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Enter Talent Shows to win money to spend in the store. There are three difficulty levels, and the higher level you choose the more challenging opponents you will have. Each difficulty also has it's own sub-levels. You go up a level every time you win in a talent show. As you progress through the levels, you need to do better tricks to ensure a higher score. However, your pet will not have to perform tricks it doesn't know.

Round 1: Obedience[edit]

In the first round you need to perform some selected tricks.

In the first round, you need to tell your pet to perform three randomly selected tricks. Do this by clicking on the right icons at the bottom of the screen. If your pet doesn't understand your command or fails to do the trick, you'll have to keep trying until it does, otherwise the next trick will be counted as a miss. You have to do them in the order they are written on the screen. You have 20 seconds to get your pet to do all three. If you fail to do them all, you will get 0 points for this round.

Round 2: Grooming and Beauty[edit]

In the second round, the judges will decide how many points your pet gets based on it's accessories.

The second round is judged upon your pet's accessories and it's hygiene. Before you enter it into a Talent Show, brush your pet or bath it to get it's Groom Metre full. If you dress your pet up in matching Accessories, this also helps you get a higher score. During this round, you need to get your pet to Walk Around so the judges can get a better look at it.

Round 3: Freestyle[edit]

In the third and final round, you can tell your pet to do any tricks you want.

In the final round, you can show off and do any tricks you want. The best tricks to use are the ones that are combined. If you want, even finish off with a bow! Your score is judged on how advanced the tricks are that you used.

After you finish the show, you see your position and prize money.

After the time is up in the third round, you find out what your final score is. Your final score is simply your scores for all three rounds added up. You see what position you came in too; for the first time in the show you will also see your opponent's scores. Based on your position and what level and sub-level you are on, you will get some prize money. The higher levels and sublevels will provide better prizes, but the competition will be more difficult. Click on the house icon to return home.