he reaches you he will do a really fast uppercut that will instantly knock you down. As usual, if you hit him just as he gets close, you will instantly knock him down instead. If you dodge the Bull Charge, he will just jump back and do it again, and again, until one of you gets knocked down or the clock runs out.